Support for impeaching (and presumably removing from office) Trump rises

As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

Trump will be impeached the same day George W. Bush and Richard Bruce Cheney head to the Hague, which is never!
He doesn`t have to be impeached. Nixon wasn`t.

I don't think I would assert that. I wouldn't because I don't think Trump has the decency to resign.

Trump is so prideful that I think he would force the House and Senate to actually impeach and remove him from office. He would do that because that gives him the greatest chance of remaining in office and because "it's all about him." Nevermind what having to do that would do the GOP or to the country.

After being kicked out, he would maintain that he was unfairly impeached by the deep state and Hillary. His crazies would believe him, and his ego would be un-touched.
You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.

What i know is that they follow orders.

If we get to the point where Trump is going to be impeached, he's not going to have that many friends left.

The only thing that keeps him at 35% approval is that the economy hasn't tanked- yet.

Trump is not going to be impeached and the military loves him.
What`s that say about the military that they love a man who spits on our POWs?
You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.

What i know is that they follow orders.

If we get to the point where Trump is going to be impeached, he's not going to have that many friends left.

The only thing that keeps him at 35% approval is that the economy hasn't tanked- yet.

Trump is not going to be impeached and the military loves him.
What`s that say about the military that they love a man who spits on our POWs?

WTF are you talking about?
You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.

What i know is that they follow orders.

If we get to the point where Trump is going to be impeached, he's not going to have that many friends left.

The only thing that keeps him at 35% approval is that the economy hasn't tanked- yet.

Trump is not going to be impeached and the military loves him.
What`s that say about the military that they love a man who spits on our POWs?

WTF are you talking about?
I`m talking about Trump insulting POWs. Perhaps you were out of the country at the time but it was in all the papers.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'
WTF is wrong with a military person who supports this POS?
You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.

What i know is that they follow orders.

If we get to the point where Trump is going to be impeached, he's not going to have that many friends left.

The only thing that keeps him at 35% approval is that the economy hasn't tanked- yet.

Trump is not going to be impeached and the military loves him.
What`s that say about the military that they love a man who spits on our POWs?

WTF are you talking about?
I`m talking about Trump insulting POWs. Perhaps you were out of the country at the time but it was in all the papers.
Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'
WTF is wrong with a military person who supports this POS?

Fuck McLame he's a dirtbag.
The one that should have been impeached 100% was Obama, but since he was Black and the Dems have no balls, and if they do it's usually in their mouths, it didn't happen.
To impeach a president with the intent of removing him from office is not to ‘go against’ the ‘will of the people,’ as some have incorrectly maintained.

Those who oppose impeaching Trump have made the false claim that to do so would violate the democratic process and reject someone whom the people have elected to be president – which is clearly ignorant nonsense, given the fact the states elect the president, not the people.

If who might be elected president was the result of the will of the people, Hillary Clinton would be president, not Trump.
The one that should have been impeached 100% was Obama, but since he was Black and the Dems have no balls, and if they do it's usually in their mouths, it didn't happen.
Being black has never been an impeachable offense. It was the guy before him that lied 4,500 American soldiers to their deaths.
The one that should have been impeached 100% was Obama, but since he was Black and the Dems have no balls, and if they do it's usually in their mouths, it didn't happen.
Being black has never been an impeachable offense. It was the guy before him that lied 4,500 American soldiers to their deaths.
Obama committed dozens of outrageous impeachable offenses, starting with using the IRS to target the opposition to lying to the American people about Ben Ghazi.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

Trump will be impeached the same day George W. Bush and Richard Bruce Cheney head to the Hague, which is never!
He doesn`t have to be impeached. Nixon wasn`t.

I don't think I would assert that. I wouldn't because I don't think Trump has the decency to resign.

Trump is so prideful that I think he would force the House and Senate to actually impeach and remove him from office. He would do that because that gives him the greatest chance of remaining in office and because "it's all about him." Nevermind what having to do that would do the GOP or to the country.

After being kicked out, he would maintain that he was unfairly impeached by the deep state and Hillary. His crazies would believe him, and his ego would be un-touched.
Okay....What matters to me is that he's not POTUS, not that he might maintain "whatever" or that his ego might remain "untouched." He can say whatever he wants and have all the ego he wants as long as he's not also possessed of high political office while having/acting upon his ego and uttering the BS as he has for the past, what, 50+ years. Trump should have never been allowed "out of the corner" in which he sat for all but the past couple years of his life.
As long as you know that if the shit ever hits the fan you'll be the odd ones out.

I was in the service for 11 years. If anything, they'd have to be restrained from shooting rednecks with guns.

So where is the lefty version of The Oath Keepers?
Yeah....there isnt one.
We don't need that kind of reinforcement. Many of us took an oath upon our enlistment that we still consider in effect. You goofs try an armed revolt, and you will face not only the police and military, but a bunch of citizens that still believe in the Constitution.
So where is the lefty version of The Oath Keepers?
Yeah....there isnt one.

NOt sure what your point is, exactly.

There's a reason why the military signs up 18 year old kids. 18 year old kids are going to listen to orders without questioning them.

If their officers tell them to shoot the angry rednecks who are brandishing guns at them, they will.

You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.
You dumb fuck, if the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is put out of office by the legal proceeding of the Constitution, then you are the people trying to trash the Constitution if you try to change that by force of arms. Your actions, in that case, would be treason, and treated as such.
You might get the impeachment in the house but will lack the votes for removal in the Senate.

Okay- Scenario. March 2019 Trump's approval rating is at 20%, the GOP just took a bath in the midterms, the economy is in full recession. And, oh, yeah, Mueller has just delivered a finding that Trump really was playing footsie with the Russians and tried to cover it up.

Do you really, really think these Republicans, most of whom Trump has insulted in past, are going to go the wall for him? Or do you think they'd do what Howard Baker did in 1974, go to the White House and tell him it's time to go.

This is George W. Bush all over again and when Pelosi got control of the House she was smart and left Bush in place and would be wise to do so with Trump because Pence is a nightmare.

The alternative to Bush was Cheney, a crazy warmonger. Also, Bush hadn't done anything that was obviously impeachable.

The alternative to Trump is Pence, kind of an ineffectual old boy from Congress. Yes, Congress can work with Pence a lot easier than it can with Trump.

Now of course you will disagree and tell me how Trump need to go, so please impeach, remove and suffer with Pence instead!

Here's the thing, with Pence in there, I'd be a lot less worried that we'd have a nuclear war because Kim Jong Um called him a bad name.

Everything else can be worked around.

There must be some explanation...

Oh, I got it.


However, good post, keep dreaming.
As long as you know that if the shit ever hits the fan you'll be the odd ones out.

I was in the service for 11 years. If anything, they'd have to be restrained from shooting rednecks with guns.

So where is the lefty version of The Oath Keepers?
Yeah....there isnt one.
We don't need that kind of reinforcement. Many of us took an oath upon our enlistment that we still consider in effect. You goofs try an armed revolt, and you will face not only the police and military, but a bunch of citizens that still believe in the Constitution.

Listen up Antifa fag...
You keep up with your bullshit and you're going to get an ass whipping like you've never seen.

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