Support for impeaching (and presumably removing from office) Trump rises

As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

Trump will be impeached the same day George W. Bush and Richard Bruce Cheney head to the Hague, which is never!
He doesn`t have to be impeached. Nixon wasn`t.

The three ways Trump leave office:

1. Impeachment and Removal which will not happen. No President has ever been impeached and removed!

2. Losing the 2020 Election.

3. Death or Illness.

Seeing those are the only way mean you are stuck with him and believe me you do not want Pence as President!
Trump is like Nixon without a brain and Nixon ended up resigning. Pence can keep the seat warm until 2020 but he`s poisoned his career hanging with this guy.
The three ways Trump leave office:

1. Impeachment and Removal which will not happen. No President has ever been impeached and removed!

True, but one was forced to resign ahead of impeachment. So it is not outside the realm of possibility.

Here's the thing, Trump is hated by Establishment Republicans almost as much as he is hated by Democrats.

So the factors with his impeachment are.

1) How does the economy fare? If it goes back into recession, his 35% who still back him will shrink to the point where Republicans can move against him without consequence.

2) How well do the Democrats do in the 2018 midterms. If they take control of the House, there will be impeachment.

3) What does Mueller come up with? I don't see any of Trump's buddies, other than his kids, falling on their swords for him like Ollie North or Webb Hubbell.
The three ways Trump leave office:

1. Impeachment and Removal which will not happen. No President has ever been impeached and removed!

True, but one was forced to resign ahead of impeachment. So it is not outside the realm of possibility.

Here's the thing, Trump is hated by Establishment Republicans almost as much as he is hated by Democrats.

So the factors with his impeachment are.

1) How does the economy fare? If it goes back into recession, his 35% who still back him will shrink to the point where Republicans can move against him without consequence.

2) How well do the Democrats do in the 2018 midterms. If they take control of the House, there will be impeachment.

3) What does Mueller come up with? I don't see any of Trump's buddies, other than his kids, falling on their swords for him like Ollie North or Webb Hubbell.

You might get the impeachment in the house but will lack the votes for removal in the Senate.

This is George W. Bush all over again and when Pelosi got control of the House she was smart and left Bush in place and would be wise to do so with Trump because Pence is a nightmare.

Now of course you will disagree and tell me how Trump need to go, so please impeach, remove and suffer with Pence instead!
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

Trump will be impeached the same day George W. Bush and Richard Bruce Cheney head to the Hague, which is never!
He doesn`t have to be impeached. Nixon wasn`t.

I don't think I would assert that. I wouldn't because I don't think Trump has the decency to resign.

Trump is so prideful that I think he would force the House and Senate to actually impeach and remove him from office. He would do that because that gives him the greatest chance of remaining in office and because "it's all about him." Nevermind what having to do that would do the GOP or to the country.
Kushner Testified He Didn’t Know of Wikileaks Contacts
November 17, 2017

“White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told congressional Russia investigators that he did not communicate with WikiLeaks and did not recall anyone on the Trump campaign who had,” CNN reports.

“But Kushner did receive and forward an email from Donald Trump Jr. about contact Trump Jr. had with WikiLeaks, according to a new report this week and a letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reports that Kushner failed to disclose what lawmakers called a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” involving a banker who has been accused of links to Russian organized crime.
Talk about grasping at Straws ..... LMFAO

Who's grasping at straws are Kushner's attorneys. Kushner, perhaps more so than anyone else connected to the Trump campaign and Administration, has been remiss about providing requested information.

Kushner, via his lawyers, in effect said that he didn't include certain pieces of information because in his mind it was so insignificant that he didn't think it'd be relevant. WTF? It's not his place to decide what's irrelevant and what's not. That task falls to the people who review the information he provides. Kushner's was the easy part, provide the information, all of it, and he couldn't/wouldn't even do that.

So no, if anyone's grasping at straws, it's most certainly Kushner and his attorneys. They're grasping for the straws that'll keep his presumptuous ass out of jail.
And what pray tell has kept Hillary and Bills presumptuous asses out of Jail. Oh wait - that's right - they're Democrats - corruption and perjury are acceptable by them.
what pray tell has kept Hillary and Bills presumptuous asses out of Jail.

If you'd like to discuss that, by all means, create a thread where that is the topic of discussion. That is not the topic of discussion in this thread.

Have you something of merit to say about the increasing support for impeaching Donald Trump? You don't have to have something to say on that topic, but if you don't and insofar as that is the topic of this thread, please be adult enough to say nothing.
Kushner Testified He Didn’t Know of Wikileaks Contacts
November 17, 2017

“White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told congressional Russia investigators that he did not communicate with WikiLeaks and did not recall anyone on the Trump campaign who had,” CNN reports.

