Subway Vigilante arrested in NYC.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of those things I keep saying is that people need to learn the laws. Especially if they are going to carry a gun.

Ok. Here is the situation as I understand it. I say that because more information may come out and clarify or correct that understanding.

A homeless guy tried to mug a woman, trying to take her belongings. Ok. We have a bad guy and he is doing a bad thing. If at that time our wannabe hero walked by and punched the would be robber in the head I’d shrug and say whatever.

But our hero takes off his backpack, gets a gun out. And fires two rounds. Apparently in an effort to scare the mugger.

This doesn’t scare the mugger much, so our vigilante fires off a third round. The mugger flees and is caught by police. The vigilante flees and is caught the next day.

So let’s review. This is 21st Century America. There are cameras everywhere. Especially in New York City. There are probably cameras every three feet in the subway stations.

Our hero isn’t wearing a mask. There are at least fifty shots of his face. So why flee? The cops know what you look like. And someone is going to recognize you and drop a dime.

So our Vigilante broke several laws. Why? Because he felt entitled to because people are criminals and break laws. Wait. Let me rephrase that. No. Never mind. I really can’t.

These are the fools who give gun owners a bad name. And the gun owners who valiantly and relentlessly defend the second amendment don’t want any training or permits or even requirements for training. So that these kinds of stories are the norm.

The good news. Nobody was hurt and the cops caught all the bad guys quickly. The good news. Our vigilante won’t have to pay bail to get released. New York has cashless bail. The bad news. There is a very good chance he will spend more time in prison that the damned fool he tried to stop.
One of those things I keep saying is that people need to learn the laws. Especially if they are going to carry a gun.

Ok. Here is the situation as I understand it. I say that because more information may come out and clarify or correct that understanding.

A homeless guy tried to mug a woman, trying to take her belongings. Ok. We have a bad guy and he is doing a bad thing. If at that time our wannabe hero walked by and punched the would be robber in the head I’d shrug and say whatever.

But our hero takes off his backpack, gets a gun out. And fires two rounds. Apparently in an effort to scare the mugger.

This doesn’t scare the mugger much, so our vigilante fires off a third round. The mugger flees and is caught by police. The vigilante flees and is caught the next day.

So let’s review. This is 21st Century America. There are cameras everywhere. Especially in New York City. There are probably cameras every three feet in the subway stations.

Our hero isn’t wearing a mask. There are at least fifty shots of his face. So why flee? The cops know what you look like. And someone is going to recognize you and drop a dime.

So our Vigilante broke several laws. Why? Because he felt entitled to because people are criminals and break laws. Wait. Let me rephrase that. No. Never mind. I really can’t.

These are the fools who give gun owners a bad name. And the gun owners who valiantly and relentlessly defend the second amendment don’t want any training or permits or even requirements for training. So that these kinds of stories are the norm.

The good news. Nobody was hurt and the cops caught all the bad guys quickly. The good news. Our vigilante won’t have to pay bail to get released. New York has cashless bail. The bad news. There is a very good chance he will spend more time in prison that the damned fool he tried to stop.

Typical libtard response. Everyone should just ignore crime and let the vulnerable suffer.

Also punish anyone that helps out. People cannot be allowed to think they can protect themselves or innocent people being harmed. Everyone needs to be a weakling that depends on the state for safety.
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Typical libtard response. Everyone should just ignore crime and let the vulnerable suffer.

Also punish anyone that helps out. People cannot be allowed to think they can protect themselves or innocent people being harmed. Everyone needs to be a weakling that depends on the state for safety.

Ok. What if our Homeless guy wasn’t a mugger but thought that the woman had drugs in her bags? Then isn’t he the vigilante trying to stop crime?

Popping off three rounds risking hitting bunch of innocents isn’t a good way to proceed.
One of those things I keep saying is that people need to learn the laws. Especially if they are going to carry a gun.

Ok. Here is the situation as I understand it. I say that because more information may come out and clarify or correct that understanding.

A homeless guy tried to mug a woman, trying to take her belongings. Ok. We have a bad guy and he is doing a bad thing. If at that time our wannabe hero walked by and punched the would be robber in the head I’d shrug and say whatever.

But our hero takes off his backpack, gets a gun out. And fires two rounds. Apparently in an effort to scare the mugger.

This doesn’t scare the mugger much, so our vigilante fires off a third round. The mugger flees and is caught by police. The vigilante flees and is caught the next day.

So let’s review. This is 21st Century America. There are cameras everywhere. Especially in New York City. There are probably cameras every three feet in the subway stations.

Our hero isn’t wearing a mask. There are at least fifty shots of his face. So why flee? The cops know what you look like. And someone is going to recognize you and drop a dime.

So our Vigilante broke several laws. Why? Because he felt entitled to because people are criminals and break laws. Wait. Let me rephrase that. No. Never mind. I really can’t.

