Support for the Iran deal

How many Rabbis do you think there are? This is a large number - so show us how many are against it.....I'll wait!

Yo, Mr Mini Socialist Brain? And you take the word of 340? What a fool! They are all over the World!!!

How Many Rabbis Does It Take to Make the World’s Largest Selfie?
By Katie ZavadskiFollow @katiezavadski


More than 2,000* Orthodox rabbis tried to win the selfie game by taking one with all of them together during this weekend's 31st annual Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries in Crown Heights. They claim it's the largest selfie ever taken, but, unfortunately, Guinness World Records doesn't yet have a category for such a feat.

To fit into one frame, the rabbis — all clad in the typical black and white — had to arrange tiered chairs in front of the Chabad-Lubavitch HQ at 770 Eastern Parkway. The good news is that they didn't simply do so to snap a selfie: It's a typical arrangement for the group's annual portrait, of which the selfie was but one (delightful) part. And as an additional bonus, there's drone footage of the gathering.

How Many Rabbis Does It Take to Make the World’s Largest Selfie?

Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!
View attachment 47849

We're talking about the Rabbis in the United states.....not the world. So where is the number that is against the deal?

Yo, we are not talking about trader Rabbis who deserted Israel! We are talking about real Rabbis who are recognized and real teachers of the Jewish Faith!!! Get over it, you are a true FOOL!

View attachment 47850

I see you are still avoiding answering the question, fool. How many are there in the United States that don't support the deal? And why should we care if the rabbis in Israel don't agree, are they going to fight the war along with the US if the deal falls through and Iran continues to build nuclear weapon?

Yo, if I didn`t answer you question in full? You are just stupid as hell, sorry, but facts say so!

View attachment 47861

You're the one that is think "no deal" is better than the deal we have and that is really stupid. But then, Republicans in Congress already made asses of themselves by sending a letter to Iran dissing their own country, you can't get any stupider than that.....and those that support that, like you, are even stupider.
Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.
I don't need balls, I was in the National Guard without them. There are 3 kinds of People they say sign up for service, those who are young and dumb, those who have no where else to go and want to get ahead, both of these people have no idea what they are in for, and then we have the Rambo types, they want excitement and to shoot guns and play cops and robbers in real life, they love it. (Me I was young and dumb and at that time NG's didn't leave stateside.- I was to be sent to disasters in our country).

The men in the gov. who have no problem sending men to war, are mainly the ones who never been there, and a ReaL Man doesn't get off on killing, but on not having to kill.

Yo, advice? Leave the Greatest Country in the World, and find you a Country who won`t go to War to protect themselves? If you can find one, Good Luck Fool!


The only reason to go to war is self defense, we should not be doing preemptive wars, which we are. We had no right to go in Iraq or do we have a right to go to war with Iran.

Yo, go back in History? Who ok`d War in Congress? I rest my case!


Bush, and those who believed him when he said they have WMD. It was all planned in advance. Even the hanging chads.

Yo, if you knew Government? You would know it was not the President`s fault!!! But, maybe more education will help you ASS!

View attachment 47869

You're just jealous because Bill Clinton got a bj, and all you can do is hope for one.
Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!

What do Rabbis think of the Iran deal?

Oppsie bible thumping rightwing nuts

What do 340 rabbis think of the Iran deal?

It's too bad they probably won't pay attention to them but continue to claim they are for Israel.....the Rabbi's need to send that letter to Netanyahu, too.

Today, 340 rabbis from all streams of Judaism sent a letter to all Members of Congress urging that they support the agreement between the international community and Iran on the Iranian nuclear program.

“We commend the U.S. and the other negotiating teams for their dedication to reaching an agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. This deal is good for the United States and our allies in the region, and is the best arrangement possible given current international realities,” declared Rabbi Steven Bob of Glen Ellyn, IL.

Rabbi Rachel Mikva of Chicago added, “A wide array of views about the nuclear deal exist among American Jews, as demonstrated in the recent Jewish Journal poll that showed 49% approving of the agreement (31% opposed) and 53% wanting Congress to approve it (35% opposed). However many Jewish Federations, AIPAC and other leading national Jewish organizations are campaigning in opposition, which is being interpreted to mean that American Jews want to see the deal scrapped. This is a false and dangerous message that we as rabbis hope to counter with our letter to Congress.”

