Subway founder: Obama has created oppresive regulatory environment

If there was more regulation, fewer Americans would fall victim to Subway's tuna sub.

Basic point of free markets, no one must BUY Subway or McD's or Panerra or Chili's or whathaveyou. Shouldn't YOU make the decision to go to the Indian market or sushi bar instead? Why the need to force others?

We just pretend to force conservatives to keep them distracted, when the elites tell them: "Dance, Fool, dance!"
If there was more regulation, fewer Americans would fall victim to Subway's tuna sub.

Basic point of free markets, no one must BUY Subway or McD's or Panerra or Chili's or whathaveyou. Shouldn't YOU make the decision to go to the Indian market or sushi bar instead? Why the need to force others?

We just pretend to force conservatives to keep them distracted, when the elites tell them: "Dance, Fool, dance!"

Yeah. Obama is saying that tonight.

You folks say this until it's used against you, and then you argue the opposite.

Case in point...

One of the BIG leftist talking points about illegal immigration is that if we deported all the illegals the price of a head of lettuce would be $10.

Can't have it both ways, Bro...

I've never argued that.

I would argue that if we deported the illegals, all the lettuce would rot in the fields because no one would pick it no matter how much you paid them. In fact, this is EXACTLY what happened in MS when those mouth-breathers pased a draconian immigration law. There are some jobs Americans just won't do.

You folks say this until it's used against you, and then you argue the opposite.

Case in point...

One of the BIG leftist talking points about illegal immigration is that if we deported all the illegals the price of a head of lettuce would be $10.

Can't have it both ways, Bro...

I've never argued that.

I would argue that if we deported the illegals, all the lettuce would rot in the fields because no one would pick it no matter how much you paid them. In fact, this is EXACTLY what happened in MS when those mouth-breathers pased a draconian immigration law. There are some jobs Americans just won't do.

Funny thing about that, Joe. We never had a problem getting that stuff picked BEFORE 30+ million illegals invaded our nation.

It was called the Bracero program.

Look it up.
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

Soon with Obama regulations ,taxes and fees,that 5 dollar foot long will be a a 20 dollar footlong.:eusa_whistle:

You folks say this until it's used against you, and then you argue the opposite.

Case in point...

One of the BIG leftist talking points about illegal immigration is that if we deported all the illegals the price of a head of lettuce would be $10.

Can't have it both ways, Bro...

I've never argued that.

I would argue that if we deported the illegals, all the lettuce would rot in the fields because no one would pick it no matter how much you paid them. In fact, this is EXACTLY what happened in MS when those mouth-breathers pased a draconian immigration law. There are some jobs Americans just won't do.

Funny thing about that, Joe. We never had a problem getting that stuff picked BEFORE 30+ million illegals invaded our nation.

It was called the Bracero program.

Look it up.

It's not a valid comparison. The Bracero Program was allowing mexican nationals work permits to make up for the millions of men who were drafted to go to the Pacific or Europe. When the war ended, most of them were sent packing.

And you really think there are 30 Million illegals here. Most estimates put the number at about 11 million.
I've never argued that.

I would argue that if we deported the illegals, all the lettuce would rot in the fields because no one would pick it no matter how much you paid them. In fact, this is EXACTLY what happened in MS when those mouth-breathers pased a draconian immigration law. There are some jobs Americans just won't do.

Funny thing about that, Joe. We never had a problem getting that stuff picked BEFORE 30+ million illegals invaded our nation.

It was called the Bracero program.

Look it up.

It's not a valid comparison. The Bracero Program was allowing mexican nationals work permits to make up for the millions of men who were drafted to go to the Pacific or Europe. When the war ended, most of them were sent packing.

And you really think there are 30 Million illegals here. Most estimates put the number at about 11 million.

Not much credability to this post.

1. No reference to support the contention the US sent one, much less "most" Mexican nationals back to Mexico after WWII

2. No reference to support the contention that "most estimates put the number of illegal immigrants at 11 million."

I'll not even bother to detail why the post has little to do with the thread, since 25% of Subway's total costs are labor, and there's no proof that any illegals. much less a significant number, are employed at Subway.
Here are the top 50 new franchises of 2012:

2012 Top New Franchise Opportunities |

I guess the key to being successful now, as opposed to 1965, is simply to be smarter than DeLuca.

It is clear to any discerning individual that DeLuca's comments are entirely self-serving.

Obamacare only effects costs of employers with 50 employees or more.

This means Subway Franchisees with MORE THAN ONE STORE.

This means owners with the greatest chance to BUY ANOTHER FRANCHISE from DELUCA.

Obamacare means multiple store owners will be less inclined to open another store, and DeLuca will not receive the franchise fee.

Poor Mr. DeLuca and Multi-store owners, NOT.
I've never argued that.

I would argue that if we deported the illegals, all the lettuce would rot in the fields because no one would pick it no matter how much you paid them. In fact, this is EXACTLY what happened in MS when those mouth-breathers pased a draconian immigration law. There are some jobs Americans just won't do.

Funny thing about that, Joe. We never had a problem getting that stuff picked BEFORE 30+ million illegals invaded our nation.

It was called the Bracero program.

Look it up.

