Sunday Sermon-similarities in vision of the groom continued part3


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
1st was Native American visions matching the Hebrew Groom, then last week was Celtic Lore matching the Hebrew Bible Stories and now the Christian similarities:
Well the obvious would be the JW's, Adventist, and Coptics who see the Groom as Michael, but the less obvious sects would be
Pentecosts, for they don’t call the Holy Spirit(The Evening Messenger - 63-0116.) for nothing.
YeruShalem doesn’t carry the name (Shalem=Evening Star)for Nothing. (1 Kings 11:36 & Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23).
Christians have to decide, who is this holy father in the time to come he keeps speaking of as son of man?
He can only be one of 2 people.
Either Baal is his father or the head of host Michael is.
The image Jesus made by Rome is the mask for Baal so Jesus father is Baal, but one of the figures used for his image is teaching his holy father (inspiring him) is the head of hosts head priest in the temple (Mikdash) in his name.

REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.”

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

The reason why the NT says new name is because Shalem is not the original Canaanite transliteration of todays name neither is Shalayim. Clues are also in the prerequisite that the name would be in the Torah portions names. Also remembering the name through the 7th day is as obvious as it gets, we are told to keep the 7th day in "Rememberance of the name" why do people leave out that part?
You can't remember the name on the 6th day only 7 is remembering the name. Because 4,5, or six doesn't carry the name only the much focused holy 7... Like the seven angels.
And The 7th day Adventist, ironically knowing the first name, but didn't realize they had carried the last name with them as well.
That also brings us to next weeks sermon,
how even Hinduism carries the same name and revelation of the Holy Father in Heaven.
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1st was Native American visions matching the Hebrew Groom, then last week was Celtic Lore matching the Hebrew Bible Stories and now the Christian similarities:
Well the obvious would be the JW's, Adventist, and Coptics who see the Groom as Michael, but the less obvious sects would be
Pentecosts, for they don’t call the Holy Spirit(The Evening Messenger - 63-0116.) for nothing.
YeruShalem doesn’t carry the name (Shalem=Evening Star)for Nothing. (1 Kings 11:36 & Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23).
Christians have to decide, who is this holy father in the time to come he keeps speaking of as son of man?
He can only be one of 2 people.
Either Baal is his father or the head of host Michael is.
The image Jesus made by Rome is the mask for Baal so Jesus father is Baal, but one of the figures used for his image is teaching his holy father (inspiring him) is the head of hosts head priest in the temple (Mikdash) in his name.

REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.”

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

The reason why the NT says new name is because Shalem is not the original Canaanite transliteration of todays name neither is Shalayim. Clues are also in the prerequisite that the name would be in the Torah portions names. Also remembering the name through the 7th day is as obvious as it gets, we are told to keep the 7th day in "Rememberance of the name" why do people leave out that part?
You can't remember the name on the 6th day only 7 is remembering the name. Because 4,5, or six doesn't carry the name only the much focused holy 7... Like the seven angels.
And The 7th day Adventist, ironically knowing the first name, but didn't realize they had carried the last name with them as well.
That also brings us to next weeks sermon,
how even Hinduism carries the same name and revelation of the Holy Father in Heaven.
Hmmm............. Interesting so there is no confusion that would mean it would have to be in hebrew so the hebrew word for 7 is sheva i wonder where that places heh zeus...i mean jesus considering that the letter j is only three hundred years old so is his name unless one considers that the name keeps changes as the circumstances require which means his name has no substance and no permanance and probably derives from the gaul god esus that was ritually pierced by a spear while hanging on a tree...very interesting indeed....
Thanks, no need to post next week about the Hindu Shiva now that you spoon feed them. :)

The Gaul god Esus was also the tri god, wonder were Penelope is when you need to hear the old borrowed mythological god rant. Esus to Iesus was not much of a stretch or mask either.
Do you still have the definition of the Iesus word as it relates to a possible Roman derogatory name or in relation to the Egyptian symbol?
When you gather so much research and evidence over the years the swarms of data tend to make it harder and harder to find stuff, which is actually a good problem to have. :)
Thanks, no need to post next week about the Hindu Shiva now that you spoon feed them. :)

