Subjects or Citizens?

Roughly ???? years of the republican rule and the accomplishments were economic collapse, an illegal invasion that killed thousands and wasted billions, a collapsing infrastructure, and a failure to help our own citizens in Katrina. Oh, sorry I forgot the real accomplishments: increases in poverty, debt, unemployment, but the wealthy got tax breaks. Good work.

While the dems lack gonads at least a few have some values that could be defined as human, reasonable, American, and promising. Giving the wealthy more money and the corporations more power is why we are here. But words have power and money buys words.

"Anti-government rhetoric is once again all the rage (pun intended) in the United States. Neoconservatives, indomitable Reaganites, and the Mad Tea Party all inveigh against the federal government—its taxes, its programs, its bureaucracy, its regulations. Unlike the political Left, they are not worried about domestic and international injustice, exorbitant military spending (the one portion of the national budget they would not reduce), or the diminution of civil liberties. Nonetheless, given that anti-government rhetoric, it’s worth considering whether the Mad Tea Party and the libertarian Right have anything in common with anarchism itself."
Roughly ???? years of the republican rule and the accomplishments were economic collapse, an illegal invasion that killed thousands and wasted billions, a collapsing infrastructure, and a failure to help our own citizens in Katrina. Oh, sorry I forgot the real accomplishments: increases in poverty, debt, unemployment, but the wealthy got tax breaks. Good work.

While the dems lack gonads at least a few have some values that could be defined as human, reasonable, American, and promising. Giving the wealthy more money and the corporations more power is why we are here. But words have power and money buys words.

"Anti-government rhetoric is once again all the rage (pun intended) in the United States. Neoconservatives, indomitable Reaganites, and the Mad Tea Party all inveigh against the federal government—its taxes, its programs, its bureaucracy, its regulations. Unlike the political Left, they are not worried about domestic and international injustice, exorbitant military spending (the one portion of the national budget they would not reduce), or the diminution of civil liberties. Nonetheless, given that anti-government rhetoric, it’s worth considering whether the Mad Tea Party and the libertarian Right have anything in common with anarchism itself." History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.

Well now.. aside from your slanted point of view.. I glean that we can agree that neither major party has substantial enough gonads to solve the country's ills...

So .. were both left with spewing unsubstantiated bullshit ..:lol:

and.. I commend you, you're far better at it than I am...
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If the TEA Party is for the status quo, we would not have any of the bills that have passed in the House or the start of cutting back in regulations and the fight that is happening now with getting a smaller government.
The left has always been better at spewing bullshit Lumpy.
Roughly ???? years of the republican rule and the accomplishments were economic collapse, an illegal invasion that killed thousands and wasted billions, a collapsing infrastructure, and a failure to help our own citizens in Katrina. Oh, sorry I forgot the real accomplishments: increases in poverty, debt, unemployment, but the wealthy got tax breaks. Good work.

While the dems lack gonads at least a few have some values that could be defined as human, reasonable, American, and promising. Giving the wealthy more money and the corporations more power is why we are here. But words have power and money buys words.

"Anti-government rhetoric is once again all the rage (pun intended) in the United States. Neoconservatives, indomitable Reaganites, and the Mad Tea Party all inveigh against the federal government—its taxes, its programs, its bureaucracy, its regulations. Unlike the political Left, they are not worried about domestic and international injustice, exorbitant military spending (the one portion of the national budget they would not reduce), or the diminution of civil liberties. Nonetheless, given that anti-government rhetoric, it’s worth considering whether the Mad Tea Party and the libertarian Right have anything in common with anarchism itself." History News Network | Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.

Ahh...another sheeple...


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If the TEA Party is for the status quo, we would not have any of the bills that have passed in the House or the start of cutting back in regulations and the fight that is happening now with getting a smaller government.
The left has always been better at spewing bullshit Lumpy.

"The left has always been better at spewing bullshit Lumpy."

Well, you'll get no argument from me Darlin...:lol:
If the TEA Party is for the status quo, we would not have any of the bills that have passed in the House or the start of cutting back in regulations and the fight that is happening now with getting a smaller government.
The left has always been better at spewing bullshit Lumpy.

"The left has always been better at spewing bullshit Lumpy."

Well, you'll get no argument from me Darlin...:lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap2: :clap2:
If the TEA Party is for the status quo, we would not have any of the bills that have passed in the House or the start of cutting back in regulations and the fight that is happening now with getting a smaller government.
The left has always been better at spewing bullshit Lumpy.

Must be that Hahvahd edukation.
Hey.. what's the deal..?

Are we Subjects or Citizens?

What's up... with all this Closed Door Politics.. both parties..:evil:

I thought we asked for transparency in the last election...what gives...:dunno:

Excellent, topic, Lumpy!

It is related to so many areas to which we, American citizens, should be paying attention...its relationship to sovereignty....

Perhaps not the direction you were headed, but one of my favs!

"1. The framers of the Constitution were, of course, well-versed in the British common law, having learned its essential principles from William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England. As such, they knew that the very concept of citizenship was unknown in British common law. Blackstone speaks only of “birthright subjectship” or “birthright allegiance,” never using the terms citizen or citizenship. The idea of birthright subjectship is derived from feudal law.” The concept refers to the subjects of a king: perpetual allegiance.

2. But the Revolutionary War reversed this doctrine. The Declaration of Independence proclaims: “…“the good People of these Colonies. . . are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown…”

3. ‘James Wilson, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a member of the Constitutional Convention as well as a Supreme Court Justice, captured the essence of the matter when he remarked: “Under the Constitution of the United States there are citizens, but no subjects.” The transformation of subjects into citizens was the work of the Declaration and the Constitution… citizenship is based on the consent of the governed—not the accident of birth.’

4. “Citizenship, of course, does not exist by nature; it is created by law, and the identification of citizens has always been considered an essential aspect of sovereignty. Although the Constitution of 1787 mentioned citizens, it did not define citizenship. It was in 1868 that a definition of citizenship entered the Constitution, with the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. Here is the familiar language: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Thus there are two components to American citizenship: birth or naturalization in the U.S. and being subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S.”
Hi Lumpy,

I hadn't thought about in exactly those terms, but you are right. If we are waiting for the Elite to INFORM us of their decision, we are subjects.

It happened with Healthcare. Hell, it's happened with almost everyhting.

Was there a vote on the invasion of Libya?

Our permanently installed parties of power have robbed us of our Republic.

The TEA Party, whether you like it or not, is the only larger political organization that is striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people. The other two parties are striving to convince us all to stand back and wait for their direction.

I wish you had your rep open so I could give you some.

How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.
And this just shows your misconceptions of the TEA Party.

You say they have no leaders? That's the whole idea. They're people. They don't NEED a leader. They're citizens.
How can the TEA Party be striving to take back the power and deliver it to the people when they have no clear leader, and refuse to get one. They have no definitive plan, just generalities, and don't look like they are getting one anytime soon. Finally they have pledged to vote for any GOP candidate that runs against Obama, proving that they are going to support the status quo.

Because they're not a 'party', they're a movement. Idiot.

Well, let me help you a little. If you take the time to read, they call themselves a "party" as evidenced from the previous poster. As for a "movement" are giving me one.
When did the TEA Party sign up with the Federal Election Commission?


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