Subway founder: Obama has created oppresive regulatory environment

If the minimum wage is increased 22.2%, then the cost of the sandwhiches go up 22.2%. Which means the truck drive who wants to buy them increases his fees 22.2%. Which means the gas stations which have their fuels delivered via trucks raise their fees 22.2%. It continues until the "increase" for the minimum wage worker is no more useful to them than their wage before the increase.

Why do you think a worker today cannot survive off of the $0.25 per hour the original minimum wage was set at in 1938? Because every time you idiots try to artificially prop-up a low income worker, the market has a natural reaction of raising their prices to cover the new costs.

It's basic economics and it's a damn shame you need someone to explain it to you.

Listen clearly, fool! 100% of the cost of doing business at Subway is not labor costs, so those other costs don't go up just because labor costs go up. Are you right-wingers totally stupid people to even make such a ridiculous claim?

You call such stupidity basic economics and even a child should know more than you know. You have the opinion of the billionaire who makes his living off of selling shit sandwich franchises and right now is expanding operations in Europe, where there is higher minimum wages, universal health care and a recession. What more proof do you need? Why wouldn't the sales volume for Subway shit sandwiches increase in America if minimum wage increased?


Damn, you people are dumb!
Damn, you people are dumb!

Let's say it takes a Subway employee 6 minutes to make your sub. That's 1/10th of an hour.

At 8 bucks an hour, that's 80 cents worth of labor in the sub. At 9 bucks an hour, that's 90 cents worth of labor in the sub.

So in the actual preparation of the sub, a dollar increase in the minimum wage would add 10 cents to the cost of the sub.
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

And, the founder of Subway has amassed a great fortune by producing fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches handed out by underpaid teenage workers which even the Earl of Sandwich would refuse.

What's your point?

Jared says you're full of shit.
Listen clearly, fool! 100% of the cost of doing business at Subway is not labor costs, so those other costs don't go up just because labor costs go up. Are you right-wingers totally stupid people to even make such a ridiculous claim?

You call such stupidity basic economics and even a child should know more than you know. You have the opinion of the billionaire who makes his living off of selling shit sandwich franchises and right now is expanding operations in Europe, where there is higher minimum wages, universal health care and a recession. What more proof do you need? Why wouldn't the sales volume for Subway shit sandwiches increase in America if minimum wage increased?

So you say 100% of the costs are not labor costs. However, they are labor related. All that goes into producing the product involves labor.

And a subway sandwich in Europe costs 2.90 euros for a 5 inch sandwich. which is $3.77 in American currency.

A 6 inch sandwich in California costs 2.50. So in Europe you get a smaller sandwich for $1.27 more money.

Saying that increases in minimum wage doesn't affect production costs is what is stupid. It will cost more to produce the sandwich so therefore the consumer will end up paying a higher price for the sandwich.

Or they will get a smaller sandwich with less meat for the same price or maybe even a higher price.

The poor will suffer the most once again.
Something that the democrats keep claiming will not happen.
Everytime the government raises taxes on products or the minimum wage the biggest impact will be on the poor.
Listen clearly, fool! 100% of the cost of doing business at Subway is not labor costs, so those other costs don't go up just because labor costs go up. Are you right-wingers totally stupid people to even make such a ridiculous claim?

You call such stupidity basic economics and even a child should know more than you know. You have the opinion of the billionaire who makes his living off of selling shit sandwich franchises and right now is expanding operations in Europe, where there is higher minimum wages, universal health care and a recession. What more proof do you need? Why wouldn't the sales volume for Subway shit sandwiches increase in America if minimum wage increased?

So you say 100% of the costs are not labor costs. However, they are labor related. All that goes into producing the product involves labor.

And a subway sandwich in Europe costs 2.90 euros for a 5 inch sandwich. which is $3.77 in American currency.

A 6 inch sandwich in California costs 2.50. So in Europe you get a smaller sandwich for $1.27 more money.

Saying that increases in minimum wage doesn't affect production costs is what is stupid. It will cost more to produce the sandwich so therefore the consumer will end up paying a higher price for the sandwich.

Or they will get a smaller sandwich with less meat for the same price or maybe even a higher price.

The poor will suffer the most once again. Something that the democrats keep claiming will not happen.
Everytime the government raises taxes on products or the minimum wage the biggest impact will be on the poor.

The poor will suffer the most once again?

WTF are "the Poor" doing eating at a restaurant?


