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Support the fast food workers

Nah. I have to pay the rent and utilities anyway. For that matter, I also have to do the dishes and the trash. This way, I at least don't have to do the laundry or vacuum or dust. Meanwhile, if your family can't give you some breathing room while you get back on your feet, who will?

Yep..My older bro went through a nasty divorce and ended up living at my place for over a year. You gotta help family. Of course after about a year I told him to get the hell out or start paying rent.
Amazing how fast he got motivated.....

She helps out with the food with what income she has at the moment, and as I said, she does a lot of the chores that I personally hate, which I am more than happy to accept as rent.

. . . Just as long as I don't have to hear any nonsense about "doing everything around here".

The main reason I told my bro to get the hell out is because he wouldnt lift a finger around the house. He played the "poor ol pitiful me" crap until I couldnt stand it anymore.
He is easily capable of making six figures and has many times in the past,and it made me sick to see him wast his life. Happy to say he finally pulled his head out of his ass.
This is what I think of people who don't support the fast food workers.

As one who has never having actually been a fast food worker, and never having employed anyone, your opinion is remarkably irrelevant.

Thanks for playing tho' without your ilk the internets would also be remarkably boring.

I employed people, paid them well, and gave profit sharing,

Right. Like that is believable.
SO if your business was so successful that you could offer profit sharing, what happened to the business?
And please don't give me that sappy "the economy did it" nonsense.
As one who has never having actually been a fast food worker, and never having employed anyone, your opinion is remarkably irrelevant.

Thanks for playing tho' without your ilk the internets would also be remarkably boring.

I employed people, paid them well, and gave profit sharing,

Right. Like that is believable.
SO if your business was so successful that you could offer profit sharing, what happened to the business?
And please don't give me that sappy "the economy did it" nonsense.

You missed it:

Unskilled labor. With zero effort to improve your lot. Yeah..I would say contempt fits.

At least they're working. And no one should hold someone else in contempt for working.

Unless it's perceived by some as them making too much.

Not the case at all. There MUST be a balance between the amount paid and the services rendered based on the value of service, skill level of the worker and demand for the worker's labor in the marketplace.
For example, if the need for unskilled or low skilled labor is say $8 per hour then that is the market rate wage.
If at a certain period of time where unemployment is lower, demand for workers exceeds the supply, then wages would be skewed higher.
Conversely, the skilled labor or certain workers would be higher based on the limited number of workers available in the marketplace for those types. Such as management level engineers. There are fewer of them, so their wages will be much higher than those of line workers at a fast food restaurant.
Here where I live, EMT's working for the County make about $15 per hour to start.
They have certifications, must be of high quality character, have no criminal record, clean driving records, be skilled in first aid, have the ability to do triage type medical procedures such as performing an intubation for a patient that has trouble breathing, be able to use a defibrillator, etc...So is it your contention that a fast food worker of little skill be paid the same as an EMT?.....Do you believe that is realistic?
Fast food workers always work their asses off. Have you ever seen one standing idle? Not very often, unless they are on break.

Yes, I've seen plenty of lazy fast food workers. Plenty of them hustle also, but they aren't the ones who claim to never get raises either.

How do you know that? Did you interview them or are you just making things up?

It's a pretty small town. Between knowing the people working there who then apply for scholarships, knowing the managers and owners of these restaurants through the business groups, and observing turnover, it's not hard to pick out the ones who are lazy. It's not like they hide their complaints.
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Indeed, but valuable workers should be rewarded. When I managed a kennel I was in charge of hiring people, but I could not give raises. That was up to the owner. As a result people would work there a maximum of 6 months and then quit for jobs they felt had a better chance of rewarding them. A good way to incur the owner's wrath was to ask for a raise. She'd find a reason to get rid of you then. It was very bad for morale.

Finally I convinced her to begin properly rewarding good employees. It was small, the highest I ever saw her go at one time was 35 cents, but it sent a message to the employee that we appreciated their contributions. As a result people stayed longer and we were able to really streamline the operation.

