Subjects or Citizens?

I'm figuring .. the Government.. will make a grand presentation..

and we'll be screwed...

because they didn't do their job..

then they'll run around blaming each other..
Yes, that is all they are doing. Just playing, trying to hide it from the's not working. You're right, soon they Will start blaming each other ad that's where all the chaos will start. The main reason for all this controversy is because of over exploitation. The government sees what is ahead of them yet unable to stop it. However there is one solution to this. It goes against most of the world's policy but that solution is WAR.
You´re subjects. Just the other day you fools celebrated yet another lie. They didn´t stand a chance against you militarily so they used the nuclear option to finish you off. BANKSTERS
Pols are very reluctant to throw their voters under the bus.

The GOP needs money from the wealthy, and the dems need money from the unions and liberals.

The best way this would work after the "grand bargain", is the Pelosi method... "we need to pass the Bill to see whats in it"
All hail the mighty dollar. We the loyal subjects of the dollar implore you oh mighty corporation. Please let the government be kind to us.

probably something like that.:eusa_whistle:
Until we close the Federal Reserve we will remain Subjects. :doubt:
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Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some.
Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some.

How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.
Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some. rep isn't open...maybe you forgot how...:lol:

But I'll rep you.. nice post...
Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some.

How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.

Since there is no place to "Sign Up" to be in the TEA Party, we of like minds are somewhat adrift, but, being of like minds, we seem to find each other in places like this.

The lying vipers who have been stealing from us to line the pockets of themselves and those with whom they consort annoy and anger us.

If there happens to be a guy who supports every Liberal agenda ever professed, but also adamantly supports the reduction of all Federal Spending and the reduction of taxes, I'm for him. On the other hand, if there is a guy who supports every Conservative agenda item ever defined but also seeks to increase spending, I'm against him.

The problem is that both major parties are filled with career thieves who lie as routinely as they draw breath. I'm just a tad disgusted by the whole bunch.

Reduce regulation. Reduce government employees. Reduce government spending. Reduce the intrusion of the Federal Government into the business of the States. Reduce the intrusion of the Federal Government into the lives of the subjects.

If your agenda includes the increase of any of these areas of government, I oppose your agenda and your holding of any office.
Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some.

How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.

Because they're not a 'party', they're a movement. Idiot.
Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some.

How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.

Because they're not a 'party', they're a movement. Idiot.

Well, let me help you a little. If you take the time to read, they call themselves a "party" as evidenced from the previous poster. As for a "movement" are giving me one.
How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.

Because they're not a 'party', they're a movement. Idiot.

Well, let me help you a little. If you take the time to read, they call themselves a "party" as evidenced from the previous poster. As for a "movement" are giving me one.

California Girl has special powers it seems...:lol:
Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some.

How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.

Because they're not a 'party', they're a movement. Idiot.

:whip:...California Girl must be wearing her leathers today...:lol:
Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some.

How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.

Because they're not a 'party', they're a movement. Idiot.

yeah yet another bowell movement.
the hopey changeys of the world seem to need the promise of change though.
It always turns out to be an illusion when delaing with politics though.
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How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.

Because they're not a 'party', they're a movement. Idiot.

Well, let me help you a little. If you take the time to read, they call themselves a "party" as evidenced from the previous poster. As for a "movement" are giving me one.

If you google TEA Party Platform, you'll get abut 10 distinct versions from various parts of the country. Your average pony league football team has a stricter hierarchy.

This IS a movement and the turds dropped will bear a striking resemblance to our current Senators and Reprehensibles.

What started in 2010 in going to gather momentum in 2012. Jefferson recomended a revolution every so often.

Thomas, we are fulfilling your dream.

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