Shouldn't they be huddled around a small fire, scooping watery gruel from an oil can?
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If Obama says government programs will suffer if they don't raise taxes on the rich and close loopholes, why isn't it logical to say that businesses will suffer if they have don't have as much money to spend because of wage increases and taxes etc?

This how Obama talks out both sides of his ass.
Even if this is true, and I believe it is in large part, what does the gop offer that is better? Labor markets self regulate to maximum efficiency. LOL Private insurance regulates the HC market better than medicare? LOL

Like we want to do the housing meltdown again. maybe Subway should pay in some citizens united money to kick Jim Demint where it hurts most.
If Obama says government programs will suffer if they don't raise taxes on the rich and close loopholes, why isn't it logical to say that businesses will suffer if they have don't have as much money to spend because of wage increases and taxes etc?

This how Obama talks out both sides of his ass.

Businesses don't suffer.

People Suffer.

Mothers Suffer.



I could be Obama.
Do you really need actual data to apply common sense? Subway is a franchise, so there is obviously a franchise fee. Subway claims to be cheaper than most fast food, but the bottom line is the owner will pay Subway so much money to set up a business and purchase everything to run that business from Subway, except expenses like labor, rent, electricity, water, sewage, trash removal, taxes and maintenance costs. Obviously, there is a lot of cost just setting up a Subway business, so part of the cost of doing business is what an investment would yield if you just safely invested the money and didn't use it to set up a business. The person is going to have to rent floor space at a strip mall of a certain size and pay to have it converted into an operational Subway business. I would imagine the person will have to buy all the equipment and supplies from Subway, so as inventory is reduced by sales, that inventory will be replaced. The owner will be billed for the inventory by whatever supplier Subway is using in that area. The owner is also going to get billed for all the other expenses mentioned above and incidental bills, like bookkeeping, replacing lights or hiring a snow plow. There will be costs for unemployment insurance or liability insurance for customers and workmen's compensation. There are plenty of costs in the cost of doing business that don't increase with an increase in minimum wage. Minimum wage workers aren't building Subway businesses, taking away their trash or plowing their snow in the winter. There are some jobs in such a business that a minimum wage worker can do and there are some jobs that it might be smarter to pay for better help, like making bread or someone very skilled in food preparation. If the business is located in an area with other fast food competition, it's a good idea to pay someone more who can quickly and accurately run a cash register.

The bottom line is, there are so many other expenses that dampen the cost of a minimum wage increase that it can't be considered the same percentage increase in the cost of doing business, so it can't change the price of the product they are selling that same percentage of increase as a minimum wage increase.

Why is such simple math so complicated to right-wingers? If you are that dumb, you should never attempt to go into business. Try working in trash removal, but avoid getting caught up in the process!

You opt for being a pompous ass, why am I not surprised?

What make you think there is an example of a Subway business expenses on the internet, fool? I've known a lot of people who run businesses and was involved in three family businesses since I could walk. Only an idiot thinks labor is the only cost of running a restaurant. Visit a Subway and see how many employees are working there!

Because I know where to look and find them. Before you ask, since I am not the one making claims about there expenses, I see no reason to help you defend your position.

I do enjoy pricking your pompous ass balloon though.
Listen clearly, fool! 100% of the cost of doing business at Subway is not labor costs, so those other costs don't go up just because labor costs go up. Are you right-wingers totally stupid people to even make such a ridiculous claim?

You call such stupidity basic economics and even a child should know more than you know. You have the opinion of the billionaire who makes his living off of selling shit sandwich franchises and right now is expanding operations in Europe, where there is higher minimum wages, universal health care and a recession. What more proof do you need? Why wouldn't the sales volume for Subway shit sandwiches increase in America if minimum wage increased?

So you say 100% of the costs are not labor costs. However, they are labor related. All that goes into producing the product involves labor.

And a subway sandwich in Europe costs 2.90 euros for a 5 inch sandwich. which is $3.77 in American currency.

A 6 inch sandwich in California costs 2.50. So in Europe you get a smaller sandwich for $1.27 more money.

Saying that increases in minimum wage doesn't affect production costs is what is stupid. It will cost more to produce the sandwich so therefore the consumer will end up paying a higher price for the sandwich.

Or they will get a smaller sandwich with less meat for the same price or maybe even a higher price.

The poor will suffer the most once again.
Something that the democrats keep claiming will not happen.
Everytime the government raises taxes on products or the minimum wage the biggest impact will be on the poor.

