Support for impeaching (and presumably removing from office) Trump rises

Can I say snowflake? A mentally ill one? Get over it, Trump will be your president till 2024.

Again, he'll be gone by 2019.

Either forced to resign or impeached.

The ugly truth is, the Republicans want him gone worse than the Democrats do. The democrats want to keep him around until 2018, when he'll hand them Congress and the states.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

None of you mental cases has came up with anything he can be impeached for. Let's see another parrot cut and paste.
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

Please, please, please have you gun nuts try that.

"Whoops. They have Tanks!"

I love how liberals think the military will be on their side.:lmao::itsok:
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

You, know, I'm forwarding your post to the Secret Service and FBI so you can explain to them how you know "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC."

From the FBI's website:
Please contact your local FBI office or submit a tip electronically if you have information about:

  • Possible acts of terrorism, including violence, funding, or recruitment;
  • Persons sympathetic to terrorists or terrorist organizations;
  • Suspicious activities that you believe threaten national security, especially suspicious activities that involve foreign powers or foreign organizations;
  • Computer crimes or intrusions into computer networks, particularly those associated with national security;
  • Corrupt activities in state, local, or federal governments or in law enforcement;
  • Racial or hate crimes, human trafficking (involuntary servitude or slavery), or other civil rights crimes;
  • Organized crime activities;
  • Financial crimes that involve fraud, especially corporate fraud, mortgage fraud, or other investment fraud schemes where significant dollar losses have occurred, including those impacting you or your place of work;
  • Fraud in the health care industry;
  • Persons who have committed or are planning to commit bank robbery, kidnapping, extortion, or thefts of valuable art, large interstate shipments of goods, or monetary instruments; and activities of violent gangs.
You need to get some mental help rosebud.
The poster who claimed two million armed true patriots would march on Washington was wrong.
I have it a good authority that the number will actually be 3,648,034.
Please forward this post to the FBI/CIA before the end of the day b/c that number could change but I will be happy to give the FBI/CIA an updated number as soon as I get it.
Meantime go fuck yourself!..............moron!
And typical of a lying liberal(redundant statement as liberal and liars are the same thing) he probably put only this part of the sentence and not the full thread.It is okay, for once they show up at my door and I show them the whole statement, then the Secret Service and FBI will go after Xelor for wasting their time....That is 5 years or 10,000 dollar fine......
I gave them the link to the post. I didn't have to quote parts of it.
you said
You, know, I'm forwarding your post to the Secret Service and FBI so you can explain to them how you know "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC."
If they bother to follow up, you'll find yourself having to explain whatever they ask about. I'm sure they'll "do their homework" and look at your other social media comments before bothering to show up on your doorstep. I don't have the first idea of what else you've written in your various social media accounts. All I know is that nobody should have any awareness that "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC" in the event Trump be impeached. That you do is your problem, not mine.
When communists go against the Constitution then the Patriots will show up and put the commies down...
I doubt he even reported you. If he did, nothing will come of it. There's people who talk about and write about overthrowing the gubmint for a living that are allowed to walk around free.
I'm one of those people who believes in "if you see something, say something." That remark struck me as "something."
Last edited:
I gave them the link to the post. I didn't have to quote parts of it.
you said
You, know, I'm forwarding your post to the Secret Service and FBI so you can explain to them how you know "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC."
If they bother to follow up, you'll find yourself having to explain whatever they ask about. I'm sure they'll "do their homework" and look at your other social media comments before bothering to show up on your doorstep. I don't have the first idea of what else you've written in your various social media accounts. All I know is that nobody should have any awareness that "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC" in the event Trump be impeached. That you do is your problem, not mine.
When communists go against the Constitution then the Patriots will show up and put the commies down...
I doubt he even reported you. If he did, nothing will come of it. There's people who talk about and write about overthrowing the gubmint for a living that are allowed to walk around free.
I'm one of those people who believes in "if you see something, say something." That remark strikes me as "something."
Did you vote for Bernie Sanders? If you did, then look in the mirror and report yourself to the authorities as an enemy of the state.

Bernie Sanders ‘political revolution’
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

You, know, I'm forwarding your post to the Secret Service and FBI so you can explain to them how you know "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC."

From the FBI's website:
Please contact your local FBI office or submit a tip electronically if you have information about:

  • Possible acts of terrorism, including violence, funding, or recruitment;
  • Persons sympathetic to terrorists or terrorist organizations;
  • Suspicious activities that you believe threaten national security, especially suspicious activities that involve foreign powers or foreign organizations;
  • Computer crimes or intrusions into computer networks, particularly those associated with national security;
  • Corrupt activities in state, local, or federal governments or in law enforcement;
  • Racial or hate crimes, human trafficking (involuntary servitude or slavery), or other civil rights crimes;
  • Organized crime activities;
  • Financial crimes that involve fraud, especially corporate fraud, mortgage fraud, or other investment fraud schemes where significant dollar losses have occurred, including those impacting you or your place of work;
  • Fraud in the health care industry;
  • Persons who have committed or are planning to commit bank robbery, kidnapping, extortion, or thefts of valuable art, large interstate shipments of goods, or monetary instruments; and activities of violent gangs.
TNHarley, you laugh, but I just submitted the report.
you laugh, but I just submitted the report
And typical of a lying liberal(redundant statement as liberal and liars are the same thing) he probably put only this part of the sentence and not the full thread.
About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC
It is okay, for once they show up at my door and I show them the whole statement, then the Secret Service and FBI will go after Xelor for wasting their time....That is 5 years or 10,000 dollar fine......
I gave them the link to the post. I didn't have to quote parts of it.
The amusing part is IF you had actually sent the post to the FBI/CIA YOU would be the one they would be keeping an eye on! HAAAA HAAAAAA They get crazies sending them idiot bullshit like yours all day long.
Be assured there's a file on you now on some computer that will 'flag' you everytime you post on ANY forum. Your 'internet name' has been added to your 'real name'/address/age/sex/marital status/the vehicle license number/all your relative's names/where you work/if you own any weapons/where you have ever travelled abroad. I'm forgetting a lot of details but you get the picture.
It's ALL about your ISP address rosebud. And there's NO WAY they won't track you no matter how many new ISP address you attempt to use.
Have a nice day.
You keep up your bullshit and the men in black suits will be paying you a visit.
Someone would think that after a year, the feeling would fade away.

