Support for impeaching (and presumably removing from office) Trump rises

So where is the lefty version of The Oath Keepers?
Yeah....there isnt one.

NOt sure what your point is, exactly.

There's a reason why the military signs up 18 year old kids. 18 year old kids are going to listen to orders without questioning them.

If their officers tell them to shoot the angry rednecks who are brandishing guns at them, they will.

You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.
I can't attest to what the other member thinks, but I can attest to the fact that opacity is not an inextricable quality of bubbles. If you'd just address his point directly, you wouldn't need concern yourself with or remark upon what the other member seems to think or doesn't.

Lots of folks, most people in fact, live in bubbles. The question is whether one bothers to look carefully at what's going on outside one's bubble. One's being a soldier has no bearing one whether one carefully observes and accurately analyzes what goes on outside one's bubble.
The one that should have been impeached 100% was Obama, but since he was Black and the Dems have no balls, and if they do it's usually in their mouths, it didn't happen.
Being black has never been an impeachable offense. It was the guy before him that lied 4,500 American soldiers to their deaths.
Obama committed dozens of outrageous impeachable offenses, starting with using the IRS to target the opposition to lying to the American people about Ben Ghazi.
Whether that is so or not so re: Obama's actions has no bearing on whether they are appropriate for Trump or anyone else to replicate, nor does what Obama did or didn't to speak to the merit of what Trump or anyone else does. "Finger pointing" lines of reason are irrational (see this also) in any argument/discussion wherein the purpose of the argument/discussion is not explicitly to compare and contrast two or more things/persons.
Polls and a deceased Equus caballus.The left fails to realize that there is no scenario that put hillary into office other than a coup. If you are for that you are a moron.
The one that should have been impeached 100% was Obama, but since he was Black and the Dems have no balls, and if they do it's usually in their mouths, it didn't happen.
Being black has never been an impeachable offense. It was the guy before him that lied 4,500 American soldiers to their deaths.
Obama committed dozens of outrageous impeachable offenses, starting with using the IRS to target the opposition to lying to the American people about Ben Ghazi.
Whether that is so or not so re: Obama's actions has no bearing on whether they are appropriate for Trump or anyone else to replicate, nor does what Obama did or didn't to speak to the merit of what Trump or anyone else does. "Finger pointing" lines of reason are irrational (see this also) in any argument/discussion wherein the purpose of the argument/discussion is not explicitly to compare and contrast two or more things/persons.
Obama's actions are very relevant as is every President who has sat in the White House.
So where is the lefty version of The Oath Keepers?
Yeah....there isnt one.

NOt sure what your point is, exactly.

There's a reason why the military signs up 18 year old kids. 18 year old kids are going to listen to orders without questioning them.

If their officers tell them to shoot the angry rednecks who are brandishing guns at them, they will.

You seem to think our soldiers live in a bubble.
They're going to see whats developing just like everyone else and there are plenty of Patriots in the military who wont stand for trashing the Constitution.
I can't attest to what the other member thinks, but I can attest to the fact that opacity is not an inextricable quality of bubbles. If you'd just address his point directly, you wouldn't need concern yourself with or remark upon what the other member seems to think or doesn't.

Lots of folks, most people in fact, live in bubbles. The question is whether one bothers to look carefully at what's going on outside one's bubble. One's being a soldier has no bearing one whether one carefully observes and accurately analyzes what goes on outside one's bubble.

Liberal babble....
The one that should have been impeached 100% was Obama, but since he was Black and the Dems have no balls, and if they do it's usually in their mouths, it didn't happen.
Being black has never been an impeachable offense. It was the guy before him that lied 4,500 American soldiers to their deaths.
Obama committed dozens of outrageous impeachable offenses, starting with using the IRS to target the opposition to lying to the American people about Ben Ghazi.
Whether that is so or not so re: Obama's actions has no bearing on whether they are appropriate for Trump or anyone else to replicate, nor does what Obama did or didn't to speak to the merit of what Trump or anyone else does. "Finger pointing" lines of reason are irrational (see this also) in any argument/discussion wherein the purpose of the argument/discussion is not explicitly to compare and contrast two or more things/persons.
Obama's actions are very relevant as is every President who has sat in the White House.
There were and in some instances, but they are not relevant to a discussion about the merit of someone else's actions.
The one that should have been impeached 100% was Obama, but since he was Black and the Dems have no balls, and if they do it's usually in their mouths, it didn't happen.
Being black has never been an impeachable offense. It was the guy before him that lied 4,500 American soldiers to their deaths.
Obama committed dozens of outrageous impeachable offenses, starting with using the IRS to target the opposition to lying to the American people about Ben Ghazi.
Whether that is so or not so re: Obama's actions has no bearing on whether they are appropriate for Trump or anyone else to replicate, nor does what Obama did or didn't to speak to the merit of what Trump or anyone else does. "Finger pointing" lines of reason are irrational (see this also) in any argument/discussion wherein the purpose of the argument/discussion is not explicitly to compare and contrast two or more things/persons.
Au contraire, it was Obama and Hillary's impeachable and treasonous ACTIONS that brought about the election of Donald Trump, who hasn't done anything impeachable, in fact he's been great so far. But That's all you guys have so far, just masturbating to the impeachment of Trump.

Yeah, just because someone's son or daughter dies while serving, it doesn't absolve the parents from being dirtbags.

Right, so what make them dirtbags?

That they challenged Trump's Islamophobia and bigotry?

Or that they pointed out the man was kind of callous and nasty when calling a war widow?

I'm just wondering how far you'll go to defend Cheeto Jesus.
About 47% think the President can be impeached, just because he is Donald J. Trump...Just shows how well the dumbing down of America has happened with the liberals in charge of the public education.