“But Kushner did receive and forward an email from Donald Trump Jr. about contact Trump Jr. had with WikiLeaks, according to a new report this week and a letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reports that Kushner failed to disclose what lawmakers called a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” involving a banker who has been accused of links to Russian organized crime.
Talk about grasping at Straws ..... LMFAO

Who's grasping at straws are Kushner's attorneys. Kushner, perhaps more so than anyone else connected to the Trump campaign and Administration, has been remiss about providing requested information.

Kushner, via his lawyers, in effect said that he didn't include certain pieces of information because in his mind it was so insignificant that he didn't think it'd be relevant. WTF? It's not his place to decide what's irrelevant and what's not. That task falls to the people who review the information he provides. Kushner's was the easy part, provide the information, all of it, and he couldn't/wouldn't even do that.

So no, if anyone's grasping at straws, it's most certainly Kushner and his attorneys. They're grasping for the straws that'll keep his presumptuous ass out of jail.
And what pray tell has kept Hillary and Bills presumptuous asses out of Jail. Oh wait - that's right - they're Democrats - corruption and perjury are acceptable by them.
what pray tell has kept Hillary and Bills presumptuous asses out of Jail.

If you'd like to discuss that, by all means, create a thread where that is the topic of discussion. That is not the topic of discussion in this thread.

Have you something of merit to say about the increasing support for impeaching Donald Trump? You don't have to have something to say on that topic, but if you don't and insofar as that is the topic of this thread, please be adult enough to say nothing.
Oh contrierre Pierre ... they are intricately inter related and the double standard is highly relevant. Sweeping megalithic crimes by team Clinton under the rug while trying to amplify minor transgressions by anyone or anything evenly remotely related to team Trump - well that shit just don't fly cupcake
Kushner Testified He Didn’t Know of Wikileaks Contacts
November 17, 2017

“White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told congressional Russia investigators that he did not communicate with WikiLeaks and did not recall anyone on the Trump campaign who had,” CNN reports.

“But Kushner did receive and forward an email from Donald Trump Jr. about contact Trump Jr. had with WikiLeaks, according to a new report this week and a letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reports that Kushner failed to disclose what lawmakers called a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” involving a banker who has been accused of links to Russian organized crime.
Talk about grasping at Straws ..... LMFAO

Who's grasping at straws are Kushner's attorneys. Kushner, perhaps more so than anyone else connected to the Trump campaign and Administration, has been remiss about providing requested information.

Kushner, via his lawyers, in effect said that he didn't include certain pieces of information because in his mind it was so insignificant that he didn't think it'd be relevant. WTF? It's not his place to decide what's irrelevant and what's not. That task falls to the people who review the information he provides. Kushner's was the easy part, provide the information, all of it, and he couldn't/wouldn't even do that.

So no, if anyone's grasping at straws, it's most certainly Kushner and his attorneys. They're grasping for the straws that'll keep his presumptuous ass out of jail.
And what pray tell has kept Hillary and Bills presumptuous asses out of Jail. Oh wait - that's right - they're Democrats - corruption and perjury are acceptable by them.
what pray tell has kept Hillary and Bills presumptuous asses out of Jail.

If you'd like to discuss that, by all means, create a thread where that is the topic of discussion. That is not the topic of discussion in this thread.

Have you something of merit to say about the increasing support for impeaching Donald Trump? You don't have to have something to say on that topic, but if you don't and insofar as that is the topic of this thread, please be adult enough to say nothing.
Oh contrierre Pierre ... they are intricately inter related and the double standard is highly relevant. Sweeping megalithic crimes by team Clinton under the rug while trying to amplify minor transgressions by anyone or anything evenly remotely related to team Trump - well that shit just don't fly cupcake
they are intricately inter related

Well, you just keep thinking that....

Tu quoque

Kushner Testified He Didn’t Know of Wikileaks Contacts
November 17, 2017

“White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told congressional Russia investigators that he did not communicate with WikiLeaks and did not recall anyone on the Trump campaign who had,” CNN reports.

“But Kushner did receive and forward an email from Donald Trump Jr. about contact Trump Jr. had with WikiLeaks, according to a new report this week and a letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reports that Kushner failed to disclose what lawmakers called a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” involving a banker who has been accused of links to Russian organized crime.
Talk about grasping at Straws ..... LMFAO

Who's grasping at straws are Kushner's attorneys. Kushner, perhaps more so than anyone else connected to the Trump campaign and Administration, has been remiss about providing requested information.

Kushner, via his lawyers, in effect said that he didn't include certain pieces of information because in his mind it was so insignificant that he didn't think it'd be relevant. WTF? It's not his place to decide what's irrelevant and what's not. That task falls to the people who review the information he provides. Kushner's was the easy part, provide the information, all of it, and he couldn't/wouldn't even do that.