That's bullshit and you know it. The cost of a Subway franchise doesn't go up because of an increase in minimum wage. The owner's rent, electricity, water, sewage, trash removal, workmen's compensation, liability insurance and you name it doesn't go up. The odds are the owner has a manager, assistant managers and some workers who aren't making minimum wage or he just invested hugh amounts of money to work his ass off during all those store hours. The odds are that business will be open to the public 10 or 11 hours per day, except Sunday and will require starting early to make bread and cleanup time to dismantle and clean meat slicers everyday. His minimum wage workers will go there for around 6 hours per day and he isn't going to have many of them on the job at one time, I'd say probably two and three during rush times.

Try facing reality for a change and reality dictates that if minimum wage increases 22.2% and even causes some other labor costs besides the direct costs of particular workers that it isn't going to cause the cost of doing business a 22.2% increase. The price of a sandwich is determined by the total cost of doing business and not what a minimum wage worker makes.

The real issue should be why anyone would be stupid enough to claim an increase in minimum wage would increase the price of a product by the same amount. Do you right-wingers realize how dumb that is? It's as dumb as saying the business will work by laying off those minimum wage workers and not having someone to make the sandwiches or run the cash register. It's really dumb to think a business spends money on employees they don't absolutely need to make the business function. It's also dumb to believe no one making near minimum wage ever buys that product or more of that product would be sold if people with limited resources had more money to spend.
You opt for being a pompous ass, why am I not surprised?

What make you think there is an example of a Subway business expenses on the internet, fool? I've known a lot of people who run businesses and was involved in three family businesses since I could walk. Only an idiot thinks labor is the only cost of running a restaurant. Visit a Subway and see how many employees are working there!

Because I know where to look and find them. Before you ask, since I am not the one making claims about there expenses, I see no reason to help you defend your position.

I do enjoy pricking your pompous ass balloon though.

What do you right-wingers think you accomplish by proving you are stupid about business?
Let's say it takes a Subway employee 6 minutes to make your sub. That's 1/10th of an hour.

At 8 bucks an hour, that's 80 cents worth of labor in the sub. At 9 bucks an hour, that's 90 cents worth of labor in the sub.

So in the actual preparation of the sub, a dollar increase in the minimum wage would add 10 cents to the cost of the sub.



You realise they get paid regardless of whether or not they are making a sandwich, right?


I expect this from Dubya, or Truthmatters.
What make you think there is an example of a Subway business expenses on the internet, fool? I've known a lot of people who run businesses and was involved in three family businesses since I could walk. Only an idiot thinks labor is the only cost of running a restaurant. Visit a Subway and see how many employees are working there!

Because I know where to look and find them. Before you ask, since I am not the one making claims about there expenses, I see no reason to help you defend your position.

I do enjoy pricking your pompous ass balloon though.

What do you right-wingers think you accomplish by proving you are stupid about business?

Still no actual data.
Let's say it takes a Subway employee 6 minutes to make your sub. That's 1/10th of an hour.

At 8 bucks an hour, that's 80 cents worth of labor in the sub. At 9 bucks an hour, that's 90 cents worth of labor in the sub.

So in the actual preparation of the sub, a dollar increase in the minimum wage would add 10 cents to the cost of the sub.



You realise they get paid regardless of whether or not they are making a sandwich, right?


I expect this from Dubya, or Truthmatters.

You know, I put a certain portion of that post in italics for a reason, but as I was doing so, I said to myself, you know, there will still be someone stupid enough not to get it.
Because I know where to look and find them. Before you ask, since I am not the one making claims about there expenses, I see no reason to help you defend your position.

I do enjoy pricking your pompous ass balloon though.

What do you right-wingers think you accomplish by proving you are stupid about business?

Still no actual data.

I'm not wasting my time providing data to idiots to prove something so obvious. You fools lose again, because you always have to claim something exists that anyone with a brain would see can't exist. A McDonald's is going to run you around $3 million, so tell me how much labor has to cost to make it a 100% of doing business!
The Subways around here usually have 2 people working at a time. You raise their wages by a dollar an hour,

that's about 16 dollars per shift in additional labor cost.

How many subs does a Subway sell in 8 hours?
The Subways around here usually have 2 people working at a time. You raise their wages by a dollar an hour,

that's about 16 dollars per shift in additional labor cost.

How many subs does a Subway sell in 8 hours?

My guess is most are open from 10 AM to 9 PM and vary their personnel. Someone would have to start making the bread before they open and a couple of people would be needed to clean up after they close. I don't think they would be paying good cooks minimum wage and would pay that for cash register operators and preps who make sandwiches.

6 minutes to make a sub is about 6 times more than it takes.

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