The Gaul god Esus was also the tri god, wonder were Penelope is when you need to hear the old borrowed mythological god rant. Esus to Iesus was not much of a stretch or mask either.
Do you still have the definition of the Iesus word as it relates to a possible Roman derogatory name or in relation to the Egyptian symbol?
When you gather so much research and evidence over the years the swarms of data tend to make it harder and harder to find stuff, which is actually a good problem to have. :)
Hey michael it has been many years and the old links may have disapeared but if i recall corectly ieosus means in latin earth pig or swine and since latin never changes in that regard so to does the meaning... Anyone could easily look these things up for themselves....part of the elusian mysteries was to worship a pig and they were cleaned and sacrificed and might have something to do with tammuz who was also a sun god worshipped in the near east who was claimed to have been slain by a wild boar.the tammuz symbol of a t might also explain the origins of making a cross or a t in front of ones chest as well.. Anyways it might also explain why the hebrews are not allowed to eat of or partake of eating of swines flesh... We know the dietary rules but many may have missed the deeper symbolic meaning.... The word sus can be looked up in any dictionary and its old meaning of pig can be verified...ieosus....the porky pig used to say thats thats all folks.....
Explains why they have Ham at Christmas.
WE are not to partake of the fallen son of perdition nor eat of his teachings, as in not eating the fruit offered by the Serpent, so yes not allowed to eat of The Swine makes more sense symbolic wise now.
Explains why they have Ham at Christmas.
WE are not to partake of the fallen son of perdition nor eat of his teachings, as in not eating the fruit offered by the Serpent, so yes not allowed to eat of The Swine makes more sense symbolic wise now.
Hmmmmm...... Yes I also find it interesting that Swine plays such an important role for example the greek god Helios(also a Sun god) had a daughter whose name was circe or Kirke it was she who turned Ulysses men into Swine and interestingly enough it was she where the name Church comes from and her symbol adorns many churches today....It should give one a pause before entering these structures as it may be the modern day equivilent of her temple......Also regarding the Sheva day being Holy....It is my understanding that in the hebrew tradition the Day begins only at Sun down so when the NIGHT eclipses or REMOVES the DAY which if one thinks about it makes sense in the symbolic nature of the Night Star removing the Day Star....Interesting indeed...
Thanks, no need to post next week about the Hindu Shiva now that you spoon feed them. :)

The Gaul god Esus was also the tri god, wonder were Penelope is when you need to hear the old borrowed mythological god rant. Esus to Iesus was not much of a stretch or mask either.
Do you still have the definition of the Iesus word as it relates to a possible Roman derogatory name or in relation to the Egyptian symbol?
When you gather so much research and evidence over the years the swarms of data tend to make it harder and harder to find stuff, which is actually a good problem to have. :)
Hey michael it has been many years and the old links may have disapeared but if i recall corectly ieosus means in latin earth pig or swine and since latin never changes in that regard so to does the meaning... Anyone could easily look these things up for themselves....part of the elusian mysteries was to worship a pig and they were cleaned and sacrificed and might have something to do with tammuz who was also a sun god worshipped in the near east who was claimed to have been slain by a wild boar.the tammuz symbol of a t might also explain the origins of making a cross or a t in front of ones chest as well.. Anyways it might also explain why the hebrews are not allowed to eat of or partake of eating of swines flesh... We know the dietary rules but many may have missed the deeper symbolic meaning.... The word sus can be looked up in any dictionary and its old meaning of pig can be verified...ieosus....the porky pig used to say thats thats all folks.....

