Sun explodes in activity!!!

Hmmm....... Very active sun, with strong El Nino somtime in the next two years, gonna be a hot time in the old towm tonight.

GHGs increasing faster than predicted, if the other factors all go positive, the effect are going to be dramatic.

What happened to the "weakest Sun in 80 years"?

What happened to "cycles"? You're the one saying they're the whole story and CO2 has no effect at all!!!
if people believe the climate is going to gradually change because of CO2 they may be wrong !! we need to take a closer look at drastic climate change that could happen in a very short period of time caused by the sun !!............OH THATS RIGHT LIBBS BELIEVE IT's ALL MAN MADE !!

WRONG..., AGAIN!!! That's the "Big Lie" of the denier side, that the proponents ONLY consider GHGs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why do you think the computer models are so complicated? Sort of trashes your argument, doesn't it?

As a pure aside:

Why are you wasting any time engaging in ANY discussion with a stupid piece of useless crap like Randi?

I don't care if you're liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican. Any discussion with Randi is per-ordained to be pointless (except, perhaps, for those electing to just take a swipe at his stupidity for the humor of it).

Hell, in most cases, even reading his/her bullshit is more than enough of a waste of time.
liability to society is a very very angry little man !! and if his tiny little prick was backed up any father into his fat belly his balls would be hanging out off his ass hole !! :lol::lol::lol:
2011 09 14 143 144
2011 09 15 141 167

Solar flex 141, sun spot number all the way to 167!!!

20110913 200000 2455818.322 2114.673 0129.4 0131.0 0117.9
20110913 230000 2455818.447 2114.677 0134.8 0136.4 0122.8
20110914 170000 2455819.197 2114.705 0140.4 0142.1 0127.9
20110914 200000 2455819.322 2114.709 0142.6 0144.3 0129.9
20110914 230000 2455819.447 2114.714 0140.5 0142.1 0127.9
20110915 170000 2455820.197 2114.741 0142.9 0144.5 0130.1
20110915 200000 2455820.322 2114.746 0140.7 0142.3 0128.1
20110915 230000 2455820.447 2114.751 0144.1 0145.8 0131.2
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WRONG..., AGAIN!!! That's the "Big Lie" of the denier side, that the proponents ONLY consider GHGs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why do you think the computer models are so complicated? Sort of trashes your argument, doesn't it?

As a pure aside:

Why are you wasting any time engaging in ANY discussion with a stupid piece of useless crap like Randi?

I don't care if you're liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican. Any discussion with Randi is per-ordained to be pointless (except, perhaps, for those electing to just take a swipe at his stupidity for the humor of it).

Hell, in most cases, even reading his/her bullshit is more than enough of a waste of time.
liability to society is a very very angry little man !! and if his tiny little prick was backed up any father into his fat belly his balls would be hanging out off his ass hole !! :lol::lol::lol:

Randy expresses yet again his deep and abiding fascination with cock.
Hmmm....... Very active sun, with strong El Nino somtime in the next two years, gonna be a hot time in the old towm tonight.

GHGs increasing faster than predicted, if the other factors all go positive, the effect are going to be dramatic.

What happened to the "weakest Sun in 80 years"?

What happened to "cycles"? You're the one saying they're the whole story and CO2 has no effect at all!!!

Wait. CO2 causes sunspots?

You Warmers were saying that CO2 must be extra, super ShamWow powerful because the "weakest Sun in 80 years", right? You did say that, right?
What happened to the "weakest Sun in 80 years"?

What happened to "cycles"? You're the one saying they're the whole story and CO2 has no effect at all!!!

Wait. CO2 causes sunspots?

You Warmers were saying that CO2 must be extra, super ShamWow powerful because the "weakest Sun in 80 years", right? You did say that, right?

It's ALL part of the picture. Do you have a point? People are sticking up for you. It's time to show that support isn't misplaced.
Brown Dwarf landing soon.
[ame=]Stevie Wonder[/ame]


  • $article_camel_toe_1.jpeg
    19.7 KB · Views: 86
2011 09 11 121 94 750 1 -999 B4.8 4 0 0 3 0 0 0
2011 09 12 124 97 490 3 -999 B6.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 09 13 129 118 660 1 -999 B5.3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
2011 09 14 143 144 890 2 -999 B5.6 8 0 0 13 1 0 0
2011 09 15 141 167 810 0 -999 B6.0 11 0 0 8 0 0 0
2011 09 16 143 173 990 1

WOW, Sun spot number up to 173...If this can keep up for another half month sun spots will go across 100-110 when you avg it out or more...Solar flex maybe another raise...No, not the max of the last cycle for 4 straight years that got into the 230 levels for entire months with its solar flex!!!
SOLARCYCLE - Solar Flux Data

Give it a year of this and the negative will start sliding the mask off the warming caused by our friend.
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if people believe the climate is going to gradually change because of CO2 they may be wrong !! we need to take a closer look at drastic climate change that could happen in a very short period of time caused by the sun !!............OH THATS RIGHT LIBBS BELIEVE IT's ALL MAN MADE !!

