Sun Goes Blank Again, Weakest Solar Cycle in More Than a Century

All I know is when the facts didn't pan out and most world sea shore cities weren't ten feet under water as they predicted, they went from Global Warming to Climate Change. I wonder what name they're use next. But I doubt they will because Climate Change is all encompassing, that's what the climate does, IT CHANGES. :lmao:
I was looking forward to a nuclear freeze, I get hot easily....
Fat...or bulky, or goon...
Rotund.... Pleasantly plump.... As my wife calls it....

Hot flashes are the things I dodge with her..
All I know is when the facts didn't pan out and most world sea shore cities weren't ten feet under water as they predicted, they went from Global Warming to Climate Change. I wonder what name they're use next. But I doubt they will because Climate Change is all encompassing, that's what the climate does, IT CHANGES. :lmao:
I was looking forward to a nuclear freeze, I get hot easily....
Fat...or bulky, or goon...
Rotund.... Pleasantly plump.... As my wife calls it....

Hot flashes are the things I dodge with her..
I've had three wives, once they hit forty, I turn 'em in for two twenties........
But but but but but when you add in the "Warming" in the ocean 700m down is the hottest June 24 EVAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Over the last 35 years the sun has shown a slight cooling trend. However global temperatures have been increasing. Since the sun and climate are going in opposite directions scientists conclude the sun cannot be the cause of recent global warming.

The only way to blame the sun for the current rise in temperatures is by cherry picking the data. This is done by showing only past periods when sun and climate move together and ignoring the last few decades when the two are moving in opposite directions.

Figure 1: Annual global temperature change (thin light red) with 11 year moving average of temperature (thick dark red). Temperature from NASA GISS. Annual Total Solar Irradiance (thin light blue) with 11 year moving average of TSI (thick dark blue). TSI from 1880 to 1978 from Krivova et al 2007 (data). TSI from 1979 to 2015 from PMOD (see the PMOD index page for data updates).

Basic rebuttal written by Larry M
Sun & climate: moving in opposite directions

You don't NEED to have an ever increasing solar radiation to pump the temperatures higher. It can reach a relative max -- like in your graph and STAY THERE for 70 years and continue heating the planet higher.. That's how you home heater works..It doesn't put out hotter air when you turn the thermostat up.. It just stays on LONGER.. Temperature in the house climbs even tho the SUPPLY air remains the same.

That applies to ANY system with long delays to forcings and massive storage capabilities. Just like those in the heat distribution system of your planet..
The sun keeps getting cooler, yet the world keeps getting hotter.

Conclusion? You'd have to be a special type of stupid to think the sun was causing the warming.

Billy is that special type of stupid. Tell us all again, Billy, how that cooling sun causes warming.

Back in the real world, even if the sun did go into a new Maunder minimum, that would just mean a temporary slowdown in the rate of warming. Climate forcing from human CO2 emissions are much more powerful than any conceivable changes in solar forcing.

Thanks for highlighting your kind of stupid. Snageltooth is that kind of special stupid...

It believes the highly upward adjustments of its religious prophets and ignores the real science of how our system works. It refuses to see that our surface water saves up energy and releases it as the input wanes over time, but that reserve has now been depleted. There is only one way in which the planet can now progress, the Pause was the top of the cycle and we are now in the cooling part of the natural cycle... But IT is to ignorant to understand this very basic principal... It lies, It touts other liars and deceivers to support its own lies..

That is most certainly a special kind of stupid!
One of the things the "warmers" do with tens of billions of taxdollars to make vanish, they pump out false "skeptic" theories like solar cycle. Since they know CO2 based climate change is fraud, they need to "discredit" skeptics by having them argue things that are bogus. Thanks for helping the FRAUD succeed.

Meanwhile, in the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze - quite the "solar cycle" there too...
One of the things the "warmers" do with tens of billions of taxdollars to make vanish, they pump out false "skeptic" theories like solar cycle. Since they know CO2 based climate change is fraud, they need to "discredit" skeptics by having them argue things that are bogus. Thanks for helping the FRAUD succeed.

Meanwhile, in the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze - quite the "solar cycle" there too...
You having problems with how a buffered system works? Also having problems with how a water controlled systems works too I see...

Thought so...

and then you discover the "warmers" are using "solar cycle" to sell their FRAUD, not refute it.

Brilliant. Either you are part of the FRAUD, or you are way too stupid to be trying to stand up and represent skeptics...
The usual drones who are totally incompetent and have no clue how our climatic system works..

Is that based on your degree in atmospheric physics? The OP concerned sunspots and I posted the latest sunspot data. How, precisely, do you believe that demonstrates my incompetence or ignorance regarding any topic whatsoever?

Crick fires off first whit a chart that doesn't reflect the the change in solar sunspot counts and how they would be reflected today, if they were counted like they were for almost 400 years. IF the sunspots were counted like Wolf did, our progression would be very near ZERO.

But they aren't, so grow a pair. BTW, the Wolf Number was developed in 1848 and adjusted in 1893 and 1947, so 168 years max, not 400.

Then we have another idiot, T-Sloth, who tries to tie the ADJUSTED thermometer record to CO2 levels and the drop in TSI, in an effort to somehow give credibility to the alarmist crap.

Do you have data indicating any solar parameter and global temperatures? Cause, all the world's real scientists couldn't find such a thing. Have you outdone them all?

and he doesn't even post up the science to prove it, just conjecture and correlations.... in other words he posted up crap.

Here, read this: Solar variability and climate change: is there a link?

Which, after going to some lengths to show a correlation between sunspot cycle length and climate, concludes: "After 1980, however, the Earth's temperature exhibits a remarkably steep rise, while the Sun's irradiance displays at the most a weak secular trend. Hence the Sun cannot be the dominant source of this latest temperature increase, with man-made greenhouse gases being the likely dominant alternative."

