Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.


In 2016 Ohr meets with Steele, determines he is extremely biased and 'desperate for Trump not to become President'.
- Ohr tells the leadership of the FBI this information. Both the leadership of the FBI and DOJ knew this to be the case!

The FBI and DOJ then seek FISA warrants to SPY ON THE POLITICAL OPPOSITION PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS TEAM DURING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION using the KNOWN unverified dossier provided by a KNOWN biased foreign spy ... 'desperate' to prevent Trump from becoming President ... as their basis to obtain FISA Warrants to do so.


So if I hate my neighbor and know he grows pot illegally in his basement and I turn him in. The charges won't stick because I didn't like him?

No, charges won't stick because you lied that he's growing pot.

Reason you lied is because you don't like him.
No, charges won't stick because you lied that he's growing pot.

Reason you lied is because you don't like him.

That's not what I said, dope.
Obviously there would be no charges if I lied.

Damn you're dumb.

This is what I said.
So if I hate my neighbor and know he grows pot illegally in his basement and I turn him in. The charges won't stick because I didn't like him?

I know what you said. Read my post again, this time carefully. Pay attention dummy.

Let me draw a picture for you. If your neighbor is growing pot in his basement and you turn him in, it doesn't matter if you hate him or not, he's gonna get charged. However, if you call police on him and it turns out he's not growing pot, he wont be charged, but you will, hopefully with hate crime attached to it, because you lied and filed false report. Again, pay attention dummy.
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Is anyone surprised the left wing corrupted and abused government agencies for political gain? When the American people punished the left by taking away control of the House and Senate the Obama administration simply side stepped congress and the people's representatives and pursued their agenda via other means. Well now there's a mess to clean up in their wake.

Remember you guys shit your pants because you thought Obama was trying to get the FBI to drop the case against Hillary? It's funny that today you are totally ok with Trump trying to get the FBI to drop the case about him colluding with Russia. That's ok?

There is no case, you freaks conned the court into issuing illegal wire taps using a biased discredited dossier funded by Hillary.

They were not. Apparently some of it has been verified.
Trump can fire him at any time, yet knowing that Trump WANTS the memo to be true so he can hinder the Russian investigation farther, Wray STILL said it wasn't true
Wray did not say it wasn't true in fact he signed off on it yesterday...

Lying at this point is stupid because we are all paying very good attention...

Wrong. He said they cherry picked items and took them out of context creating an untruth.

and if you read the three page "summary", it still says that they didn't need the dossier for the warrant because of Carter Page's ridiculously long history with the Russians

can you imagine if any of president Obama's people were being worked as Russian assets and making anti-American speeches in Moscow?
Not to mention, warrants against Page had been renewed every 3 months for years.

What an embarrassment it is for those who call themselves Republicans.


and the guilty pleas by Flynn.... and Papadopoulos... and now it looks like Gates is cooperating and will be taking a plea too...

but the loons will still say it's a conspiracy.

if they weren't so pathetic it would be funny
Hey now, Flynn’s charges have already been dropped according to some cult members here.

the Trump Team in September, came out in the news ad nauseum that Carter Page was really not a part of their team, was a nobody, never did anything for them, was never at any of their foreign policy meetings of importance etc etc etc....

The Carter Page FISA warrant in question was for Mid October 2016, AFTER he was forced to quit their team in September when numerous spokes people for the Trump team claimed he was really a NOBODY....

so Page didn't even work for the Trump campaign when this FISA was issued....

doesn't that squash the claim that this was to spy on the Trump campaign's doings???
:abgg2q.jpg: And especially Joy and Whoopie, who have been believing that Hillary lost because of all the "Russian Theories". Now they all look like fools {well, except who ever is the conservative chick on the panel}.
And remember seeing Joy Blowhard all year,,having a cow/adamant that The Russians were the only reason Hillary lost?
:aug08_031: :imsorry3: :oops-28: :poop: :oops-28: :oops8:
Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



View attachment 174596


Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.

Memo doesn't have to say it's illegal.

Lying to court, or presenting false information to the court in order to obtain the warrant is illegal.

Do you need any further explanation, or you got it?

What false information?

The dossier. It's made up and unverified information.

Also, omitting the information from court to obtain a warrant is illegal. Is that clear, or you need clarification?
Wrong. Some of it has been verified.

Like what, that Trump was is Russia and that he was looking to expand business over there?

And because that is truth, everything else must be truth?
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.


In 2016 Ohr meets with Steele, determines he is extremely biased and 'desperate for Trump not to become President'.
- Ohr tells the leadership of the FBI this information. Both the leadership of the FBI and DOJ knew this to be the case!

The FBI and DOJ then seek FISA warrants to SPY ON THE POLITICAL OPPOSITION PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS TEAM DURING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION using the KNOWN unverified dossier provided by a KNOWN biased foreign spy ... 'desperate' to prevent Trump from becoming President ... as their basis to obtain FISA Warrants to do so.


So if I hate my neighbor and know he grows pot illegally in his basement and I turn him in. The charges won't stick because I didn't like him?

No, charges won't stick because you lied that he's growing pot.

