Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

yep, it's called three FISA Warrants.
Actually now I am hearing it was 4 and each time they knew there was nothing there, and that they based their warrant application on Russian Propaganda paid for by The Democrat Party, Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton.
one was Rossenstein.
Yates, Boerte, Comey and Rosentine and McCabe.....all were part of the FISA Applications.
All of them should be prosecuted.

I want to hear what THE FISA Judge has to say.
Where's the part where Trump was wiretapped? None of you have answered the question. It is a very simple question.

FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page

How was Trump wiretapped if Page was the target, dope?
Actually now I am hearing it was 4 and each time they knew there was nothing there, and that they based their warrant application on Russian Propaganda paid for by The Democrat Party, Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton.
one was Rossenstein.
Yates, Boerte, Comey and Rosentine and McCabe.....all were part of the FISA Applications.
All of them should be prosecuted.

I want to hear what THE FISA Judge has to say.
Where's the part where Trump was wiretapped? None of you have answered the question. It is a very simple question.

FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page

How was Trump wiretapped if Page was the target, dope?

Are you going to claim they couldnt get info on Trump through those taps retard?
I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

Not really. If it is true that the FISA court was mislead to believe that the dossier was a straight up surveillance document and was not given information that Steele was paid, the document had political motivations to sway an election, and that senior FBI and DOJ officials were keeping this purposely from the FISA court ?
Then this looks pretty big, and actually FBI officials are not supposed to take political sides like that. we will see though

the document had political motivations to sway an election,

How does it sway an election when it was classified, dope?

It was absolutely meant to sway an election because the FISA warrant was gotten to spy on the then Candidate Trump. Remember what Watergate was about? spying on political opponents and covering up. no different here except here the people doing the spying and covering up have great support from much of the media, an entire political party and high ranking feds to protect and turn a blind eye. Nixon had no such protections and had to resign

It was absolutely meant to sway an election because the FISA warrant was gotten to spy on the then Candidate Trump.

The FISA warrant targeted Carter Page who was no longer a member of the Trump Team.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

That's not true--2013 was the intitial FISA warrant on Carter Page, long before anyone heard of the Dossier file.

Russian intelligence operatives tried in 2013 to recruit an American businessman and eventual foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign who is now part of the F.B.I. investigation into Russia’s interference into the American election, according to federal court documents and a statement issued by the businessman.
The businessman, Carter Page, met with one of three Russians who were eventually charged with being undeclared officers with Russia’s foreign intelligence service, known as the S.V.R. The F.B.I. interviewed Mr. Page in 2013 as part of an investigation into the spy ring, but decided that he had not known the man was a spy, and the bureau never accused Mr. Page of wrongdoing.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump


Carter Page continually publicy denied having any contact with Russians during the campaign season, and specifically stated that when he went to Russia during the campaign that it was only to give a speech at a University. UNDER OATH his testimony changed dramatically.

"Page served as a foreign-policy advisor to Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential campaign. In September 2016, U.S. intelligence officials investigated alleged contacts between Page and Russian officials subject to U.S. sanctions, including Igor Sechin.[4] After news reports began to appear describing Page's links to Russia and Putin's government, Page stepped down from his role in the Trump campaign. Page served as a foreign-policy advisor to Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential campaign. In January 2017, Page's name appeared repeatedly in a leaked contract intelligence dossier containing unsubstantiated allegations of close interactions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. In October 2017, Page said he would not cooperate with requests to appear before the Intelligence Committee and would assert his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.[31] He said this was because they were requesting documents dating back to 2010, and he did not want to be caught in a "perjury trap." He expressed the wish to testify before the committee in an open setting. On November 2, 2017, Page tstified to the U.S. House Intelligence Committee that he had informed Jeff Sessions, Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks and other Trump campaign officials that he was traveling to Russia to give a speech in July 2016.[33][34][35] Page testified that he had met with Russian government officials during this trip and had sent a post-meeting report via email to members of the Trump campaign.[36] He also indicated that campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement about his trip."
Carter Page - Wikipedia

What it does PROVE is that the Dossier file is right about Carter Page.

Christopher Wray--Trump's pick for FBI chief warned the public that Devin Nunes memo would be stuffed full of omissions--and as we can see--he was 100% right about that.
FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

FBI director prepared to issue rebuttal if Nunes memo released, Fran Townsend says

This was just another stunt by Devin Nunes and Donald Trump to put on a dog & pony show to distract and undermine the Justice Department that has Colossally backfired. I am certain this will be spun to hell & back on FOX NEWS and right wing talk show programs--but it's not going anywhere--other than the usual right wing media bubble. Everywhere else it will be torn into shreads.


Rachel Maddow has a well detailed explanation of the 2013 FISA warrant on Carter Page, and the reason that Devin Nunes pulled this stunt.

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You are a looney toon. You are the one who has gone off the deep end. Nunes even lies about publicly available information. It is okay to release partisan falsehoods and smear the FBI for partisan gain. You are just as disgusting as Trump is.
so - it *IS* ok to release partisan falsehoods and smear the president because you don't like him.