These are the fools who give gun owners a bad name. And the gun owners who valiantly and relentlessly defend the second amendment don’t want any training or permits or even requirements for training. So that these kinds of stories are the norm.

The good news. Nobody was hurt and the cops caught all the bad guys quickly. The good news. Our vigilante won’t have to pay bail to get released. New York has cashless bail. The bad news. There is a very good chance he will spend more time in prison that the damned fool he tried to stop.
The shooter's a fucking nutjob; he needs to be put away.
One of those things I keep saying is that people need to learn the laws. Especially if they are going to carry a gun.

Ok. Here is the situation as I understand it. I say that because more information may come out and clarify or correct that understanding.

A homeless guy tried to mug a woman, trying to take her belongings. Ok. We have a bad guy and he is doing a bad thing. If at that time our wannabe hero walked by and punched the would be robber in the head I’d shrug and say whatever.

But our hero takes off his backpack, gets a gun out. And fires two rounds. Apparently in an effort to scare the mugger.

This doesn’t scare the mugger much, so our vigilante fires off a third round. The mugger flees and is caught by police. The vigilante flees and is caught the next day.

So let’s review. This is 21st Century America. There are cameras everywhere. Especially in New York City. There are probably cameras every three feet in the subway stations.

Our hero isn’t wearing a mask. There are at least fifty shots of his face. So why flee? The cops know what you look like. And someone is going to recognize you and drop a dime.

So our Vigilante broke several laws. Why? Because he felt entitled to because people are criminals and break laws. Wait. Let me rephrase that. No. Never mind. I really can’t.

These are the fools who give gun owners a bad name. And the gun owners who valiantly and relentlessly defend the second amendment don’t want any training or permits or even requirements for training. So that these kinds of stories are the norm.

The good news. Nobody was hurt and the cops caught all the bad guys quickly. The good news. Our vigilante won’t have to pay bail to get released. New York has cashless bail. The bad news. There is a very good chance he will spend more time in prison that the damned fool he tried to stop.

If I'm on the jury he walks he should.
Younger members (and guests) may be unaware of a somewhat similar case in the New York City subway in 1984.

A gentleman named Bernard Goetz used a gun to defend himself against four young gentlemen who tried to rob him.

He was given some nominal punishment but not jail time.

Being a lifelong coward myself, I consider Mr. Goetz as my No. 2 hero. (Of course, my No. 1 hero is Ms. Margaret Sanger.)
Typical libtard response. Everyone should just ignore crime and let the vulnerable suffer. Also punish anyone that helps out. People cannot be allowed to think they can protect themselves or innocent people being harmed. Everyone needs to be a weakling that depends on the state for safety.

Seriously. But knowing NYC, you have to be nuts to fire your weapon trying to help another person because NYC will punish you every time. I love how they charged the gunman with criminal possession of a gun, meaning that he had a gun and exercised his constitutional rights, which is a felony in NY state.

  1. Man sees a woman being robbed.
  2. He fires a couple warning shots past the robber into the tunnel to scare him off.
  3. May have saved the woman's life.
  4. NYC is "appalled" and quickly arrests the dude in order to cover over the fact that had the city been doing its job and had adequate police protection in the subway, this guy wouldn't have needed to use his gun and the robbery might never have happened.
  5. Never mind that had a cop BEEN there and seen the robbery, the cop likely would have done the same thing, except SHOT the robber. Cop would have been hailed as a hero saving the poor woman's life. This guy's going to jail big time.
  6. NYC would rather see you robbed, mugged or murdered than trust you to defend yourself or anyone else because the city sure ain't going to do it for you.
  7. Probably what the guy SHOULD have done is gone up behind the robber and either warned him to desist or be shot, or just hit him over the head with the butt of the gun and rendered him unconscious.
  8. Dude gets turned in by someone who knows him, what are friends for? Next time, wear a mask in NYC when you scare off homeless criminals!
One of those things I keep saying is that people need to learn the laws. Especially if they are going to carry a gun.

Ok. Here is the situation as I understand it. I say that because more information may come out and clarify or correct that understanding.

A homeless guy tried to mug a woman, trying to take her belongings. Ok. We have a bad guy and he is doing a bad thing. If at that time our wannabe hero walked by and punched the would be robber in the head I’d shrug and say whatever.

But our hero takes off his backpack, gets a gun out. And fires two rounds. Apparently in an effort to scare the mugger.

This doesn’t scare the mugger much, so our vigilante fires off a third round. The mugger flees and is caught by police. The vigilante flees and is caught the next day.

So let’s review. This is 21st Century America. There are cameras everywhere. Especially in New York City. There are probably cameras every three feet in the subway stations.

Our hero isn’t wearing a mask. There are at least fifty shots of his face. So why flee? The cops know what you look like. And someone is going to recognize you and drop a dime.

So our Vigilante broke several laws. Why? Because he felt entitled to because people are criminals and break laws. Wait. Let me rephrase that. No. Never mind. I really can’t.