Reason you lied is because you don't like him.
No, charges won't stick because you lied that he's growing pot.

Reason you lied is because you don't like him.

That's not what I said, dope.
Obviously there would be no charges if I lied.

Damn you're dumb.

This is what I said.
So if I hate my neighbor and know he grows pot illegally in his basement and I turn him in. The charges won't stick because I didn't like him?

I know what you said. Read my post again, this time carefully. Pay attention dummy.

Let me draw a picture for you. If your neighbor is growing pot in his basement and you turn him in, it doesn't matter if you hate him or not, he's gonna get charged. However, if you turn call police on him and it turns out he's not growing pot, he wont be charged, but you will, hopefully with hate crime attached to it, because you lied and filed false report. Again, pay attention dummy.
Your analogy is not even necessarily true. If you had good reason to believe your neighbor was growing weed and filed a complaint in good faith, you’re not being charged, even though you turn out to be wrong.
Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.

Memo doesn't have to say it's illegal.

Lying to court, or presenting false information to the court in order to obtain the warrant is illegal.

Do you need any further explanation, or you got it?

What false information?

The dossier. It's made up and unverified information.

Also, omitting the information from court to obtain a warrant is illegal. Is that clear, or you need clarification?
Wrong. Some of it has been verified.

Like what, that Trump was is Russia and that he was looking to expand business over there?

And because that is truth, everything else must be truth?
No one knows which I parts have been verified because Nunes wouldn’t put that in his memo.

But parts were.
Trump can fire him at any time, yet knowing that Trump WANTS the memo to be true so he can hinder the Russian investigation farther, Wray STILL said it wasn't true
Wray did not say it wasn't true in fact he signed off on it yesterday...

Lying at this point is stupid because we are all paying very good attention...

Wrong. He said they cherry picked items and took them out of context creating an untruth.

and if you read the three page "summary", it still says that they didn't need the dossier for the warrant because of Carter Page's ridiculously long history with the Russians

can you imagine if any of president Obama's people were being worked as Russian assets and making anti-American speeches in Moscow?
Not to mention, warrants against Page had been renewed every 3 months for years.

What an embarrassment it is for those who call themselves Republicans.


and the guilty pleas by Flynn.... and Papadopoulos... and now it looks like Gates is cooperating and will be taking a plea too...

but the loons will still say it's a conspiracy.

if they weren't so pathetic it would be funny

On Chris Mathews, he said that two lawyers who are representing people swept up in the Mueller probe say they feel that Mueller has enough evidence to indict Trump for obstruction.
Hey now, Flynn’s charges have already been dropped according to some cult members here
I don't think they will drop the charges but he will not go to jail and he will walk...the Mueller investigation is as trumped up as the phony dossier...But Mueller will continue to dig until he finds something to charge someone with..he must justify his expenses...
But Trump will pardon anyone that does get caught up in this including Flynn and because of the memo Trump's supporters will be cheering him on... Boy I bet that would piss you off to no end...
I'm glad this memo is released. So Republicans can keep showing their obstructionist asses to public.

Very troubling when we have the president attacking the FBI and Department of Justice.

They are a part of our checks and balances. Without them, presidents would be allowed to run authoritian regimes.
Wray did not say it wasn't true in fact he signed off on it yesterday...

Lying at this point is stupid because we are all paying very good attention...

Wrong. He said they cherry picked items and took them out of context creating an untruth.

and if you read the three page "summary", it still says that they didn't need the dossier for the warrant because of Carter Page's ridiculously long history with the Russians

can you imagine if any of president Obama's people were being worked as Russian assets and making anti-American speeches in Moscow?
Not to mention, warrants against Page had been renewed every 3 months for years.

What an embarrassment it is for those who call themselves Republicans.


and the guilty pleas by Flynn.... and Papadopoulos... and now it looks like Gates is cooperating and will be taking a plea too...

but the loons will still say it's a conspiracy.

if they weren't so pathetic it would be funny

On Chris Mathews, he said that two lawyers who are representing people swept up in the Mueller probe say they feel that Mueller has enough evidence to indict Trump for obstruction.

federal prosecutors are known for not filing a case until they can convict you ten times over. that's how they get people to take pleas and flip on bigger fish.
I'm glad this memo is released. So Republicans can keep showing their obstructionist asses to public.

Very troubling when we have the president attacking the FBI and Department of Justice.

They are a part of our checks and balances. Without them, presidents would be allowed to run authoritian regimes.

The FBI ha been corrupted before. Should we pretend that it can't happen or hasn't happened? A corrupt "check and balance" is not a check or balance. They are not above being checked and balanced either.

I hope it hasn't happened again, but I am not naive enough to dismiss it.

FBI may be corrupt. But what makes Republicans and Trump qualified to deal with the corruption? They're all partisan hacks who only care about their.

They were 100 % behind the FBI when they were investigating Hilary's emails. They were upstanding people.

Now that FBI are the villains.

The US President is the ultimate boss of the FBI. Yes, it is for the President to deal with.

The head of the FBI was given a 10 year term to isolate them from political influences. Trump is trying to politicize the FBI.