The deeper symbolic meaning is many of you had leprosy and thought pigs gave it and the reason your kept milk and meat separate and used different dishes, is because of disease, and some of you still do it today, duh, we have hot water and soap today and if one wants to eat pork, they should cook it well.
Tammuz is another sun god. Osiris, Horus, etc. Does Kabbalah have like a Father, Mother and son triage? Mother earth, Father rains to fertilize Mother earth and the Son is needed for heat, and energy for vegetation. We need all three to survive.
I don't know Penelope I am not a Kabbalist.
Regarding the forbidden pig, besides it's dangers of uncleanliness it was being wasteful food because it could not be preserved, they could salt fish and beef to preserve but not pork. The pig was also an animal which ate human food supplies while cattle did not, so it did not make sense to raise food that took away food especially in times of famines. Lastly the people being nomadic could do so with cattle but not with pigs.
That being said the symbolism is still there especially since What Antiochus did setting up the swine on the Temple Altar matches what the church did setting up the swine ( Iesus)on a cross. Except no apple in his mouth, unless you are depicting the serpent of Genesis of course.
I don't know Penelope I am not a Kabbalist.
Regarding the forbidden pig, besides it's dangers of uncleanliness it was being wasteful food because it could not be preserved, they could salt fish and beef to preserve but not pork. The pig was also an animal which ate human food supplies while cattle did not, so it did not make sense to raise food that took away food especially in times of famines. Lastly the people being nomadic could do so with cattle but not with pigs.
That being said the symbolism is still there especially since What Antiochus did setting up the swine on the Temple Altar matches what the church did setting up the swine ( Iesus)on a cross. Except no apple in his mouth, unless you are depicting the serpent of Genesis of course.

So why don't you eat pork today? (comparing Jesus to a pig is rotten, and Rome only carried out the jews wish. Remember it was the Jews who had a problem with Jesus, not the Romans.
No Rome swallowed up the revolts by using the leaders as mask figures. As long as they could be the authority behind the curtains (facade) they didn't care, which is why they poked fun at the character they built.
This is why they placed the created icon through all the harlots of the Bible in his lineage description.
This is why they lifted up the 100bc era Harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu. This is why they made Yehuda the villain, as to demonize Yehuda the Galilean Christ of Herod's era as well as representing and demonize JEWS in general.
Like every joke the punchline is at the end of the story hence acknowledging at the very end Rev 22:16 that they were lifting high baal's dying son, the nemesis of the God of Israel.

Now reread what you wrote at the end, Jesus isn't a singular figure, the one who A small elect punished for his crimes was Yeshu son of Mary the Harlot in around 85bc he was stoned & hanged, this is not the same figure as the Galilean tax revolter who Rome had a problem with thus sentenced to the cross in 6bc nor the Jordan river Christ who's apostles were martyrs who Rome had a problem with.
The reason why you have 2 blames is because you have more then one figure combined. THE INDIVIDUAL followers of these figures dissapated as they failed, others got conbined into one fold in wgich they themselves had problems with this Jesus image heing formed, which us why Rome tried to kill them all, as any survivers can out the discrepancies and issues with the new combined figure with new name.
No Rome swallowed up the revolts by using the leaders as mask figures. As long as they could be the authority behind the curtains (facade) they didn't care, which is why they poked fun at the character they built.
This is why they placed the created icon through all the harlots of the Bible in his lineage description.
This is why they lifted up the 100bc era Harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu. This is why they made Yehuda the villain, as to demonize Yehuda the Galilean Christ of Herod's era as well as representing and demonize JEWS in general.
Like every joke the punchline is at the end of the story hence acknowledging at the very end Rev 22:16 that they were lifting high baal's dying son, the nemesis of the God of Israel.

Now reread what you wrote at the end, Jesus isn't a singular figure, the one who A small elect punished for his crimes was Yeshu son of Mary the Harlot in around 85bc he was stoned & hanged, this is not the same figure as the Galilean tax revolter who Rome had a problem with thus sentenced to the cross in 6bc nor the Jordan river Christ who's apostles were martyrs who Rome had a problem with.
The reason why you have 2 blames is because you have more then one figure combined. THE INDIVIDUAL followers of these figures dissapated as they failed, others got conbined into one fold in wgich they themselves had problems with this Jesus image heing formed, which us why Rome tried to kill them all, as any survivers can out the discrepancies and issues with the new combined figure with new name.

Now are we going by the bible or history. Jesus of the NT paid his taxes. The Jews handed Jesus over to the Romans, actually brought him to Pilate. He was a drag on their arrogance and positions they had with the romans, and with the Jews they ruled.
No Rome swallowed up the revolts by using the leaders as mask figures. As long as they could be the authority behind the curtains (facade) they didn't care, which is why they poked fun at the character they built.
This is why they placed the created icon through all the harlots of the Bible in his lineage description.
This is why they lifted up the 100bc era Harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu. This is why they made Yehuda the villain, as to demonize Yehuda the Galilean Christ of Herod's era as well as representing and demonize JEWS in general.
Like every joke the punchline is at the end of the story hence acknowledging at the very end Rev 22:16 that they were lifting high baal's dying son, the nemesis of the God of Israel.