You are the hypocrite. Trump's campaign was willing to accept help from the Russians. Russian twitter bots put out pro-Trump messages in the waning days of the campaign. Trump's campaign manager was receiving Russian money. Russia hacked the DNC servers. Trump interfered with a federal investigation of Flynn. Trump obstructed the investigation by firing Comey. That is true.

You can't be serious...with what Clinton did to Bernie with the help of the DNC?
She is your huckleberry my friend not Trump...when will you wake up? :1peleas:

Bernie lost because he got fewer votes than Clinton. Tell me the math that gets Sanders a majority of the delegates when he got around 44% of the vote. The DNC supported Clinton over Obama in 2008 but he won because he got a majority of the votes.

Trump and Clinton are 2 peas in the pod. They are both dishonest. Trump is worse because he is getting help from Russia.

Wow. You are clueless. The DNC was in the tank for Clinton. They admitted so and fired the twat who was head of the DNC when it came out. And the DNC rugged the primaries by having all of the states that Clinton was going big to win go first. Bernie was so far behind at the start people discounted him until he began to close the gap. But it was too late. Remember Donna Brazile She admitted to tippThere wereing Hillary off about the debate questions. You are crazy if you think the DNC didn’t push Hillary over the finish wire. And obama brat Hillary because the dnc didn’t really care which one of them won. Either way they were getting their man. No pun intended. Well, maybe a little. Lmao.

It doesn't matter who the DNC supports. Ultimately it comes down to votes and delegates. Delegates in the Democrat primaries are bound by the percentage of the vote. That meant that when Sanders got only 25% of the vote in SC, he still got 25% of the delegates. Yes the DNC did want Clinton over Obama. Obama won by winning states. Obama won 33 states to Sanders 23. No states moved up in 2016. Sanders had it easier in 2016. In 2008, Michigan and Florida moved up their primaries. Also Super Tuesday consisted of 23 states. In 2016, Michigan and Florida moved their primaries back and Super Tuesday consisted of 11 states. Sanders never closed the gap. He lost because he got 20% in Mississippi and Louisiana, 33% in Texas and Florida, to name a few. Sanders never closed the gap. Most of Sanders' wins came in states with few delegates while he lost most of the states that had a large number of delegates.
Even IF Mueller is fired, the investigation will not stop.......and could be picked up by a state's AG office (like NY's) who would then rehire Mueller.

It's over....
You'll have to find yet another bullshit lie to get Trump.

What does this have to do with the investigation?

They used a fake dossier to get the FISA warrant.

You have no way of knowing it's fake.That has always been nothing more than a talking point.
Just reading it shows most people it is fake...most intelligent non duped people anyway...

Sure, dope.
it was written by a partisan team. why wouldn't it be partisan? LOL. dude are you truly that stupid? oh yeah I forgot.

You are a looney toon. You are the one who has gone off the deep end. Nunes even lies about publicly available information. It is okay to release partisan falsehoods and smear the FBI for partisan gain. You are just as disgusting as Trump is.
so - it *IS* ok to release partisan falsehoods and smear the president because you don't like him.


You are the hypocrite. Trump's campaign was willing to accept help from the Russians. Russian twitter bots put out pro-Trump messages in the waning days of the campaign. Trump's campaign manager was receiving Russian money. Russia hacked the DNC servers. Trump interfered with a federal investigation of Flynn. Trump obstructed the investigation by firing Comey. That is true.

You can't be serious...with what Clinton did to Bernie with the help of the DNC?
She is your huckleberry my friend not Trump...when will you wake up? :1peleas:

Bernie lost because he got fewer votes than Clinton. Tell me the math that gets Sanders a majority of the delegates when he got around 44% of the vote. The DNC supported Clinton over Obama in 2008 but he won because he got a majority of the votes.

Trump and Clinton are 2 peas in the pod. They are both dishonest. Trump is worse because he is getting help from Russia.

Lets see...

Bernie lost because DNC fixed primaries for her. Donna Brazile confirms that.

Example: Wyoming Dem caucus has 18 delegates. Bernie got 56% of total votes, however, He got only 7 delegates, while Hillary got 11. That's how Dem math work. Did Hillary complained that Bernie got Wyoming popular vote? Nope, she said that's how the Dem primaries work.

By the way, Barry had fewer votes than Hillary in 2008 primaries.
Yikes! No wonder this shit works so well on you rubes.

The investigation involving Trump and his people started in Jul of 16.

The FISA warrant in question started in Oct of 16. After Page had left the campaign
If you can't see what has happened with the corrupt Obama clan than you don't want to see it...plain and are a political hack and it shows big time...America first not political party first...

Nothing you've said actually happened.
The investigation is not based on the FISA warrant
Right it's based on a phony dossier....

Ok, dope. I'll go over it one more time since you need extra help.

The counterintelligence investigation involving Trump and his people began in July of 16. The dossier hadn't even been completed then.

The Page warrant didn't begin until Oct of 16.

They did, dope. For a FISA warrant.
You don't know what Mueller has or hasn't used.

To what effect?

