Sullivan Caves In, Hates On Flynn

So you're saying that it's impossible for a judge to read 302 documents in a short time so it's all a mass conspiracy.

A judge who has been reading documents like those for decades isn't able to read 302 documents over night. I can read a book with twice that amount of pages over night.

Yes a judge can do that. Just because you can't doesn't mean other people can't. Especially people whose job it is to read documents and have been doing it for years.

Even if by some bizarre miracle he got through law school and all those years on the bench without being able to read 302 documents over night doesn't mean he can't read part of it and as much of it as he can. Which I highly doubt he got through law school and all those years as a judge without gaining the skills to read documents quickly.

I couldn't get past your ridiculous first sentence so I stopped reading your post since I can see you're either very ignorant and expect everyone else to be like you or you're just a liar.

Try another lie. This time try to make it believable.

No problem, I tried to be civil and answer what I thought was an honest won't happen again, you piece of shit.
And the Duma...

And the beaner chick from the Bronx now misses her yoga classes and salmon and wild rice having to eat fast food and fall asleep "in her jeans and makeup"...tsk tsk...seems the hippie dipshit has bitten off more than she can chew going to Congress. Ya'll have no idea what makes the world go around.
Catchy little rhyme eh? So, Mueller intimidates a district court judge who just yesterday was FURIOUS at him for the original 302 interview notes being withheld. So Mueller releases them last night instead of last Monday when the judge demanded they be produced. Yet this morning, Sullivan is screaming at Flynn and asking the Mueller goons if Flynn could be charged with TREASON! So Judge Sullivan, what happened between last night and this morning and what does Mueller have on YOU? :eusa_eh:


The answer is right there in your post.

Mueller released those papers. The judge read them and realized what flynn and others have been doing.

It's very obvious I'm surprised you can't see it.

He got the 302 Mueller had hidden from him the night before the sentencing, not a week before like he demanded. The 302 obviously said nothing about the ambush Strzok and the mystery agent put on Flynn. Something changed in the judge's attitude in a matter of hours...maybe the gravity of the situation, a threat from Mueller, or maybe he just didn't like the suit Flynn wore to court. He feigned he was upset about Flynn lobbying for Turkey, but he's not charged for that...only perjury which is so arbitrary it's laughable....Ask Martha Stewart what was gained by throwing her into a prison for a year....she was made an example of, same as Flynn is, only with the caveat that Mueller thought Flynn would deliver him Trump but that will never happen.

So you're saying that it's impossible for a judge to read 302 documents in a short time so it's all a mass conspiracy.

A judge who has been reading documents like those for decades isn't able to read 302 documents over night. I can read a book with twice that amount of pages over night.

Yes a judge can do that. Just because you can't doesn't mean other people can't. Especially people whose job it is to read documents and have been doing it for years.

Even if by some bizarre miracle he got through law school and all those years on the bench without being able to read 302 documents over night doesn't mean he can't read part of it and as much of it as he can. Which I highly doubt he got through law school and all those years as a judge without gaining the skills to read documents quickly.

I couldn't get past your ridiculous first sentence so I stopped reading your post since I can see you're either very ignorant and expect everyone else to be like you or you're just a liar.

Try another lie. This time try to make it believable.

They're just flailing after getting their butts kicked
I'll type the way I fucking want to type

How about you stop having hissy fits like a little bitch

I get it that you either senile or brain damaged from falling out of your ivory tower. But you continue wasting space in my threads, and I'll get you banned for it, asshole?
Ban me will still be a little bitch...
Catchy little rhyme eh? So, Mueller intimidates a district court judge who just yesterday was FURIOUS at him for the original 302 interview notes being withheld. So Mueller releases them last night instead of last Monday when the judge demanded they be produced. Yet this morning, Sullivan is screaming at Flynn and asking the Mueller goons if Flynn could be charged with TREASON! So Judge Sullivan, what happened between last night and this morning and what does Mueller have on YOU? :eusa_eh:


The answer is right there in your post.

Mueller released those papers. The judge read them and realized what flynn and others have been doing.

It's very obvious I'm surprised you can't see it.