Please. The sun is responsible. This is getting to be a popular mantra. Nevermind. We pump out record levels of pollution, the human race is now at 7 billion people. But, the sun is causing this? What a coincidence. OK. We should ALL look at ALL the possibilities, even if it might mean we take a hit to our pocket books. There are plenty of RICH liberals that wouldn't like the truth anymore than RICH Conservatives. Profits would suffer if we take steps to stop CO2 output. Profit seems to be what most of you anti-global warming folks seem to be more concerned with, not survival of the human race.
if people believe the climate is going to gradually change because of CO2 they may be wrong !! we need to take a closer look at drastic climate change that could happen in a very short period of time caused by the sun !!............OH THATS RIGHT LIBBS BELIEVE IT's ALL MAN MADE !!

Please. The sun is responsible. This is getting to be a popular mantra. Nevermind. We pump out record levels of pollution, the human race is now at 7 billion people. But, the sun is causing this? What a coincidence. OK. We should ALL look at ALL the possibilities, even if it might mean we take a hit to our pocket books. There are plenty of RICH liberals that wouldn't like the truth anymore than RICH Conservatives. Profits would suffer if we take steps to stop CO2 output. Profit seems to be what most of you anti-global warming folks seem to be more concerned with, not survival of the human race.

Yeah...the Sun affects climate on Earth...pfffffft how fucking gullible do you have to believe that the Sun can overpower the effect of an SUV?
if people believe the climate is going to gradually change because of CO2 they may be wrong !! we need to take a closer look at drastic climate change that could happen in a very short period of time caused by the sun !!............OH THATS RIGHT LIBBS BELIEVE IT's ALL MAN MADE !!

Please. The sun is responsible. This is getting to be a popular mantra. Nevermind. We pump out record levels of pollution, the human race is now at 7 billion people. But, the sun is causing this? What a coincidence. OK. We should ALL look at ALL the possibilities, even if it might mean we take a hit to our pocket books. There are plenty of RICH liberals that wouldn't like the truth anymore than RICH Conservatives. Profits would suffer if we take steps to stop CO2 output. Profit seems to be what most of you anti-global warming folks seem to be more concerned with, not survival of the human race.

Yeah...the Sun affects climate on Earth...pfffffft how fucking gullible do you have to believe that the Sun can overpower the effect of an SUV?

Come ON!

What the devil do you 6% folks think POWERS the Sun? "Nuclear" reaction? :eusa_hand:


Smarten up, for Pity's sake.

The Sun is POWERED by SUV's.

Solar flex up to 145 and sun spot number 173 on the daily. If we keep this up we will have a 100 or more month on this graph for Sept...The prediction for this maximum is only for 90 sun spot number for a month.
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2011 09 14 143 144 890


Flux is 143 and sun spot number is 144....The sun is waking up!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: OMFG, it is pissed!!!

If we start getting whole months of 100-140 sun spot numbers over the next 6 months...The negative will start going away within a year or so as the solar output shows up much faster within the global climate system then "co2" effects. Watch for a rise in global temperatures.

cool! maybe now we actually get some warming.. It is frickin frgid.
Well, let's hope it is not setting up for one of these.

150 Years Ago: The Worst Solar Storm Ever |

On Sept. 2, 1859, an incredible storm of charged particles sent by the sun slammed into Earth's atmosphere, overpowered it, and caused havoc on the ground. Telegraph wires, the high-tech stuff of the time, suddenly shorted out in the United States and Europe, igniting widespread fires. Colorful aurora, normally visible only in polar regions, were seen as far south as Cuba and Hawaii.

2011 09 14 143 144 890


Flux is 143 and sun spot number is 144....The sun is waking up!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: OMFG, it is pissed!!!

If we start getting whole months of 100-140 sun spot numbers over the next 6 months...The negative will start going away within a year or so as the solar output shows up much faster within the global climate system then "co2" effects. Watch for a rise in global temperatures.

cool! maybe now we actually get some warming.. It is frickin frgid.

Look at the posts from leftie global warmists. They revel in disaster. They like it because they think it might diminish America's stature in the world by blaming the USA for natural catastrophies.
Look at the posts from leftie global warmists. They revel in disaster. They like it because they think it might diminish America's stature in the world by blaming the USA for natural catastrophies.

I'm just a weather nut that loves to look at the world around me. :eusa_whistle: You people don't even understand wtf I'm trying to point out.:eek:

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