Isn't that in the memo?
if you think it isn’t all intertwined I have a bridge to sell you.
No one has suggested he would be, other than the left saying Trump will do it! Lol
If indeed the investigation has been based on false statements, then it may jeopardize the investigation.
Don't think he'll fire Bob. This cherrypicked POS appears to be aimed at Rosenstein. Trump hopes to get the base frothing at the mouth enough to fire Rod. Then he replaces him with a sycophant who will slow walk the investigation. The new guy could cut funding and establish new parameters for Mueller.

Massive backfire

Even IF Mueller is fired, the investigation will not stop.......and could be picked up by a state's AG office (like NY's) who would then rehire Mueller.

Why would Mueller be fired? This has nothing to do with him or the investigation.

The investigation is not based on the FISA warrant.

Sure. You're just unable to articulate how.
if you think it isn’t all intertwined I have a bridge to sell you.
No one has suggested he would be, other than the left saying Trump will do it! Lol
If indeed the investigation has been based on false statements, then it may jeopardize the investigation.
Even IF Mueller is fired, the investigation will not stop.......and could be picked up by a state's AG office (like NY's) who would then rehire Mueller.

Why would Mueller be fired? This has nothing to do with him or the investigation.

The investigation is not based on the FISA warrant.

Sure. You're just unable to articulate how.
Mueller will explain soon.

Didn’t don jr admit on July 11, 2017 that he loved the idea of colluding with Russia? Trumps lawyer mrs hicks told don sr those emails would never get out but then don jr tweeted them out.

The only reason trumps not Nixon is the gop government. Imagine if Obama’s did that with Kenya
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so - it *IS* ok to release partisan falsehoods and smear the president because you don't like him.


You are the hypocrite. Trump's campaign was willing to accept help from the Russians. Russian twitter bots put out pro-Trump messages in the waning days of the campaign. Trump's campaign manager was receiving Russian money. Russia hacked the DNC servers. Trump interfered with a federal investigation of Flynn. Trump obstructed the investigation by firing Comey. That is true.

You can't be serious...with what Clinton did to Bernie with the help of the DNC?
She is your huckleberry my friend not Trump...when will you wake up? :1peleas:

Bernie lost because he got fewer votes than Clinton. Tell me the math that gets Sanders a majority of the delegates when he got around 44% of the vote. The DNC supported Clinton over Obama in 2008 but he won because he got a majority of the votes.

Trump and Clinton are 2 peas in the pod. They are both dishonest. Trump is worse because he is getting help from Russia.

Wow. You are clueless. The DNC was in the tank for Clinton. They admitted so and fired the twat who was head of the DNC when it came out. And the DNC rugged the primaries by having all of the states that Clinton was going big to win go first. Bernie was so far behind at the start people discounted him until he began to close the gap. But it was too late. Remember Donna Brazile She admitted to tippThere wereing Hillary off about the debate questions. You are crazy if you think the DNC didn’t push Hillary over the finish wire. And obama brat Hillary because the dnc didn’t really care which one of them won. Either way they were getting their man. No pun intended. Well, maybe a little. Lmao.

It doesn't matter who the DNC supports. Ultimately it comes down to votes and delegates. Delegates in the Democrat primaries are bound by the percentage of the vote. That meant that when Sanders got only 25% of the vote in SC, he still got 25% of the delegates. Yes the DNC did want Clinton over Obama. Obama won by winning states. Obama won 33 states to Sanders 23. No states moved up in 2016. Sanders had it easier in 2016. In 2008, Michigan and Florida moved up their primaries. Also Super Tuesday consisted of 23 states. In 2016, Michigan and Florida moved their primaries back and Super Tuesday consisted of 11 states. Sanders never closed the gap. He lost because he got 20% in Mississippi and Louisiana, 33% in Texas and Florida, to name a few. Sanders never closed the gap. Most of Sanders' wins came in states with few delegates while he lost most of the states that had a large number of delegates.
The investigation is not based on the FISA warrant
Right it's based on a phony dossier....

Ok, dope. I'll go over it one more time since you need extra help.

The counterintelligence investigation involving Trump and his people began in July of 16. The dossier hadn't even been completed then.

The Page warrant didn't begin until Oct of 16.

Page had a FISA WARRANT on him issued in 2013. This has to be renewed every 90 days. This USMB thread explains it.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.

Maddow did a good job of explaining all of this also.
Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.

Memo doesn't have to say it's illegal.

Lying to court, or presenting false information to the court in order to obtain the warrant is illegal.

Do you need any further explanation, or you got it?

What false information?
the dossier. but that's yesterday's news. today is that we will finally get the FISA application. wahooo

It's Fake? Who says.
the Congress.
Sure, dope.
Actually the fbi has as well.
Memo doesn't have to say it's illegal.

Lying to court, or presenting false information to the court in order to obtain the warrant is illegal.

Do you need any further explanation, or you got it?

What false information?
the dossier. but that's yesterday's news. today is that we will finally get the FISA application. wahooo

It's Fake? Who says.
the Congress.

No they haven't, liar.

Comey testified that portions had been cotroborated.

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