The other side says it is already politicized and have supporting evidence. I would like to get to the bottom of it. It wouldn't be the first time the FBI was politicized.
Wray did not say it wasn't true in fact he signed off on it yesterday...

Lying at this point is stupid because we are all paying very good attention...

Wrong. He said they cherry picked items and took them out of context creating an untruth.

and if you read the three page "summary", it still says that they didn't need the dossier for the warrant because of Carter Page's ridiculously long history with the Russians

can you imagine if any of president Obama's people were being worked as Russian assets and making anti-American speeches in Moscow?
Not to mention, warrants against Page had been renewed every 3 months for years.

What an embarrassment it is for those who call themselves Republicans.


and the guilty pleas by Flynn.... and Papadopoulos... and now it looks like Gates is cooperating and will be taking a plea too...

but the loons will still say it's a conspiracy.

if they weren't so pathetic it would be funny

On Chris Mathews, he said that two lawyers who are representing people swept up in the Mueller probe say they feel that Mueller has enough evidence to indict Trump for obstruction.
Well if true, that would certainly explain trump’s eagerness to try to end Mueller’s investigation.
federal prosecutors are known for not filing a case until they can convict you ten times over. that's how they get people to take pleas and flip on bigger fish
And you are okay with that? wow.....
Wray did not say it wasn't true in fact he signed off on it yesterday...

Lying at this point is stupid because we are all paying very good attention...

Wrong. He said they cherry picked items and took them out of context creating an untruth.

and if you read the three page "summary", it still says that they didn't need the dossier for the warrant because of Carter Page's ridiculously long history with the Russians

can you imagine if any of president Obama's people were being worked as Russian assets and making anti-American speeches in Moscow?
Not to mention, warrants against Page had been renewed every 3 months for years.

What an embarrassment it is for those who call themselves Republicans.


and the guilty pleas by Flynn.... and Papadopoulos... and now it looks like Gates is cooperating and will be taking a plea too...

but the loons will still say it's a conspiracy.

if they weren't so pathetic it would be funny

On Chris Mathews, he said that two lawyers who are representing people swept up in the Mueller probe say they feel that Mueller has enough evidence to indict Trump for obstruction.

You liberals are so full of SHIT...

Bats will fly out of your ass before chris mathews is right
You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
What a stupid question. Are you a fool? Especially after I posted what it takes to get a FISA warrant.

they get easily confused.

Nothing confusing about it at all. You still haven't proved the veracity of the "Dossier"" ;) WE both know that you're lying about it.

I don't have to prove the "veracity of the dossier". the people who have that responsibility have said it is largely substantiated.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

let me know when you give a damn that every word out of Donald's mouth is a lie and we can talk more about "proof"

"We now know that the Fusion GPS dossier was nothing more than propaganda, much of it fed to Steele and Fusion GPS by current and former Russian intelligence operatives. In short, the Democrats, the Clinton campaign and the media facilitated the Russians’ most effective campaign tactic to undercut Americans’ faith in two important institutions: government and the media. "

The real problem with Fusion GPS' Steele dossier

We do not know that. We know Russian twitter bots are helping Republicans. It tells us that Steele was 100% right to be concerned about Russia's influence with Trump.
Well if true, that would certainly explain trump’s eagerness to try to end Mueller’s investigation
Trump needs to replace Mueller even if he has to push Sessions out for someone that hasn't recused himself from anything Russia...
The investigation can continue but obviously Mueller can't get the job wrapped up in a timely manner...
Wrong. He said they cherry picked items and took them out of context creating an untruth.

and if you read the three page "summary", it still says that they didn't need the dossier for the warrant because of Carter Page's ridiculously long history with the Russians

can you imagine if any of president Obama's people were being worked as Russian assets and making anti-American speeches in Moscow?
Not to mention, warrants against Page had been renewed every 3 months for years.

What an embarrassment it is for those who call themselves Republicans.


and the guilty pleas by Flynn.... and Papadopoulos... and now it looks like Gates is cooperating and will be taking a plea too...

but the loons will still say it's a conspiracy.

if they weren't so pathetic it would be funny

On Chris Mathews, he said that two lawyers who are representing people swept up in the Mueller probe say they feel that Mueller has enough evidence to indict Trump for obstruction.

You liberals are so full of SHIT...

Bats will fly out of your ass before chris mathews is right

Well, that's ONE thing they don't have to worry about.
Hey now, Flynn’s charges have already been dropped according to some cult members here
I don't think they will drop the charges but he will not go to jail and he will walk...the Mueller investigation is as trumped up as the phony dossier...But Mueller will continue to dig until he finds something to charge someone with..he must justify his expenses...
But Trump will pardon anyone that does get caught up in this including Flynn and because of the memo Trump's supporters will be cheering him on... Boy I bet that would piss you off to no end...

Look who’s flipped his script ^^^

You kept saying how Flynn hasn’t been convicted... he’s not appeared before a judge... he hasn’t had his day on court... he was setup..,, he was coerced... he’s gonna withdraw his plea... and that he’s gonna walk all because of the Nunes Memo.

I was actually the one to point out to you, the only way Flynn walks is with a pardon.

You now admit I was right and you were wrong by taking up my argument.


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