Which sounds like precisely what Tyrone's graph was illustrating. Do you have something different? That is, do you have some reason to insult him personally? Did he, for instance, lie about his qualifications?

And yet the real data shows them both totally clueless...

Which "real data" you have neither posted, linked or even identified

Next Solar cycle is predicted to be 1/2 of our current one...

Says... who?

Then ignoring cold 30 year ocean cycles...

What cycles would those be?

We know how the earth reacted to this the last time and its already showing signs that it will react the same again...

Reacted to what? The Maunder Minimum?

These guys are going to be butt hurt this winter when we have major below average temps for most of the Northern hemisphere (below average because the base period they use will be the one of a warming atmosphere not a cooling one as we are seeing today).

I am counting on this being every bit as accurate a prediction as your many shots at the latest ENSO cycle.
Until Crick answers the question

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other, nobody should accept his fudge posts as serious...

Top “sunspotless” days since 1849; the last solar minimum phase produced 3 of these years

Read more: 'The sun goes blank again during the weakest solar cycle in more than a century'

Top 16 Warmest Years (NOAA)(1880–2015)
Rank Year Anomaly °C Anomaly °F
1 2015 0.90 1.62
2 2014 0.74 1.33
3 2010 0.70 1.26
4 2013 0.66 1.19
5 2005 0.65 1.17
6 (tie) 1998 0.63 1.13
6 (tie) 2009 0.63 1.13
8 2012 0.62 1.12
9 (tie) 2003 0.61 1.10
9 (tie) 2006 0.61 1.10
9 (tie) 2007 0.61 1.10
12 2002 0.60 1.08
13 (tie) 2004 0.57 1.03
13 (tie) 2011 0.57 1.03
15 (tie) 2001 0.54 0.97
15 (tie) 2008 0.54 0.97
Although the NCDC temperature record begins in 1880, reconstructions of earlier temperatures based on climate proxies, suggest these years may be the warmest for several centuries to millennia, or longer.

Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, we have 3 of the lowest sunspot numbers in the last 20 years. and 15 of the 16 warmest years in the same period. And 2007, 2008, and 2009 were among those years.
The usual drones who are totally incompetent and have no clue how our climatic system works..

Crick fires off first whit a chart that doesn't reflect the the change in solar sunspot counts and how they would be reflected today, if they were counted like they were for almost 400 years. IF the sunspots were counted like Wolf did, our progression would be very near ZERO.

Then we have another idiot, T-Sloth, who tries to tie the ADJUSTED thermometer record to CO2 levels and the drop in TSI, in an effort to somehow give credibility to the alarmist crap.. and he doesn't even post up the science to prove it, just conjecture and correlations.... in other words he posted up crap.

And yet the real data shows them both totally clueless...

Next Solar cycle is predicted to be 1/2 of our current one... Then ignoring cold 30 year ocean cycles... We know how the earth reacted to this the last time and its already showing signs that it will react the same again...

These guys are going to be butt hurt this winter when we have major below average temps for most of the Northern hemisphere (below average because the base period they use will be the one of a warming atmosphere not a cooling one as we are seeing today).

Silly Billy, you blathering fool, we saw your skills at prognostication concerning the record El Nino of 2015-2016. Your present bullshit is no better.
All I know is when the facts didn't pan out and most world sea shore cities weren't ten feet under water as they predicted, they went from Global Warming to Climate Change. I wonder what name they'll use next. But I doubt they will, because Climate Change is all encompassing, that's what the climate does, IT CHANGES. :lmao:
Dumb fuck, show me who, among the serious researchers in climatology, predicted 10 ft. of sea level rise by this time. You cannot, because no one did. Just another one of your lying dumb fuck claims.
All I know is when the facts didn't pan out and most world sea shore cities weren't ten feet under water as they predicted, they went from Global Warming to Climate Change. I wonder what name they're use next. But I doubt they will because Climate Change is all encompassing, that's what the climate does, IT CHANGES. :lmao:
I was looking forward to a nuclear freeze, I get hot easily....
Fat...or bulky, or goon...
Rotund.... Pleasantly plump.... As my wife calls it....

Hot flashes are the things I dodge with her..
I've had three wives, once they hit forty, I turn 'em in for two twenties........
You really think that you are wired for 220?
I was looking forward to a nuclear freeze, I get hot easily....
Fat...or bulky, or goon...
Rotund.... Pleasantly plump.... As my wife calls it....

Hot flashes are the things I dodge with her..
I've had three wives, once they hit forty, I turn 'em in for two twenties........
You really think that you are wired for 220?
240.that way I can add another leg and get 480...
One of the things the "warmers" do with tens of billions of taxdollars to make vanish, they pump out false "skeptic" theories like solar cycle. Since they know CO2 based climate change is fraud, they need to "discredit" skeptics by having them argue things that are bogus. Thanks for helping the FRAUD succeed.

Meanwhile, in the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze - quite the "solar cycle" there too...
LaDumbfuck, when the North American Ice Cap was at a maximum, the Greenland Ice Cap was at a maximum. If you believe otherwise, show us a link to a credible source.
Fat...or bulky, or goon...
Rotund.... Pleasantly plump.... As my wife calls it....

Hot flashes are the things I dodge with her..
I've had three wives, once they hit forty, I turn 'em in for two twenties........
You really think that you are wired for 220?
240.that way I can add another leg and get 480...
What's impressive is the last 3 years appear to be the hottest years in the past 2,000 years and yet we're seeing a impressive short term(5-10 years) solar minimum. Says something about co2's greenhouse powers.

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