She never admitted it, but I could tell that she knew giving raises and paying people a living wage made her company better off in the long run.

When my office was open I never gave raises. When an employee asked for a raise I asked them if they wanted to take on more responsibility. I gave promotions but no raises. One secretary asked for a raise and said she had been offered more money somewhere else. I told her to clean out her desk right then. Immediately.

After I closed my law office, I went back to school and trained to be a dog groomer so I know something about kennel work. When someone wanted to advance beyond cleaning cages (that anyone could do) I offered to teach them grooming. No raises for cleaning up shit and vomit. They are supposed to work only six months and then move on to something else. That's the whole point of entry level work. They become more valuable, to me or to someone else. Up or out. A lot of people opted for out.

I know your type. My wife was a legal secretary for 30 years. She did most of the work and seldom got a raise.

Lawyers suck.
First, no one works for 30 years at the same wage. Stop it.

If she was doing an exemplary job, she would have been getting regular wage increases.
It is apparent her employer for 30 years, did not think much of her work that she deserved raises.
Anyone who thought their work was worth more than what they were being paid would go to their employer with a list of accomplishments and explain their value to their employer. If the employer refused to offer an increase the employee is always free to take their skills elsewhere.
I think you story is not believable.
Fast food is an entry job. Do these people honestly believe that burger flipping is worth 15 bucks an hour?

I know people with degrees that make less than that.

I get just over $18 an hour for that - and no one flips burgers anymore! It gets irritating when people say that. We have clamshell cookers, they cook both sides of the patty at once lol!

$18 an hour for entry-level work and yet virtually nobody at that wage can buy a house. Yeah, I wouldn't want to have that economic situation here.
you do know if they raise the price of their income the food is going to go up plus that they will make more then some of our military just joining the military .. I am sorry a burger flipper should not make more the n the military
The email below is from Nancy Salgado, who makes $8.25 an hour working at a McDonald's in Chicago. Nancy started a petition on CREDO Mobilize, where activists can launch their own campaigns for progressive change. Will you help Nancy and thousands of her coworkers who are going on strike today to pressure fast food giants to pay their workers a fair wage by signing her petition and sharing it with your friends and family?
CREDO Mobilize
Tell America's fast-food giants: The time is now to raise wages for your workers!

" Sign the petition ►

Today I'm joining a national strike against low pay by thousands of fast food workers in cities across the country.

I'm on strike because I can't make ends meet on low hours and the $8.25/hour I make at McDonald's in Chicago. Because each month I have to make hard choices -- like which meal to skip, or which bill not to pay - just so that my kids and I can get by. No one who works for a living should have to make those choices. And I want more for my kids -- and their future -- than just barely "getting by."

Will you join me and add your name to my petition to demand that the nation's eight largest fast-food chains raise the wages of their workers today?

On behalf of striking fast-food workers across the country, I started my own campaign on CREDO's new site that allows activists to start their own petitions. My petition, which is to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's and Papa John's, asks the following:

Together, your restaurants employ millions of people. Millions of people, mostly adults, who can't afford rent if they want to eat. Who can't afford health care if they want to pay their bus fare. Millions of people, and more than 25% of them are parents who can't afford school supplies if they also have to buy school shoes.

Last year your combined profits were $7.35 billion. Yet you still paid most of your workers less than $11,200 a year – poverty wages. It’s shameful. And outrageous.

We call on you to raise wages for your workers.

By now, everyone knows that fast food employees like me can’t make ends meet on minimum wage or barely more. They know how incredibly profitable -- and out of touch -- the corporations we work for are. They know – and you know – that something has to change. Starting now.

We need to know you have our backs -- please help us send the fast food chains we work for a message that people are with us in this fight.

Add your name to my petition to demand that the nation's eight largest fast-food chains raise the wages of their workers today.

Thank you for your support.