- See more at: 340 Rabbis Urge Congress to Support Nuclear Deal with Iran » Ameinu
They are leftist not Rabbis, women aren't rabbis and most religious Jews are against any deal you idiot...Leftism is their religion, as it is yours. You and the fake Jew 'Gorno" have your religion
Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!


Will you serve in the coming Iran war if this deal isn't approved?
Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!


Great....maybe they'll haul your ass off to go help clean up the mess your leaders make. But, Trump is going to deflate soon....enough.
Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!


Will you serve in the coming Iran war if this deal isn't approved?

I'm sure he's way past the age of being able to walk without assistance, much less fight.....they'll send other people's sons and daughters to go clean up their messes.
What do Rabbis think of the Iran deal?

Oppsie bible thumping rightwing nuts

What do 340 rabbis think of the Iran deal?

Yo, what Party do they support? You are full of cow patties! You are taking the word of a propaganda blogger!
Get a life FOOL!!!

View attachment 47842

What planet do you reside in? Try doing some research before you show your ignorance. Republicans in Congress are going to have a hard time explaining that away and you'll have to admit you goofed.

340 rabbis send letter to Congress urging support for Iran deal

340 Rabbis Send Letter to Congress to Support the Iran Deal

340 rabbis urge Congress to approve Iran nuclear deal - Religion News Service

Hundreds Of Rabbis Urge Congress To Approve Iran Nuclear Deal

340 rabbis urge Congress to approve Iran nuclear deal | The Muslim Times

340 Rabbis Urge Congress to Support Iran Deal

Yo, how many Rabbis do you think there are? And you are going to believe Mini Socialist Raddis? SICK!

View attachment 47844

How many Rabbis do you think there are? This is a majority - so show us how many are against it.....I'll wait!

Yo, Mr Mini Socialist Brain? And you take the word of 340? What a fool! They are all over the World!!!

How Many Rabbis Does It Take to Make the World’s Largest Selfie?
By Katie ZavadskiFollow @katiezavadski


More than 2,000* Orthodox rabbis tried to win the selfie game by taking one with all of them together during this weekend's 31st annual Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries in Crown Heights. They claim it's the largest selfie ever taken, but, unfortunately, Guinness World Records doesn't yet have a category for such a feat.

To fit into one frame, the rabbis — all clad in the typical black and white — had to arrange tiered chairs in front of the Chabad-Lubavitch HQ at 770 Eastern Parkway. The good news is that they didn't simply do so to snap a selfie: It's a typical arrangement for the group's annual portrait, of which the selfie was but one (delightful) part. And as an additional bonus, there's drone footage of the gathering.

How Many Rabbis Does It Take to Make the World’s Largest Selfie?

Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!
View attachment 47849

No women there, because women cant be Rabbis..They aren't counted in a minyan, and are not called up to Torah. Women have their roll to play, being a "Rabbi is not one of them.. so This thread is a fraud and the fake "Jew" who started it is a fraud.... Leftism makes up their own rules
Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!


Will you serve in the coming Iran war if this deal isn't approved?

Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!


Will you serve in the coming Iran war if this deal isn't approved?

Yo, does this answer your question?

Yo, the toughest and smartest Leader Israel has ever had!!! He would make a Great American President, so watch your Mini Socialist Ass!!!

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!


Will you serve in the coming Iran war if this deal isn't approved?
war is more likely with this stupid deal not less, but people like you are too simple minded to realize that fact :slap:
What do Rabbis think of the Iran deal?

Oppsie bible thumping rightwing nuts

What do 340 rabbis think of the Iran deal?

It's too bad they probably won't pay attention to them but continue to claim they are for Israel.....the Rabbi's need to send that letter to Netanyahu, too.

Today, 340 rabbis from all streams of Judaism sent a letter to all Members of Congress urging that they support the agreement between the international community and Iran on the Iranian nuclear program.

“We commend the U.S. and the other negotiating teams for their dedication to reaching an agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. This deal is good for the United States and our allies in the region, and is the best arrangement possible given current international realities,” declared Rabbi Steven Bob of Glen Ellyn, IL.

Rabbi Rachel Mikva of Chicago added, “A wide array of views about the nuclear deal exist among American Jews, as demonstrated in the recent Jewish Journal poll that showed 49% approving of the agreement (31% opposed) and 53% wanting Congress to approve it (35% opposed). However many Jewish Federations, AIPAC and other leading national Jewish organizations are campaigning in opposition, which is being interpreted to mean that American Jews want to see the deal scrapped. This is a false and dangerous message that we as rabbis hope to counter with our letter to Congress.”

