Stupid Voters That Refuse To Vote Unless They Get Their Candidate


No one's individual vote is more important, valuable or legitimate than mine.

Caroljo (01-25-2012), Cecilie1200 (01-26-2012), Grampa Murked U (Today), Pale Rider (01-26-2012), Qball (01-25-2012), WillowTree (01-25-2012)

These are the people that "thanked" the OP for wanting to punch people in the mouth for voting for who they felt best represented them rather than vote for someone they disagree with. Wanting to invoke violence to punish those that don't vote how you want them to vote is pretty much as un-American as it gets, grats on that title kids.

Here is a tip, stop electing Neocons. Neocons = Progressives with an R next to their name... Mitt = Progressive, fuck, he even said so.

Oh I know, I have the context wrong, lol...
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These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

Don't blame others for your fuckups. You are like a rabid dog that can't figure out why no one will pet him.

The people who deserve Obama are people like you.

My vote has to be earned. A concept I realize is alien to you.

The GOP offered a gaggle of incompetents, liars, and hypocrites to choose from. Maybe someday they will figure out all those millions of people who don't vote don't want to encourage that kind of stupidity.

There isn't a drop of honor left in the GOP. Not. One. Drop.

When you offer up a candidate who has honor and integrity, and who is not afraid to offer a workable plan of action instead of dodging and weaving and never giving specifics, then I will vote.

But until then, here are the following choices in November:

1. Evil

2. Lesser evil (which is still evil)

3. Propellerheads.

When you vote for someone, you encourage them. Why on Earth would you want to encourage evil?

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Christ. You clueless fucks act as if this is the best you can do. That doesn't exactly inspire confidence!

Taking down Obama should be a cake walk, and what do you do? You offer up a bevy of limp dicks, cowards, liars, hypocrites, and prevaricators!

And you blame US for Obama doing so well in the polls?


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...a limp dick, cowardly, confused, prevaricating loser!

I'm sure you mean that in the best possible way!



Do you want to know why Romney won the nomination?

Because after you scrub all the hate, ignorance, lies, and hypocrisy out of the current GOP, all you are left with is an empty husk with a GOP sticker on it.

That's Romney. The best of a bad lot.

These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.
Hey!!! That's me!


You're the idiot that supported the wrong candidate. I've told you what it'll take to get my vote.

Same here. I am voting though I am voting for Gary Johnson so he is wrong we won't vote.Course mud dick is a moron so who gives a shit what he thinks?
Caroljo (01-25-2012), Cecilie1200 (01-26-2012), Grampa Murked U (Today), Pale Rider (01-26-2012), Qball (01-25-2012), WillowTree (01-25-2012)

These are the people that "thanked" the OP for wanting to punch people in the mouth for voting for who they felt best represented them rather than vote for someone they disagree with. Wanting to invoke violence to punish those that don't vote how you want them to vote is pretty much as un-American as it gets, grats on that title kids.

Here is a tip, stop electing Neocons. Neocons = Progressives with an R next to their name... Mitt = Progressive, fuck, he even said so.

Mitt Romney: I'm Progressive - YouTube

Oh I know, I have the context wrong, lol...

It depends on which crowd he's pandering to how he presents himself.

Seriously folks; if he didn't have an R next to his name; he would be polling to the right of the decimal point. I suspect Obama would have a number to the left of a decimal point but it would be a low number as well.
The OP and those who agree with him need to grow up and realize few will ever get his ‘dream’ candidate; of all the ballots I’ve cast over the decades I’ve never voted ‘for’ anyone, always against.

We also fail to understand the fundamental nature of our Republic, where we are ruled by laws, not men – where the individual candidate should be irrelevant, where the president should be a neutral administrator as intended by the Framers.

But our need for some sort of strong ruler or ‘leader’ is too overpowering, and consequently we allowed the aberration that is the Imperial Presidency.

Now we’re trapped in an endless cycle of winner take all, where the goal is not sound and responsible governance but the utter destruction of one’s political opposition – perceived as the ‘enemy,’ even if the Nation is harmed in the process.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

Agree 100%.. Romney would drill, keep our defense up to par, reinstate bans on funding foreign abortions, support DOMA, fix programs like Medicare and social security, repeal Obamacare, support small business, and bring jobs back to America.

Sitting out is like a vote against these things and for Obama. All the Paulbots make great Democracks.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

Agree 100%.. Romney would drill, keep our defense up to par, reinstate bans on funding foreign abortions, support DOMA, fix programs like Medicare and social security, repeal Obamacare, support small business, and bring jobs back to America.

Sitting out is like a vote against these things and for Obama. All the Paulbots make great Democracks.

Oh so you too support violence towards those that don't vote for who you think they should be voting for instead of whom them feel best represents them?

Man, these Mitt supporters are fuckin crazy ass fuckers.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

Agree 100%.. Romney would drill, keep our defense up to par, reinstate bans on funding foreign abortions, support DOMA, fix programs like Medicare and social security, repeal Obamacare, support small business, and bring jobs back to America.

Sitting out is like a vote against these things and for Obama. All the Paulbots make great Democracks.

But if not voting for Romney means I'm actually voting for Obama, doesn't not voting for Obama mean I'm actually voting for Romney too? So I'm actually voting for both of them.
How about the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies writing RomneyCare the same way they wrote ObamaCare?

I believe Romney has come out against Obama's fascist care.

Says he's proud of his own fascist care, though.

So much so that he once claimed he wanted to see it on a federal level... wait... OOOOOOH SHIIT!!!

Nooo Mitt Nooooo, why did you have to say it on TV EVEN!
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