It's not a valid comparison. The Bracero Program was allowing mexican nationals work permits to make up for the millions of men who were drafted to go to the Pacific or Europe. When the war ended, most of them were sent packing.

And you really think there are 30 Million illegals here. Most estimates put the number at about 11 million.

I knew you wouldn't look it up, Joe. It ended in 1964, just in time for Ted 'The Swimmer" Kennedy to introduce his immigration bill that increased by 5X the number allowed in every year. Of course, NONE of those were temporary and none were for farm labor.

Yes, there's OVER 30 million, regardless of what 'they' tell you.

In 2000 there were 9 million. (Us Census)
From 2000-2006 we added about 4 million/year. (US Border Patrol)
From 2007-present it's dropped to 1 million/year. (US Border Patrol)
Add .5 million/year in visa overstays from 2000-present. (US Customs)
Subtract approx. 2 million who went home on their own.

You do the math, genius...
Subway thrives because people are in a hurry and have a taste for shit.

This is a glaring example of what an asshole you are. First of all, who are you to decide what is "shit". I love Subway. My family loves Subway. My friends love Subway.

Second, you know it's not "shit" - you're just desperate for an excuse to discredit it since a successful business man is speaking out about awful your pathetic ideology is....

Why don't you grow up already Dubya and just have an honest conversation for once?

Do you think a Subway would thrive in Philly, where the cheese steak was born? You can't buy bad food in downtown Philly and even a street vendor has quality.

"even a street vendor has quality" - :lmao: That's right folks, Dubya here thinks food made on a street corner by illegal aliens who don't wash their hands and who have carts infested with bacteria and viruses is "quality". Holy shit, you just lost ALL credibility when it comes to discussing food.

Is this guy a bottom feeder or what? His idea of fine meal is a Philly street vendor :lmao:

I'm happy just going to the quality sub shops that still exist.

As long as assholes like you and Obama keep pushing your agenda, they won't. Nothing will exist. We will end up exactly like the former U.S.S.R.
If there was more regulation, fewer Americans would fall victim to Subway's tuna sub.

Basic point of free markets, no one must BUY Subway or McD's or Panerra or Chili's or whathaveyou. Shouldn't YOU make the decision to go to the Indian market or sushi bar instead? Why the need to force others?

Why the need to force others? Because if they don't force us, they don't have control. And if they don't have control, they don't have power.

Liberals suffer from serious inferiority complex - and that makes them want to have power and control over others. They can't accept people having freedom and choice.
So I guess that begs two important questions:

  1. Why is Subway thriving?
  2. Why don't you start your own sub shop and show us all how it's done?

(Oh, that's right - communists don't actually DO, they just complain).

Subway thrives because people are in a hurry and have a taste for shit. It thrives in Europe, regardless of their universal heath care and higher minimum wage. The obvious reason is there is a market to expand in Europe and all the bullshit conservatives bitch about doesn't stop a business from expanding.

Do you think a Subway would thrive in Philly, where the cheese steak was born? You can't buy bad food in downtown Philly and even a street vendor has quality.

I'm happy just going to the quality sub shops that still exist.

Fast food places thrive because people want convenience and they want familiarity. I don't much care for fast food, any of it, but when I'm in a strange town I know what I'm getting into at Burger World. I'm not so sure what will happen at Big Daddy's House of Eats, y'know?

That aside, the regulations are stricter in the US than anywhere else in the world. That's why we don't get horsemeat at Burger King.

(Did you know that nearly all cruise ships are registered outside the US?)

Subway is thriving because they create a GREAT product at a GREAT price.

Yes - it really is that simple. You liberals are so desperate and have become so unhinged, you can't even admit the sky is blue, the sun is hot, and the world is round. If you admit Subway's success, you'd have to admit the owner knows what he's talking about. And if he knows what he's talking about, then you would have to acknowledge that he's right when he says what Obama and the dumbocrats are doing is detrimental to our economy.
No, it really doesn't.

Yeah, it really does. Try reading something beside the Daily Worker or your union propaganda.

But you keep telling yourself it is, and how cool it is to cheat working people out of a fair wage and work them harder because that's the REpublican way.

Working people get paid exactly what they have earned, and not a cent less.

Find me a business that has 70% or more of it's cost of doing business going to labor! You people talk about the UAW and the person selling the car was making more per unit than the workers assembling the car.

By "labor" I don't mean union assholes, dumbshit. I mean "labor" in the economic sense, as in all the people who work for the company. And, yes, 70% or more of the company's revenues goes to wages and salaries.
No, it really doesn't.

Yeah, it really does. Try reading something beside the Daily Worker or your union propaganda.

But you keep telling yourself it is, and how cool it is to cheat working people out of a fair wage and work them harder because that's the REpublican way.

Working people get paid exactly what they have earned, and not a cent less.

Find me a business that has 70% or more of it's cost of doing business going to labor! You people talk about the UAW and the person selling the car was making more per unit than the workers assembling the car.

The 2003 Florida Marlins comes to mind, but I am sure you are going to claim they aren't really a business.
Everyone keeps comparing Obama to commies and to China. Saying this "atmosphere" wont support business.

But I cant help but ask....if thats true, then why is China on schedule to eventually overtake us economically?

I have no idea. Could it be because they are loosening their regulations against businesses, while we are tightening ours?

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