Suddenly Antisemitism has Become Fashionable

It's not antisemitism. Israel has abused the Palestinians for 70 years. They have behaved like Nazis and now blame Obama or Biden for their own choices.
Strange you omit the centuries of abuse and unlawful killings of Jews and Christians in the same area under Muslim Islamic rule.

Also, you forget why the Ottoman Empire was torn into little pieces after WWI. They conspired with and fought alongside Germany against the rest of Europe.
Even on the eve of WWII the Mufti of Jerusalem aligned himself Hitler, sent divisions of Arabs to the SS and helped design Auschwitz and it's ovens. Even after WWII it established ratlines to save and hide wanted Nazi criminals.
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Fox running the Hen House.

The LGBTQ+ community don't realize that they're the first to get their heads sawed off when Sharia Law is firmly in place.
Most will be given flying lessons from the roofs of yen story buildings.

If I cared about her music, I would boycott her racist ass. But I don't, so my boycott is meaningless. Half this nation is pure evil.

Notice she chose to wear Hamas' green


The way the West Bank works. The Israeli settlers has more rights compared to the Palestinians. The Jews can walk around with machine guns, they are allowed to drive on certain roads the Palestinians are not allowed to drive on. There’s even areas where only Jews are allowed to walk in.

According to Christian values, and the Geneva conventions. Palestinians have a right to resist against Jewish supremacy. Hamas is simply a cop out. There are Muslim extremist, and there are Jewish extremists in the holy land, but they don’t represent the entirety of both peoples, this is disgraceful that this Has to be constantly said, but until people like you will actually address the core issues you will be asked the same question in thread after thread.

I want your opinion on those facts. Do you support Jewish supremacy in the holy land Against Palestinians, including Christian’s ?

If you want to troll and use personal attacks, it means nothing to me. It shows you are basically the same as a BLM fanatic who calls anyone who disagrees with them a racist


Addressed these facts, and he already said he believes Palestinians should be treated as second class citizens by Israelis. I respect him for his honesty, but disagree with him. At least he is honest about his views. He doesn’t play games. He might not understand though that many Palestinians are Christians, or he knows and doesn’t care.
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Such a magnificently talented woman, shame to see her be so anti-semitic...but then again, her and Kanye worked together to make some her greatest it seems 2 peas in a pod

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