Sue lowdens of america, stop spreading lies


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

It will cover those who do not have HC and those who have HC and cannot afford to use it and save those dying each year because they do not have HC.
Government run HC will create millions of jobs across the country and those put to work will pay lot of taxes that will pay for the HC plan and help pay down the deficit. Along with the saving from fraud and waste by hospitals and doctors. That fraud and waste continues because the patient does not get an itemized statement and cannot report waste and fraud.
Case in point; a woman who only needed a bag of saline to treat Hyponatremia was admitted by a staff doctor for three days and spent six day just so she could be admitted to Rehab as an in-patient for weeks paid for by Medicare and then by Medicaid. She could have received physical therapy at home or as a out patient saving Medicare and Medicaid thousands. Hospital, staff doctors and rehab facilities are making money off the tax payers with fraud and waste. Hospital charges $10 for the use of a bed pan and doctors order tests not needed. Many item and services are charged to Medicare and Medicaid that were never used by the patient. And because the patient do not get an itemized statement she cannot report the fraud. I am that woman.

Government “Regulated” Healthcare will create millions of jobs across the country and those workers will pay millions of dollars in taxes that with the savings from fraud and waste will pay for the plan and pay down the deficit.

Hospitals, privately built, furnished, maintained, supplies and staffed, will put millions back to work, paid for by the hospital and workers pay millions in taxes that will go into the government for services the people needs. Only thing hospitals will get from the government is patients with government insurance policies.

New clinics will have to be built, furnished, maintained and supplies and staffed, and will put millions back to work, and workers will pay millions in taxes that will go into the government.

Cost of GRHC should not be a problem because you cannot put a price on the lives of the America people who do not have healthcare and my die if they do not have healthcare.

Two new clinics in Nevada will be built, putting construction workers back to work and generate more jobs and taxes, in Las Vegas and Carson City with $11.2 million of the stimulus money. Perfect example of jobs creating by the stimulus money.
Senior Spectrum Newspaper Home Page ... icle_6.htm

Right wingers will lose at the poll in 2012 is this bill is not passed because they are listening to Obama haters and the America people will pay, some with their lives. Not passing this bill will be another American Tragedy.

Buying across state lives is a joke on the American people, for those who cannot afford to by healthcare even across state line without subsidies from the Federal Government. Money will go to paying CEOs and not back into the government for use on the American people. Buying across state lines may be lucrative to those who have interest in private healthcare plans but does nothing for the American people.

If PHC lower the cost of healthcare they will ration services and raise premiums, co pay and deductibles in order to make a profit and pay their CEOs.
Government Regulated Healthcare is not government own or run like government regulates meat but do not own or run slaughter houses or meat packing plants.
Every time I hear Sue Lowden spreading lie to Nevadans, it make me cringe because there are those ignorant to the plan that believe her. I am sure that all Sue Lowdens all across the country and that is sad for the poor ignorant people who are hurting.

Tea Partyers do not represent mainstream America and do not speak for millions like me want affordable Government Regulate Realthcare. For you who like and can afford you private plan, KEEP IT AND SHUT THE HELL UP.

Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Congress do what ever it takes and what ever is right and pass this plan for the American people even for those who do not know what is best for them now but will thank you later. Never be afraid to do what is right.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."
Can't tell if this is propaganda or just the rantings of a lunatic........

B. the rantings of a lunatic.

Lilo just opens threads ranting about crap and disappears. No discussion, no nothing. Just thread after thread of crap. Weird.

I think that Lilo is either;
a) some mentally ill person with access to a computer
b) The sock puppet of some partisan progressive
or my favorite,
c) the "bald communist" that Glenn beck has been highlighting this week.

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