He got the 302 Mueller had hidden from him the night before the sentencing, not a week before like he demanded. The 302 obviously said nothing about the ambush Strzok and the mystery agent put on Flynn. Something changed in the judge's attitude in a matter of hours...maybe the gravity of the situation, a threat from Mueller, or maybe he just didn't like the suit Flynn wore to court. He feigned he was upset about Flynn lobbying for Turkey, but he's not charged for that...only perjury which is so arbitrary it's laughable....Ask Martha Stewart what was gained by throwing her into a prison for a year....she was made an example of, same as Flynn is, only with the caveat that Mueller thought Flynn would deliver him Trump but that will never happen.

Ok I found out that it wasn't 302 documents.

The document that was filed with the court is called at 302.

I couldn't get the number of pages of the document but of course it wasn't 302 pages or a large number of pages.

You're now being very dishonest.

Which is very typical for a conservative. Or are you from russia? Your account is very new. We know there are russians all over the Internet and on sites like this spreading lies.

That would explain your lack of knowledge about our justice system.
Catchy little rhyme eh? So, Mueller intimidates a district court judge who just yesterday was FURIOUS at him for the original 302 interview notes being withheld. So Mueller releases them last night instead of last Monday when the judge demanded they be produced. Yet this morning, Sullivan is screaming at Flynn and asking the Mueller goons if Flynn could be charged with TREASON! So Judge Sullivan, what happened between last night and this morning and what does Mueller have on YOU? :eusa_eh:


LMAO! I was wondering how long it would take for the email talking points to make the rounds from all the POTUS apologist. Kellyanne Conway, Hannity, Mindwars. To try to disparage this judge.
You are a corrupt bastard aren't you. First you wanna use the justice department for "payback" and now you are suggesting tRump should bribe a judge.

That may be how they do shit in your country tovarisch but not here in the USA.

You betcha Creeptits....I'm a firm believer in giving a captured enemy a cool drink of water and a candy bar.....and then I throw his ass out of the Helo....they always looked so surprised. Of course they're blindfolded and don't know the Helo is only 5' off the pad but you find your fun where you can eh? :badgrin:
Oh, so you're good with torture too?

You do know one of our members got a visit from the fbies last week right? Might wanna watch the rhetoric a bit.
Ban me will still be a little bitch...

Always amusing when you valley girls call US "snowflakes" do have a good cry and keep the fuck off the double-spacing around me....oh and shine my boots while you're at it, boy.
Oh, so you're good with torture too?

You do know one of our members got a visit from the fbies last week right? Might wanna watch the rhetoric a bit.

Hey ya spelled "rhetoric" correctly....reckon you got a BS in something cultural anthropology or transgender studies....that's why you probably live in somebody's attic.. You're a real prize, Creeptits....a natural leader.....the Beto of USMB. :cool-45:
LMAO! You seem so disappointed about the scum bag carrying traitor Flynn...

I only enjoy you twits denied a victory....I don't give a shit about Flynn or Manafort or Cohen or any of Bob's other victims....they all played their part.
Oh, so you're good with torture too?

You do know one of our members got a visit from the fbies last week right? Might wanna watch the rhetoric a bit.

Hey ya spelled "rhetoric" correctly....reckon you got a BS in something cultural anthropology or transgender studies....that's why you probably live in somebody's attic.. You're a real prize, Creeptits....a natural leader.....the Beto of USMB. :cool-45:
Ingeniously decrepit comment. And the OP?
I should also note I've been taking on 5 or 6 of these fruitcakes at a time all day....still seems one-sided...maybe you should waddle over to for some new recruits.
Oh, so you're good with torture too?

You do know one of our members got a visit from the fbies last week right? Might wanna watch the rhetoric a bit.

Hey ya spelled "rhetoric" correctly....reckon you got a BS in something cultural anthropology or transgender studies....that's why you probably live in somebody's attic.. You're a real prize, Creeptits....a natural leader.....the Beto of USMB. :cool-45:
Lol, you display your ignorance my uneducated friend.

Better quit digging, that hole is getting pretty deep.

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