So no, if anyone's grasping at straws, it's most certainly Kushner and his attorneys. They're grasping for the straws that'll keep his presumptuous ass out of jail.
And what pray tell has kept Hillary and Bills presumptuous asses out of Jail. Oh wait - that's right - they're Democrats - corruption and perjury are acceptable by them.
what pray tell has kept Hillary and Bills presumptuous asses out of Jail.

If you'd like to discuss that, by all means, create a thread where that is the topic of discussion. That is not the topic of discussion in this thread.

Have you something of merit to say about the increasing support for impeaching Donald Trump? You don't have to have something to say on that topic, but if you don't and insofar as that is the topic of this thread, please be adult enough to say nothing.
Oh contrierre Pierre ... they are intricately inter related and the double standard is highly relevant. Sweeping megalithic crimes by team Clinton under the rug while trying to amplify minor transgressions by anyone or anything evenly remotely related to team Trump - well that shit just don't fly cupcake
they are intricately inter related

Well, you just keep thinking that....

Tu quoque

You're like the guy who wanks all day but can't quite to over the 'finish line'.
You can put up hundreds of threads screaming about Trump's impeachment until 2020. The day after he begins a second term you'll still be beating your meat.
Maybe a full size poster of Anthony Weiner would help rosebud.
The truth is, Dimocrats would be better off at this stage for Trump to not be impeached since unless things calm down and the next three years go well, Trump would likely lose in 2020.

On the other hand, if Pence has a good two years in the oval office, he might have a better chance to defeat whatever Dim comes along in 2020.
So be careful what you wish for.
The truth is, Dimocrats would be better off at this stage for Trump to not be impeached since unless things calm down and the next three years go well, Trump would likely lose in 2020.

On the other hand, if Pence has a good two years in the oval office, he might have a better chance to defeat whatever Dim comes along in 2020.
So be careful what you wish for.
be careful what you wish for.

What I want is Trump out of the WH. I don't care whether Dems are better off for it or not; the political fortunes of Democrats mean nothing to me.
No. No impeachable offenses.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process; a president may be impeached, convicted in the Senate, and removed from office absent alleged criminal wrongdoing.

Article II, Section 4 specifies committing a misdemeanor as an impeachable offence.

A misdemeanor is a bad act, bad conduct, or to otherwise demonstrate oneself to be unfit to hold office, as Trump has done.

Trump violating his oath of office by providing intelligence to an adversary state alone is an impeachable offense.

Other examples of misdemeanors committed by Trump that warrant impeachment would be his incessant lying, his attack on the judiciary, and his advocating that the freedom of the press be abridged.

It was the intent of the Framers that the impeachment process would afford the people the means by which they could remove from office someone unfit to be president, and correct that mistake made by the states.
You might get the impeachment in the house but will lack the votes for removal in the Senate.

Okay- Scenario. March 2019 Trump's approval rating is at 20%, the GOP just took a bath in the midterms, the economy is in full recession. And, oh, yeah, Mueller has just delivered a finding that Trump really was playing footsie with the Russians and tried to cover it up.

Do you really, really think these Republicans, most of whom Trump has insulted in past, are going to go the wall for him? Or do you think they'd do what Howard Baker did in 1974, go to the White House and tell him it's time to go.

This is George W. Bush all over again and when Pelosi got control of the House she was smart and left Bush in place and would be wise to do so with Trump because Pence is a nightmare.

The alternative to Bush was Cheney, a crazy warmonger. Also, Bush hadn't done anything that was obviously impeachable.

The alternative to Trump is Pence, kind of an ineffectual old boy from Congress. Yes, Congress can work with Pence a lot easier than it can with Trump.

Now of course you will disagree and tell me how Trump need to go, so please impeach, remove and suffer with Pence instead!

Here's the thing, with Pence in there, I'd be a lot less worried that we'd have a nuclear war because Kim Jong Um called him a bad name.

Everything else can be worked around.
So where is the lefty version of The Oath Keepers?
Yeah....there isnt one.

NOt sure what your point is, exactly.

There's a reason why the military signs up 18 year old kids. 18 year old kids are going to listen to orders without questioning them.

If their officers tell them to shoot the angry rednecks who are brandishing guns at them, they will.
So where is the lefty version of The Oath Keepers?
Yeah....there isnt one.

NOt sure what your point is, exactly.

There's a reason why the military signs up 18 year old kids. 18 year old kids are going to listen to orders without questioning them.

If their officers tell them to shoot the angry rednecks who are brandishing guns at them, they will.

You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.
You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.

What i know is that they follow orders.

If we get to the point where Trump is going to be impeached, he's not going to have that many friends left.

The only thing that keeps him at 35% approval is that the economy hasn't tanked- yet.
You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.

What i know is that they follow orders.

If we get to the point where Trump is going to be impeached, he's not going to have that many friends left.

The only thing that keeps him at 35% approval is that the economy hasn't tanked- yet.

Trump is not going to be impeached and the military loves him.

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