Nancy Salgado

Sign the petition ►
CREDO Mobilize helps activists like you make progressive change and fight regressive policies by creating online petitions. Click here to start a petition today."

I have signed this petition. Go here to sign. National strike: Help us be loud! | CREDO Mobilize
This is what I think of people who don't support the fast food workers.


And you have NO RIGHT demanding others support your cause.
In fact with your shitty attitude, all you end up doing is creating backlash and resistance to your cause.
Nobody cares what you class envy idiots think..
Here's an idea, go to your local Burger King and hand over some of your money to the workers for which you feel so sorry.
Or, open your own fast food place and pay your workers $15 per hour and up. Let us know if you make your margins to keep the place open.
It gets really old when people like you with no skin in the game make all kinds of demands on others.
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This started with a few places and is really growing.

The government didn't want to get involved..and it shouldn't now.

Because soon, the fast food industry is going to ask for help.

Help for what?

The story is over. They had their 15 mins in the media.
Oh, the one fast food joint that closed because of protests, most of whom were bused in by unions and other activist groups, the workers that joined the protest( three of them) were fired by the owner.
All of this horseshit about the corporate profits is a smokescreen.
Most if not all fast food restaurants are individually owned franchises. The margins are slim. Fast food is a quick nickel type business.
There is a ten per cent sales tax on restaurants in Virginia. The gubmit is the one making the big bucks without even flipping a burger.

What's that got to do with anything?
Oh and hey smart ass....Next time you post a claim, be sure to avoid the embarrassment of being wrong. I research EVERYTHING....
There is no such thing as a "restaurant tax" in Virginia.

Those items are subject to the sales tax rate of 4.3% plus an additional 1% local tax.
Sales and Use Tax -- Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Taxation.....
The only other tax rate for food in Virginia os for home consumption. As in groceries or prepared cold food for preparation at the home. Those items are subject to a 1.5% sales tax plus an additional 1% local sales tax.
For certain counties and Cities in Northern Va and the Hampton Roads region, add an additional 0.7%.
There is no "restaurant tax"...
The only prepared food tax for on site consumption is a "meals tax"..
This tax is collected in 44 of Virginia's counties. The tax is a local option tax. There are 118 towns and cities in VA which collect the tax. There are three which charge 7.5%..
The most common % is 4..The median is 6% in the cities and 4% in the counties.
Not all places in VA collect this meals tax.
Of the 44 counties, the highest tax is 7.5%..
Care to change your bullshit story?
Where is the incentive for those in the US to work harder? They don't get paid more, and people working in fast food don't get tips.

You have to work hard over here - don't pull your weight, your hours drop.

The same thing happens up here, and that's what the unions are trying to stop. They aren't asking for more money because they work harder. They are asking for more money without any accountability.

Fast food workers always work their asses off. Have you ever seen one standing idle? Not very often, unless they are on break.
So what? That isn't the point.
All kinds of manual laborers work hard. They receive pay commensurate with the skill level of their job.
At least they're working. And no one should hold someone else in contempt for working.

Thats not what I said.

No, you looked down your elitist nose at unskilled labor.

Not everyone can be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon.

Again,thats not what I said. I look down on someone who refuses to better themselves.
Unskilled labor doesnt always mean low pay. You could be a a truck driver a garbage man a flag and barrel guy,you could be a tree trimmer you could mow grass. I could do this all day.....The point is,flipping burgers isnt worth a living wage. If you're a dumb ass expect to work harder for your money. But the thing that really gets me? You really dont need to be a genius to make 15 bucks an hour,far from it in fact. All you have to do is apply yourself.
The same thing happens up here, and that's what the unions are trying to stop. They aren't asking for more money because they work harder. They are asking for more money without any accountability.

Fast food workers always work their asses off. Have you ever seen one standing idle? Not very often, unless they are on break.
So what? That isn't the point.
All kinds of manual laborers work hard. They receive pay commensurate with the skill level of their job.

Well no.

The pay is commensurate to what both parties agree too.

That's how the free market works.

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