Sullivan Caves In, Hates On Flynn

I should also note I've been taking on 5 or 6 of these fruitcakes at a time all day....still seems one-sided...maybe you should waddle over to for some new recruits.
Lol, you think you're "taking people on"?

We're laughing at you kid. Your ilk is a dime a dozen. You show up here, post a few hundred times over a few days, scream, whine, and make a lotta meaningless noise, then run home to hide under your bed and cry yourself to sleep 'cause we were mean to you.

You aren't anyone here's equal, even the other conservitards, you are comedy relief.
So this idiot says "I don't care about Flynn, Manafort, Cohen, etc" -- on the very same OP he made caring about Flynn....

Trump lovers are pathetic....
Catchy little rhyme eh? So, Mueller intimidates a district court judge who just yesterday was FURIOUS at him for the original 302 interview notes being withheld. So Mueller releases them last night instead of last Monday when the judge demanded they be produced. Yet this morning, Sullivan is screaming at Flynn and asking the Mueller goons if Flynn could be charged with TREASON! So Judge Sullivan, what happened between last night and this morning and what does Mueller have on YOU? :eusa_eh:

The only thing that happened is that you're triggered. ‘I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain’: Veteran judge upends hopes of Trump allies as he spotlights Flynn’s misdeeds
We're laughing at you kid. Your ilk is a dime a dozen. You show up here, post a few hundred times over a few days, scream, whine, and make a lotta meaningless noise, then run home to hide under your bed and cry yourself to sleep 'cause we were mean to you.

You aren't anyone here's equal, even the other conservitards, you are comedy relief.

Stubbed you out like a ceegar butt same as the others, Creeptits. Oh, and projecting your prog safe-spaces and crying rooms on us grizzled old Patriots is hilarious, snowflake....We really hurt you in '16 and you're still quietly sobbing. We let Nancy have her mallet back just to shut you wee fairies the hell up. :lol:
We're laughing at you kid. Your ilk is a dime a dozen. You show up here, post a few hundred times over a few days, scream, whine, and make a lotta meaningless noise, then run home to hide under your bed and cry yourself to sleep 'cause we were mean to you.

You aren't anyone here's equal, even the other conservitards, you are comedy relief.

Stubbed you out like a ceegar butt same as the others, Creeptits. Oh, and projecting your prog safe-spaces and crying rooms on us grizzled old Patriots is hilarious, snowflake....We really hurt you in '16 and you're still quietly sobbing. We let Nancy have her mallet back just to shut you wee fairies the hell up. :lol:
Lol, you just keep thinking that kiddo.

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