Now reread what you wrote at the end, Jesus isn't a singular figure, the one who A small elect punished for his crimes was Yeshu son of Mary the Harlot in around 85bc he was stoned & hanged, this is not the same figure as the Galilean tax revolter who Rome had a problem with thus sentenced to the cross in 6bc nor the Jordan river Christ who's apostles were martyrs who Rome had a problem with.
The reason why you have 2 blames is because you have more then one figure combined. THE INDIVIDUAL followers of these figures dissapated as they failed, others got conbined into one fold in wgich they themselves had problems with this Jesus image heing formed, which us why Rome tried to kill them all, as any survivers can out the discrepancies and issues with the new combined figure with new name.

Now are we going by the bible or history. Jesus of the NT paid his taxes. The Jews handed Jesus over to the Romans, actually brought him to Pilate. He was a drag on their arrogance and positions they had with the romans, and with the Jews they ruled.

Poor Penelope-----she actually imagines that she saw Income tax returns signed
"jesus, of Nazareth". My first recommendation in such a case is always----- VDRL and SPINAL TAP with FTA. Of course the Sadducees hated Jesus------they hated all Pharisees but the romans did not need jews to "HAND PEOPLE OVER"
*L* at what Irosie said ...

Penelope: I wasn't the one that named the figure "the swine", Rome nicknamed him that.
There is no historical Jesus, only the historical figures making up small portions of his image have a history.
The Galilean christ was literally called "the tax revolter", because he lead the tax revolt against Rome.
He was the only Galilean christ figure at the time of Herod. NT accounts Jesus discussing Rome's tax in Matthew and elsewhere, saying pay Rome what they are due, (but not what chunk they were trying to grab.)
The NT mentions this christ in Acts along with the River Jordan christ of the AD era however they manage to mix up their order of death. Yehuda of Galilee died 6bc and Theudas died 45ad. The NT says Theudas died before Yehuda,oops, but then again the NT also accounts Lysanias as living in the time of Jesus when Lysanias died around 35bc. Yehuda of Galilee the tax revolter crucified by Rome for his revolt is the only christ of the Herod & Lysanias era. But this is not Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc with the widows mite story, hanging on a tree on passover account. It's also not she same figure as the
A.D. era river Jordan FIGURE who's apostles were martyred.
Clarification of missconceptions:
A historical figure is a person in history.
Yeshu son of Mary, Yehuda ben Tabbai, Yehuda the Galionite, Yehuda of Galilee, Benjamin the Egyptian, Theudas of the River Jordan are all Historical figures.

Jesus however is not a singular figure, he's an image of a man created by converging many, including borrowed mythology of many myths that aren't of historical figures.
Plagiarism of Bible characters, mythical ones luke Baal, Mithra, Krishna, Esus, Dagon, Horus, Osiris etc...

This is why the OT like Ezekiel 28 states the son of perdition (i.e. pit) would be an "image of a man" deemed perfect.
No Rome swallowed up the revolts by using the leaders as mask figures. As long as they could be the authority behind the curtains (facade) they didn't care, which is why they poked fun at the character they built.
This is why they placed the created icon through all the harlots of the Bible in his lineage description.
This is why they lifted up the 100bc era Harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu. This is why they made Yehuda the villain, as to demonize Yehuda the Galilean Christ of Herod's era as well as representing and demonize JEWS in general.
Like every joke the punchline is at the end of the story hence acknowledging at the very end Rev 22:16 that they were lifting high baal's dying son, the nemesis of the God of Israel.

Now reread what you wrote at the end, Jesus isn't a singular figure, the one who A small elect punished for his crimes was Yeshu son of Mary the Harlot in around 85bc he was stoned & hanged, this is not the same figure as the Galilean tax revolter who Rome had a problem with thus sentenced to the cross in 6bc nor the Jordan river Christ who's apostles were martyrs who Rome had a problem with.
The reason why you have 2 blames is because you have more then one figure combined. THE INDIVIDUAL followers of these figures dissapated as they failed, others got conbined into one fold in wgich they themselves had problems with this Jesus image heing formed, which us why Rome tried to kill them all, as any survivers can out the discrepancies and issues with the new combined figure with new name.

