Sullivan Caves In, Hates On Flynn

Fuckin think Trump won't get some payback?
You mentioned Trump and, the drunken cry-baby bastard, Kavanaught.

Thanks for posting, out in the open, that you think "payback" is an appropriate way to run government.
Catchy little rhyme eh? So, Mueller intimidates a district court judge who just yesterday was FURIOUS at him for the original 302 interview notes being withheld. So Mueller releases them last night instead of last Monday when the judge demanded they be produced. Yet this morning, Sullivan is screaming at Flynn and asking the Mueller goons if Flynn could be charged with TREASON! So Judge Sullivan, what happened between last night and this morning and what does Mueller have on YOU? :eusa_eh:

Illuminati confirmed!

Maybe the Judge doesn't want to accept a dubious guilty plea?

Nobody knows what the fuck is going on at this point. Sullivan may man-up, reverse course, stride back into the courtroom, read Mueller the riot act and release Flynn for all anybody knows....crazy days.
LoLing @ far rightwing conjecture.

You know if Trump survives all of this and is reelected, you won't find the FBI and DOJ doing the same crap to your side so funny. He, like Kavanaugh, has a long memory and a shit-list a foot long.

Sorry, bitch. What you and Traitor Flynn and Birther Don are experiencing is the backhand of karma across your idiot faces.

Maybe the Judge doesn't want to accept a dubious guilty plea?

Nobody knows what the fuck is going on at this point. Sullivan may man-up, reverse course, stride back into the courtroom, read Mueller the riot act and release Flynn for all anybody knows....crazy days.

Sullivan opened the hearing today by stating that he does not want to sentence a guilty man who may indeed not be guilty.
Delayed now 90 days til March.
Maybe the Judge doesn't want to accept a dubious guilty plea?

Nobody knows what the fuck is going on at this point. Sullivan may man-up, reverse course, stride back into the courtroom, read Mueller the riot act and release Flynn for all anybody knows....crazy days.

He will wait and see what if any additional assistance Flynn may provide the govt before putting his ass in a federal prison.
Seems my OP has attracted every unemployed commie basket-case around, except for the banned ones. No point in bothering with them since they never learn anything or apologize for the insults. :th_waiting:
Maybe the Judge doesn't want to accept a dubious guilty plea?

Nobody knows what the fuck is going on at this point. Sullivan may man-up, reverse course, stride back into the courtroom, read Mueller the riot act and release Flynn for all anybody knows....crazy days.

He will wait and see what if any additional assistance Flynn may provide the govt before putting his ass in a federal prison.

Flynn has no additional info towards the collusion part of Muellers probe.
Sullivan opened the hearing today by stating that he does not want to sentence a guilty man who may indeed not be guilty.
Delayed now 90 days til March.

WOW! Seems there is still light at the end of the tunnel....Could be the WH also got to Sullivan and reminded them Trump has a bigger dick than Mueller like offering him an appellate court spot down the line....
It will depend on how the Judge want to sentence him.

This Judge could very well send him to jail even though Mueller stated he didn't want jail time for Flynn.

A full pardon from the President is coming regardless of what the scared-off judge does.
And you're OK w/that?

you bet - KGB in full swing.

KGB is gone like Hillary dummy....I'm FSB or maybe GRU...dah. :spinner:
Sullivan opened the hearing today by stating that he does not want to sentence a guilty man who may indeed not be guilty.
Delayed now 90 days til March.

WOW! Seems there is still light at the end of the tunnel....Could be the WH also got to Sullivan and reminded them Trump has a bigger dick than Mueller like offering him an appellate court spot down the line....

I feel that Sullivan may be a straight shooting fair minded judge whose crossing Ts and dotting Is.
Again....He read the 302 reports...

They are public, you can read them too

They gave Flynn time after time after time to tell the truth and he lied...

Trump even claimed he fired Flynn because he lied...

I wish you Trump cult members make your mind up

He wasn't in custody was he? Why was he told he wouldn't need a lawyer present? Why was it Strzok instead of any of hundreds of other agents? Why didn't Comey file on him instead of Mueller months later? Your side is the fucking cult...we are ordinary Americans trying to deal with the sewer the FBI has become.
Strozk failed his lie detector test in 2016 and by procedure was supposed to have his security clearance revoked.
Trump can pardon Flynn , but State laws were changed to keep thugs off NY streets, and the Southern District can try and convict his traitor ass.

and theres nothing the board Russians can do to change that ... :321:

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