Summer of 22... we will all remember it.

Yep, and none of the Trumpers cared one iota.
I was one that did... particularly his first covid gifting in an attempt to buy votes.
But again, Congress really holds the purse strings. Presidents set budgets, Congress votes to exceed it and spend more. Then Presidents like to pass "plans with appealing names"... Congress gleefully obliges, then votes to expand it.

If it wasn't for one lone responsible Democrat who sided with the Republicans, Biden would be setting new records if he got his way.
The virus isn't done with America or anywhere else for that matter. Whether we just take the bullet remains to be seen.
Pandering for vote harvesting again huh.

Screw the lock downs and the assholes who did this to our country. Covid didn't do this............These assholes did this.

Maybe we need to develop a ASSHOLE VACCINE.
Pandering for vote harvesting again huh.

Screw the lock downs and the assholes who did this to our country. Covid didn't do this............These assholes did this.

Maybe we need to develop a ASSHOLE VACCINE.

Education repels conservatives, so we are practically half way there in developing your asshole vaccine for you.
Education repels conservatives, so we are practically half way there in developing your asshole vaccine for you.
Good Luck administering it..............We started to tell you types to go to hell early on in this PLANEDEMIC.
The national debt is the accumulated debt of many Presidents.

No shit super genius, the last 20 trillion all to Obumma, Trump and Biden, to which, Biden has taken now it up to the unprecedented number of 30 trillion, after spending YEARS harping to us that TRUMP was spending too much!

Gee, why is talking to a leftwing tard always like talking to a grade-school idiot? Next!
No shit super genius, the last 20 trillion all to Obumma, Trump and Biden, to which, Biden has taken now it up to the unprecedented number of 30 trillion, after spending YEARS harping to us that TRUMP was spending too much!

if only you people have given a shit for one second during the 4 years of Trump about the debt these sorts of post might have some meaning
No shit super genius,
Nah, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that saying"... the Bidenista Regime with its 30 trillion dollar debt," like you did, is in fact, a new brand kind of a bat shit crazy.......
Nah, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that saying"... the Bidenista Regime with its 30 trillion dollar debt," like you did, is in fact, a new brand kind of a bat shit crazy.......

You must have brain infarction. I never said that Biden SPENT 30 trillion,. I said that Biden HAD a 30 trillion dollar debt to which he has added several trillion just the past year, not to mention all those trillions during the Obumma years when he was VP.

Since Biden has been VP/P since 2009, he has overseen nearly 15-20 of our 30 trillion and is still spending more and there is no refuting that.
You must have brain infarction. I never said that Biden SPENT 30 trillion,. I said

"... the Bidenista Regime with its 30 trillion dollar debt,"

When in reality, the debt has increased only about 5% so far under Biden.

Still far too much. We need a balance budget amendment.
Workers are able to quit crappy jobs. That's not a bad thing. Businesses having to compete big time for laborers is also a great thing.
Back in February I posted up a couple articles and said my opinion was large layoffs are coming.
That was followed by a lot of laughter and rolling eyes.

I am betting there is a lot less laughter and rolling eyes now.
May is not going to have good numbers. Inflation is killing everyone.
Businesses are already cutting back orders, the first major sign of coming trouble.

The only question s how bad will it get. I doubt as bad as 2008, bit it is possible.
Certainly going to be worse than 1980-81.
Don't forget the diesel shortages.
Which is 5 %.

No fool, he is responsible for all 100% of it as president, and his adding trillions more onto it at this time for so specious of reasons after it only being around 9 trillion when he first took office as VP is despicable, treasonous and impeachable. We have a rogue clown imposter in the WH who makes Jimmy Carter look like a master artist in comparison who definitely is out to destroy the nation doing everything that common sense would warn NOT to do.


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