Actually, there's more than enough cause to impeach Trump. His violations of the emoluments clause, for instance, where his companies are benefiting from government contracts.
Kushner Testified He Didn’t Know of Wikileaks Contacts
November 17, 2017

“White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told congressional Russia investigators that he did not communicate with WikiLeaks and did not recall anyone on the Trump campaign who had,” CNN reports.

“But Kushner did receive and forward an email from Donald Trump Jr. about contact Trump Jr. had with WikiLeaks, according to a new report this week and a letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reports that Kushner failed to disclose what lawmakers called a “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” involving a banker who has been accused of links to Russian organized crime.
Talk about grasping at Straws ..... LMFAO
the straws are even laughing at this idea.
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

If you were truly a patriot, you would not support a sociopath who is ruining our country.
if you were truly a patriot, you'd go by the elections we all go by since washtington was elected.

you not liking the president isn't grounds for a revolution. but go ahead, set that standard and see a revolution start every 4 years cause the left is maximizing their ass-hurt these days.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

You think 2 million lightly armed guys are a match for the US army? :lmao:
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

Trump will be impeached the same day George W. Bush and Richard Bruce Cheney head to the Hague, which is never!
He doesn`t have to be impeached. Nixon wasn`t.

I don't think I would assert that. I wouldn't because I don't think Trump has the decency to resign.

Trump is so prideful that I think he would force the House and Senate to actually impeach and remove him from office. He would do that because that gives him the greatest chance of remaining in office and because "it's all about him." Nevermind what having to do that would do the GOP or to the country.

After being kicked out, he would maintain that he was unfairly impeached by the deep state and Hillary. His crazies would believe him, and his ego would be un-touched.
Okay....What matters to me is that he's not POTUS, not that he might maintain "whatever" or that his ego might remain "untouched." He can say whatever he wants and have all the ego he wants as long as he's not also possessed of high political office while having/acting upon his ego and uttering the BS as he has for the past, what, 50+ years. Trump should have never been allowed "out of the corner" in which he sat for all but the past couple years of his life.
You can blame the fucking Washington LIB establishment for Trump being elected. If they hadn't allowed Hillary to run then someone named 'Buddy Burger' from Duluth could have beat Trump.
Watch the stupid LIBs nominate some serial duffus like Biden to run in 2020.
President Trump can play golf, eat overdone steak and drink Pepsi for the next three years.
As long as he keeps putting strict Constitutionalists on the SC bench and lower court benches I'm OK with him.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)

Trump will be impeached the same day George W. Bush and Richard Bruce Cheney head to the Hague, which is never!
He doesn`t have to be impeached. Nixon wasn`t.

I don't think I would assert that. I wouldn't because I don't think Trump has the decency to resign.

Trump is so prideful that I think he would force the House and Senate to actually impeach and remove him from office. He would do that because that gives him the greatest chance of remaining in office and because "it's all about him." Nevermind what having to do that would do the GOP or to the country.

After being kicked out, he would maintain that he was unfairly impeached by the deep state and Hillary. His crazies would believe him, and his ego would be un-touched.
Okay....What matters to me is that he's not POTUS, not that he might maintain "whatever" or that his ego might remain "untouched." He can say whatever he wants and have all the ego he wants as long as he's not also possessed of high political office while having/acting upon his ego and uttering the BS as he has for the past, what, 50+ years. Trump should have never been allowed "out of the corner" in which he sat for all but the past couple years of his life.
You can blame the fucking Washington LIB establishment for Trump being elected. If they hadn't allowed Hillary to run then someone named 'Buddy Burger' from Duluth could have beat Trump.
Watch the stupid LIBs nominate some serial duffus like Biden to run in 2020.
President Trump can play golf, eat overdone steak and drink Pepsi for the next three years.
As long as he keeps putting strict Constitutionalists on the SC bench and lower court benches I'm OK with him.

Trump is the fault of liberals just like that black eye was the woman's fault. She forced the man to hit her.
As a corollary to another member's thread -- Trump speculates about Franken allegations on Twitter -- I create this thread. I'm creating this thread to discuss Trump, the reasons he should be impreached and the allegations of sexual misconduct, abuse, molestation and/or assault pertaining to him and nobody but him.

July 2017:
Americans were split 42%-42% on the question of whether Trump should be be impeached. (Source)
October 31, 2017:
PPP’s newest national poll finds a record level of support for impeaching Donald Trump. 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we’ve found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it’s the closest we’ve found to a majority. (Source)

Indeed, in that same poll, respondents attested to thinking Trump is scarier than are ghosts, vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, mummies and Satan. While most of the margins between Trump and those characters were forty-something to forty-something-else, with regard to Satan, people felt 50% to 36% that Trump is scarier.
As for why Trump should be impeached, the question for me is "why not?" The man is of derelict character -- lying about anything and everything, including on a phone call, to people who knew his voice no less, posing as someone other than himself -- he is inept as the foremost manager of the government; he contracts to do things he does not follow through with doing; he is insincere in his patriotism; he doesn't care about lower and middle income people's struggles; and he has no capacity for empathy or sympathy for anyone but himself. (For those who want specifics on the nature and extent to which those assertions are so, click here.)
It is okay, for there is plenty of support to go after those that even attempt to remove President Trump from office. About 2 million of US armed individuals will march upon DC and those political shitfucks will find out what it means to piss of Patriotic Americans...

You think 2 million lightly armed guys are a match for the US army? :lmao:
Hate to say this tard, but the military loves President Trump. Do you think they will side with Commie, whackjob like you, or patriots like me?

Do the police like Commie BLM or patriots like me?

So far you don't seem to have much protection for your side...

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