These are the fools who give gun owners a bad name. And the gun owners who valiantly and relentlessly defend the second amendment don’t want any training or permits or even requirements for training. So that these kinds of stories are the norm.

The good news. Nobody was hurt and the cops caught all the bad guys quickly. The good news. Our vigilante won’t have to pay bail to get released. New York has cashless bail. The bad news. There is a very good chance he will spend more time in prison that the damned fool he tried to stop.
We need to introduce three things to citizens wanting to own guns...
1. Training
2. Permits
3. Insurance

Anyone who has these can own the firearms they want to use and carry.

We implement this, we'll be living in a vastly safer society.
We need to introduce three things to citizens wanting to own guns...
1. Training
2. Permits
3. Insurance

Anyone who has these can own the firearms they want to use and carry.

We implement this, we'll be living in a vastly safer society.
We should implement them for voting right, free speech rights, religious rights etc also. If we are going to make exercising our rights a privilege only those with enough money can afford let’s at least be consistent about it.

it will be interesting to see who gets the more severe punishment the mugger or person trying to stop the mugging
We should implement them for voting right, free speech rights, religious rights etc also. If we are going to make exercising our rights a privilege only those with enough money can afford let’s at least be consistent about it.

it will be interesting to see who gets the more severe punishment the mugger or person trying to stop the mugging
All of a sudden it's some exorbitant expense huh?

I expected this type of radical response.
And you think the Founders would think it was fine and dandy to pop off rounds recklessly? No thoughts as to where the bullet might go?

No, they would find it insane that you idiots keep releasing violent crimnals like the mugger.......let me guess.....this wasn't his first violent mugging?
We should implement them for voting right, free speech rights, religious rights etc also. If we are going to make exercising our rights a privilege only those with enough money can afford let’s at least be consistent about it.

it will be interesting to see who gets the more severe punishment the mugger or person trying to stop the mugging

Well you can pay for the training, and if you can’t afford the training then you probably can’t afford to practice and a gun is not a magic wand. The bullet tells it true. It goes where you aimed.

Or you can pay for the lawyers to defend you later when you violate the law.

Let’s take a real world example. Let’s discuss the McMichaels here in my state of Georgia. I have a License in Georgia to Carry Concealed. I carry. I am a member of the USCCA. when I joined they gave me a lot of material to read. It included a list of the laws in Georgia. This was written by lawyers to advise the members on the laws in the State, and how to avoid falling on the wrong side.

I signed up for a class. This class was taught by an off duty cop. It was a few hours where the cop talked about the same laws that were covered by the books I got from the USCCA.

Ok. Just to be sure I called a lawyer and paid for an hour of his time. I wanted to be sure I understood the laws. He agreed I had learned them properly. One thing that all three agreed on including the off duty cop. Let a lawyer talk if you ever use the bang stick.

Now to the McMichaels.

Those two men did everything that the book, the cop, and the lawyer said not to do. I knew they were in real trouble as I learned about the case. They literally did everything the law said not to do.

If we assume they were well intentioned. Imagine if they were taught the laws the same as I was. Imagine if they had learned that by arming up and setting off in pursuit they would end up in Prison for the rest of their lives. I’d like to think they might choose a different course of action. Or they might not.

You can’t obey the laws if you don’t know what the laws are. You say it isn’t fair to expect someone to pay for this training? I say it isn’t fair to let them spend a million times more trying to stay out of prison. The laws don’t say what you think they do. They don’t mean what you imagine they should. They say what they say. And they mean what the precedent setting cases long before you got involved say they mean.

So you can pay a little now, or a lot later. It’s strictly up to you.
No, they would find it insane that you idiots keep releasing violent crimnals like the mugger.......let me guess.....this wasn't his first violent mugging?

The Founders let people out of jails and prisons where their sentence was served. What makes you imagine that every crime resulted in life sentences?
All of a sudden it's some exorbitant expense huh?

I expected this type of radical response.
Hold on buttercup the left continually grips the cost of a ID is too exorbitant and hinders people from exercising their right to vote. If those fees to exercise a right are considered acceptable then join me in asking for them to be implemented

Turned on by White men randomly firing guns in public places.

Also conservatives:

Enraged/triggered over this:

Make up your minds, folks.
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Ok. What if our Homeless guy wasn’t a mugger but thought that the woman had drugs in her bags? Then isn’t he the vigilante trying to stop crime?

Popping off three rounds risking hitting bunch of innocents isn’t a good way to proceed.

Maybe you are right. The concerned citizen- not a "vigilante" as he was going out looking for creeps- should have just plugged the criminal instead of warning shots.

However, what is amazing here is how quickly the NYPD nabbed the citizen here. If he had just stood down and recorded the video on his phone instead of getting involved, and the broad had been robbed and raped, the police still wouldn't have an idea as to who it was.

The DC police (another lib department) gave up looking for the murderer of Seth Rich almost immediately.

Big Herc gives his viewpoint on it on a recent issue of Fresh Out.


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