But not this one, leftist buthurt is on a all time high level.
I gave them the link to the post. I didn't have to quote parts of it.
you said
You, know, I'm forwarding your post to the Secret Service and FBI so you can explain to them how you know "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC."
If they bother to follow up, you'll find yourself having to explain whatever they ask about. I'm sure they'll "do their homework" and look at your other social media comments before bothering to show up on your doorstep. I don't have the first idea of what else you've written in your various social media accounts. All I know is that nobody should have any awareness that "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC" in the event Trump be impeached. That you do is your problem, not mine.
When communists go against the Constitution then the Patriots will show up and put the commies down...
I doubt he even reported you. If he did, nothing will come of it. There's people who talk about and write about overthrowing the gubmint for a living that are allowed to walk around free.
I'm one of those people who believes in "if you see something, say something." That remark strikes me as "something."
The FBI will be happy to create a Kook file with your name on it.
If they bother to follow up, you'll find yourself having to explain whatever they ask about. I'm sure they'll "do their homework" and look at your other social media comments before bothering to show up on your doorstep. I don't have the first idea of what else you've written in your various social media accounts. All I know is that nobody should have any awareness that "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC" in the event Trump be impeached. That you do is your problem, not mine.
When communists go against the Constitution then the Patriots will show up and put the commies down...
I doubt he even reported you. If he did, nothing will come of it. There's people who talk about and write about overthrowing the gubmint for a living that are allowed to walk around free.
I'm one of those people who believes in "if you see something, say something." That remark strikes me as "something."
The FBI will be happy to create a Kook file with your name on it.
Well, maybe they will and maybe they won't. I know that upon reading my posts, "kook" isn't what'll come to their minds. Be that as it may, the thread isn't about me or that other member. It's about the fact that increasing quantities of people think Trump should be impeached.
If it got to the point that civilians were revolting,the military will have already done so.

you know what, you guys keep babbling that, and it never happens. You all thought the country would rise up in revolt because of Obama or Clinton, but it never happened.

It won't happen when they are frog-marching Trump out of the White House for that well deserved impeachment.
If it got to the point that civilians were revolting,the military will have already done so.

you know what, you guys keep babbling that, and it never happens. You all thought the country would rise up in revolt because of Obama or Clinton, but it never happened.

It won't happen when they are frog-marching Trump out of the White House for that well deserved impeachment.

I find it hilarious that lefties think the military is leftwing.
Someone would think that after a year, the feeling would fade away.

But not this one, leftist buthurt is on a all time high level.

NO, actually, as Long as Trump proves himself to be the buffoon we all said he would be, this won't go away.

The sad thing is, some of you thought he'd actually grow into the job.

When you just look back and realize that Clintons were in the White House for 8 years, Trump doesn't have to grow into a job. You lefties should spend next 7 years apologizing to him.
I find it hilarious that lefties think the military is leftwing.

I think it's hilarious that you believe the military considers you militia wannabes as anything but fools.

When you just look back and realize that Clintons were in the White House for 8 years, Trump doesn't have to grow into a job. You lefties should spend next 7 years apologizing to him.

The Clintons were in the White HOuse for 8 years and comported themselves with dignity while the GOP absolutely lost their fucking minds. "Hey, let's impeach him for a blow job" said the guy with the mistress/lobbyist.
I find it hilarious that lefties think the military is leftwing.

I think it's hilarious that you believe the military considers you militia wannabes as anything but fools.

When you just look back and realize that Clintons were in the White House for 8 years, Trump doesn't have to grow into a job. You lefties should spend next 7 years apologizing to him.

The Clintons were in the White HOuse for 8 years and comported themselves with dignity while the GOP absolutely lost their fucking minds. "Hey, let's impeach him for a blow job" said the guy with the mistress/lobbyist.

Word "dignity" doesn't mean what you think it means.

Have you check NY Times lately?

As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

List his High Crimes and Misdemeanors". Thanks!
I find it hilarious that lefties think the military is leftwing.

I think it's hilarious that you believe the military considers you militia wannabes as anything but fools.

When you just look back and realize that Clintons were in the White House for 8 years, Trump doesn't have to grow into a job. You lefties should spend next 7 years apologizing to him.

The Clintons were in the White HOuse for 8 years and comported themselves with dignity while the GOP absolutely lost their fucking minds. "Hey, let's impeach him for a blow job" said the guy with the mistress/lobbyist.

As long as you know that if the shit ever hits the fan you'll be the odd ones out.

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