- See more at: 340 Rabbis Urge Congress to Support Nuclear Deal with Iran » Ameinu
They are leftist not Rabbis, women aren't rabbis and most religious Jews are against any deal you idiot...Leftism is their religion, as it is yours. You and the fake Jew 'Gorno" have your religion
In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!


Will you serve in the coming Iran war if this deal isn't approved?

In your empty head.......Netanyahu is a fool.....and his country will pay the price for his ignorance.

No wonder your party is drooling over Trump........severe oxygen deprivation.

Netanyahu, a compulsive gambler, is now verging on being suicidal. The problem is that he is doing this in the name of an entire country.

In recent months, Israel has received several worrisome messages from the United States. These were not sent by official sources in the administration nor by American officials in active service, but by unofficial friendly sources: members of research institutes connected to the Pentagon, Jewish American leaders who enjoy access to Washington and people close to the White House or the State Department. The messages were sent by the administration indirectly to allow it to publicly deny involvement should the information leak out, but the insinuations are clear. According to the veiled messages, Israel’s continued war against the US administration will ultimately seep into the thriving US-Israel security relations. It is simply inconceivable, so it was said, that Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon should continue their all-out war against the president’s policies (mainly regarding negotiations with Iran) without ultimately damaging the security coordination not only between Israel-US defense authorities, but also between security professionals on the ground.

Netanyahu threatens to 'kill himself' in order to stop Iran deal - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Yo, just keep smiling, Trump will Blow Iran Off The Map, just to keep your sorry Mini Socialist Ass alive!


Bwahahaha....Trump the blowhard thinks he can blow Iran off the map with his big talk....all he can do is blow you all's imagination up that he can be President....what saps.

Yo, I hear he is going to bring back the draft, you better haul ass loser!


Will you serve in the coming Iran war if this deal isn't approved?

Yo, does this answer your question?
View attachment 47916

That's your fantasy..............


The "Grand Ole Party" have turned in warmongers and are lapdogs for the global elites. The global elites hate this as Israel and SA are our allies, imagine that, so our trade with Iran would or should be NIL, while Iran is now making trade partners of all the rest of the world.

Time to let SA go, who is one of the real sponsors of terrorism and SA is the worst for human rights and yet they are our allies. The Gop are just money hungry, power hungry , anti American, suck up to Capitalists, dickheads.
This is what I absolutely loathe about those opposing anything that Obama does....okay, so you hate the Iran deal, you hate ACA, you hate this you hate what is your answer to counter what is being done?? Conservatives always whine about shit, but they never do anything but elected and take vacations. You got a better deal for Iran, than gotdamit put the shit on paper. You got a better idea for ACA, than damit put the ideas on, instead, all you lunatics do is bitch about shit, but never do a gotdamn thing about nothing!!
The "Grand Ole Party" have turned in warmongers and are lapdogs for the global elites. The global elites hate this as Israel and SA are our allies, imagine that, so our trade with Iran would or should be NIL, while Iran is now making trade partners of all the rest of the world.

Time to let SA go, who is one of the real sponsors of terrorism and SA is the worst for human rights and yet they are our allies. The Gop are just money hungry, power hungry , anti American, suck up to Capitalists, dickheads.

I don't see the Hussein, Clinton and the Dems breaking ties with the Saudis. Yet it's all the GOP's fault that we're allies with them. You would rather we piss away relations with them and go to war?
The "Grand Ole Party" have turned in warmongers and are lapdogs for the global elites. The global elites hate this as Israel and SA are our allies, imagine that, so our trade with Iran would or should be NIL, while Iran is now making trade partners of all the rest of the world.

Time to let SA go, who is one of the real sponsors of terrorism and SA is the worst for human rights and yet they are our allies. The Gop are just money hungry, power hungry , anti American, suck up to Capitalists, dickheads.

I don't see the Hussein, Clinton and the Dems breaking ties with the Saudis. Yet it's all the GOP's fault that we're allies with them. You would rather we piss away relations with them and go to war?

No you right, but its time we do. Trump agrees. They are behind most of the terrorism you see in the ME now, not Iran. No I'd rather we treat them as allies , and not be partners in crime with them, Iran has a lot to offer. There should be no reason we need to be enemies with Iran to be friends with the Sauds, it should not be choice.

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