Sudan says some superpowers apply double standards as regards situation in Gaza


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
The State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Obeidallah Mohamed Obeidallah , said that some super powers are adopting double standard policy in dealing with the Palestinian question, saying they tend to equate the victim with the aggressor and the victims, criticizing the method of the United States of America and the United Nations in dealing with the developments in Gaza.

In his address before the meeting of the Non-aligned Movements Foreign Ministers, convened in Tehran, Iran, on the issue of Palestine, the State Minister urged the member states to adopt stronger resolutions to prevent deterioration of the situation in Gaza. He stressed that Sudan fully backs the Palestinian people.

Dr Obeidallah has pointed to the historical role being played by the Non-aligned Movement and its support for the liberation movements and the oppressed people, urging the movement to adopt practical steps in the coming period.

The State Minister called on the member states to officially demand the United States of America to refrain from using the veto for obstructing resolutions and to support the Palestinian people gain their legitimate rights.

He said the Sudan was ready to receive injured civilians of Gaza and to provide them with the required medical treatment in the Sudanese hospitals and medical facilities.

It is to be recalled that the Non-Aligned movements Foreign Ministers have adopted a final communiqué calling for the immediate cessation of all military operations and the re-opening of crossings to allow arrival of medical and humanitarian assistance to the affected civilians and launching of rehabilitation and reconstruction work in Gaza, besides setting free the Palestinians captives.

The minister also urged the UN Human Rights Council to go ahead in its work to document the Israeli breaches and violations of the international laws and conventions.

The Non-Aligned group concluded its meeting Monday in Tehran and was addressed the Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, who reiterated his countrys support for the Palestinian cause and denounced the massacres committed by Israeli in Gaza.

Every time israel tries to have a cessfire, Hamas BREAKS IT. GET IT?

try to understand----you are talking to the filth of Khartoum. Khartoum is a metastasis of the filth
of mecca-----it is, historically, an imperialistic outpost in the slave trade dominated by arabs even
before the time of the pig of mecca -----and now it serves as a cancerous center of the agenda of
the imposition of shariah stench. The pigs of Khartoum so not call themselves Africans----
they call themselves ARABS and actually do have an agenda of imposing the stink and filth of the
meccan fascist ideology. Their issue with Israel is simply the same issue as other fascist pig meccans----
"DA MIDDLE EAST IS MUSLIM LAND"------as is Africa, south east asia, Europe ---etc etc---all
for the glory of the rapist pig of mecca
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