Support for impeaching (and presumably removing from office) Trump rises

I don't particularly place much merit in those polls. Particularly the USA Today and iMediaEthics poll and given that most average voters are about as informed on the real issues and problems as a box of rocks.
Sad but true.

That's why trump was able to con people into electing him.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

you do that.

the last thing you fuckers want is to set the precedence we can make up shit to impeach people for. no one will ever be president for more than 2 days and it would all be because of you asswhipes that order people to NOT challenge election results.

til you lose.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

'Fraid none of that merits 'high crimes' threshold, Xelor.

Sorry, but you will just have to scream at the sky next year as well.

Oh another a.h. believing the msm hyped lie lmfao dumbasses will be dumbasses even when proven wrong.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

'Fraid none of that merits 'high crimes' threshold, Xelor.

Sorry, but you will just have to scream at the sky next year as well.

'Fraid none of that merits 'high crimes' threshold, Xelor.

[High crimes and misdemeanors are] whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history; . . . whatever . . . the Senate considers to be sufficiently serious to require removal of the accused from office . ..
-- Gerald R. Ford​

As previously noted, what are and are not "high crimes and misdemeanors" is a political not legal thing. Inasmuch as the offence is political, not legal, "high crimes and misdemeanors" may as well be whatever a currently sitting Congress says are "high crimes and misdemeanors" are. Congress members may speak about "high crimes and misdemeanors" as though there be some sort of legal framework underpinning impeachment hearings and subsequent removal from office, but the fact of the matter is that if a sufficient majority Congress is of a mind to impeach a sitting POTUS or justice, short of a Constitutional amendment that explicitly defines ""high crimes and misdemeanors," there is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing so.

From an analysis of the language of the Constitution in its legal and historical context, from a study of the drafters' stated intentions, and from a review of the Congressional precedents, we can see that "or other high crimes and Misdemeanors" does not mean an indictable crime, does not give the Congress unlimited power to remove, Mr. Ford notwithstanding, but rather, has a definitely delimiting meaning, and does require a "political offense" which must be serious. This could include abuse of office, neglect of duty, unethical conduct bringing one's office into disrespect, and violating the public trust. (Source)
Anyone who thinks for a "hot minute" that plenty that Trump has said, done, not done and not said cannot be framed as some form of "abuse of office, neglect of duty, unethical conduct bringing one's office into disrespect, and violating the public trust," one'd better think again. If there be anything that prevents a Congress from impeaching Trump, it'd likely have more to do with a reticence for setting a precedent for more broadly than in the past construing the impeachment and removal powers than with anything else. Otherwise, however, it really comes down to two things: will and headcount. And with Trump, there's no dearth of will.

Additional references:
Kushner Testified He Didn’t Know of Wikileaks Contacts
November 17, 2017

“White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told congressional Russia investigators that he did not communicate with WikiLeaks and did not recall anyone on the Trump campaign who had,” CNN reports.

“But Kushner did receive and forward an email from Donald Trump Jr. about contact Trump Jr. had with WikiLeaks, according to a new report this week and a letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reports that Kushner failed to disclose what lawmakers called a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” involving a banker who has been accused of links to Russian organized crime.
Kushner Testified He Didn’t Know of Wikileaks Contacts
November 17, 2017

“White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told congressional Russia investigators that he did not communicate with WikiLeaks and did not recall anyone on the Trump campaign who had,” CNN reports.

“But Kushner did receive and forward an email from Donald Trump Jr. about contact Trump Jr. had with WikiLeaks, according to a new report this week and a letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reports that Kushner failed to disclose what lawmakers called a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” involving a banker who has been accused of links to Russian organized crime.
Talk about grasping at Straws ..... LMFAO
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...


Ah Ha, another American Spring. LOL Let's roll! LOL You are one silly asshole, you will just sit done in your basement with a dozen six packs, and cry about your treasonous fat senile old orange clown getting his just deserts. LOL
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

You, know, I'm forwarding your post to the Secret Service and FBI so you can explain to them how you know "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC."
Oh please do.... Again when you libfucks start your communist takeover of this Country, we are there to shut your sorry asses down....Liberals are enemies of the state and need to face trials for treason against the Constitution.
Oh my, tough talking little key board warrior. And you create a mental image with your talk that is so fearful. Pimply faced 5'4", 240 lb 30+ living in Grandmas basement, carressing his AK or AR, and dreaming of bloody murder, with a garbage can full of empty beer cans beside the dirty coach you sleep on. Oh yes, fearful indeed. LOL
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

You, know, I'm forwarding your post to the Secret Service and FBI so you can explain to them how you know "2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC."

From the FBI's website:
Please contact your local FBI office or submit a tip electronically if you have information about:

  • Possible acts of terrorism, including violence, funding, or recruitment;
  • Persons sympathetic to terrorists or terrorist organizations;
  • Suspicious activities that you believe threaten national security, especially suspicious activities that involve foreign powers or foreign organizations;
  • Computer crimes or intrusions into computer networks, particularly those associated with national security;
  • Corrupt activities in state, local, or federal governments or in law enforcement;
  • Racial or hate crimes, human trafficking (involuntary servitude or slavery), or other civil rights crimes;
  • Organized crime activities;
  • Financial crimes that involve fraud, especially corporate fraud, mortgage fraud, or other investment fraud schemes where significant dollar losses have occurred, including those impacting you or your place of work;
  • Fraud in the health care industry;
  • Persons who have committed or are planning to commit bank robbery, kidnapping, extortion, or thefts of valuable art, large interstate shipments of goods, or monetary instruments; and activities of violent gangs.
By the way FBI and Secret Service are right along there with US who swore an oath to defend the country and Constitution against worthless fucks like you..
Buddy boy, I took that oath in 1962, and still consider it in force. Anyone attempting a coup by force of arms in this nation is my enemy.
I don't particularly place much merit in those polls. Particularly the USA Today and iMediaEthics poll and given that most average voters are about as informed on the real issues and problems as a box of rocks.

But I do agree with the lattter paragraph.

Last three elections I wrote in Ron Paul in '08 and '12, and wrote in Darrell Castle in 2016.

I don't like the Democrats or the Republicans. They're two sides of the same coin. One debases the economy with social welfare and the other debases it with military welfare. Both partake in corporate welfare. Both partake in monetary policy that wipes out the poor, middle class, senior citizens, and the dollar, while racking up a constant stream of debt for our children to pay. Which they won't be able to do.
Well, withdrawal from the electoral process will not solve any of these problems. Pi.
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

If you were truly a patriot, you would not support a sociopath who is ruining our country.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

??? Esmeralda I think you forgot to include your comments....
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

Please, please, please have you gun nuts try that.

"Whoops. They have Tanks!"
And Warthogs, and Apache helicopters. LOL

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