Now are we going by the bible or history. Jesus of the NT paid his taxes. The Jews handed Jesus over to the Romans, actually brought him to Pilate. He was a drag on their arrogance and positions they had with the romans, and with the Jews they ruled.

Poor Penelope-----she actually imagines that she saw Income tax returns signed
"jesus, of Nazareth". My first recommendation in such a case is always----- VDRL and SPINAL TAP with FTA. Of course the Sadducees hated Jesus------they hated all Pharisees but the romans did not need jews to "HAND PEOPLE OVER"

He was not a Pharisee, how many times must I tell you. According to the NT , he was the opposite of the Pharisee's and that is why they wanted Rome to put him to death.
*L* at what Irosie said ...

Penelope: I wasn't the one that named the figure "the swine", Rome nicknamed him that.
There is no historical Jesus, only the historical figures making up small portions of his image have a history.
The Galilean christ was literally called "the tax revolter", because he lead the tax revolt against Rome.
He was the only Galilean christ figure at the time of Herod. NT accounts Jesus discussing Rome's tax in Matthew and elsewhere, saying pay Rome what they are due, (but not what chunk they were trying to grab.)
The NT mentions this christ in Acts along with the River Jordan christ of the AD era however they manage to mix up their order of death. Yehuda of Galilee died 6bc and Theudas died 45ad. The NT says Theudas died before Yehuda,oops, but then again the NT also accounts Lysanias as living in the time of Jesus when Lysanias died around 35bc. Yehuda of Galilee the tax revolter crucified by Rome for his revolt is the only christ of the Herod & Lysanias era. But this is not Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc with the widows mite story, hanging on a tree on passover account. It's also not she same figure as the
A.D. era river Jordan FIGURE who's apostles were martyred.

You mean like there is no historical Moses, David or Solomon.
He was not a Pharisee
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc fled with his mentor Rabbi towards Egypt to avoid the backlash from Jannaeus Alexander during his squelching of the Pharisee revolt.
Most likely showing he and his Rabbi were Pharisee.
Seems like you proved my point, that the NT is teaching many christs as one new converged one thus needing a new name and borrowed Baal birthday.
Penelope, archeologists have wanted to find out for themselves and have concluded David and Solomon seem verifiable historical figures through found early etchings into stones stating their kingships.
I think I remember some proof of Moses as well, and of course there is always the Aaronic lineage marker through the common found genetic marker in the Kohanim. According to you I don't exist being that I am of that Aaronic lineage, that would mean you talk and argue with yourself. :)

That being said: once again, we don't venerate the figures and it's not important to the ideology if they were real or not. In Christianity they make the figure a god and claim it truth and free get away with sin card, therefore they are bound by it needing to be real.
He was not a Pharisee
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc fled with his mentor Rabbi towards Egypt to avoid the backlash from Jannaeus Alexander during his squelching of the Pharisee revolt.
Most likely showing he and his Rabbi were Pharisee.
Seems like you proved my point, that the NT is teaching many christs as one new converged one thus needing a new name and borrowed Baal birthday.
Where are you getting this stuff from? According to the bible he went as a baby due to Herod wanting to kill all the males under 2. According to the Talmud he is in hell boiling in hot excrement isn't he. He was not a Pharisee.
Penelope, archeologists have wanted to find out for themselves and have concluded David and Solomon seem verifiable historical figures through found early etchings into stones stating their kingships.
I think I remember some proof of Moses as well, and of course there is always the Aaronic lineage marker through the common found genetic marker in the Kohanim. According to you I don't exist being that I am of that Aaronic lineage, that would mean you talk and argue with yourself. :)

That being said: once again, we don't venerate the figures and it's not important to the ideology if they were real or not. In Christianity they make the figure a god and claim it truth and free get away with sin card, therefore they are bound by it needing to be real.

No sorry that is not true, no historical evidence for David or Solomon. Moses was most likely taken from Sargon who also was floating in the water in a basket.

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