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Support the fast food workers

Thats not what I said.

No, you looked down your elitist nose at unskilled labor.

Not everyone can be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon.

Again,thats not what I said. I look down on someone who refuses to better themselves.
Unskilled labor doesnt always mean low pay. You could be a a truck driver a garbage man a flag and barrel guy,you could be a tree trimmer you could mow grass. I could do this all day.....The point is,flipping burgers isnt worth a living wage. If you're a dumb ass expect to work harder for your money. But the thing that really gets me? You really dont need to be a genius to make 15 bucks an hour,far from it in fact. All you have to do is apply yourself.


What law says that?
Lap dancers make about a thousand per night. Lawyers charge hundreds per hour which a low paying secretary performs.

You people are cutting off your noses to spite your faces.

No. You simply don't understand how the value of something is derived.
Again,thats not what I said. I look down on someone who refuses to better themselves.
Unskilled labor doesnt always mean low pay. You could be a a truck driver a garbage man a flag and barrel guy,you could be a tree trimmer you could mow grass. I could do this all day.....The point is,flipping burgers isnt worth a living wage. If you're a dumb ass expect to work harder for your money. But the thing that really gets me? You really dont need to be a genius to make 15 bucks an hour,far from it in fact. All you have to do is apply yourself.

Many people in high-end jobs refuse to "better themselves" (whatever that means). Do you look down on them as well?
It's unbelievable the amount of contempt the righties have for labor.

Absolutely not. I don't go around thinking to myself 'how dare you work you worker.' The issue I have is with the notion that people think they are entitled to at least enough to live on no matter what job they do. Your work compensation is based on the value of your work to the company as established by the prevailing market for that skill. What is your labor worth? It's quite simple. It's worth whatever you can get your employer to agree to and it's worth whatever you can get your employee to agree to. What you need to live on has exactly ZERO to do with why and for how much an employer compensates you
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No, you looked down your elitist nose at unskilled labor.

Not everyone can be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon.

Again,thats not what I said. I look down on someone who refuses to better themselves.
Unskilled labor doesnt always mean low pay. You could be a a truck driver a garbage man a flag and barrel guy,you could be a tree trimmer you could mow grass. I could do this all day.....The point is,flipping burgers isnt worth a living wage. If you're a dumb ass expect to work harder for your money. But the thing that really gets me? You really dont need to be a genius to make 15 bucks an hour,far from it in fact. All you have to do is apply yourself.


What law says that?

The law of supply and demand says that. Sorry to have go over econ 101 with you, but hey, you asked.
Lap dancers make about a thousand per night. Lawyers charge hundreds per hour which a low paying secretary performs.

You people are cutting off your noses to spite your faces.

Then she should have moved on to another firm that was willing to pay for her skills.
Newsflash. Indentured servitude was outlawed long ago.
Many people in high-end jobs refuse to "better themselves" (whatever that means). Do you look down on them as well?
Better themselves = make themselves more marketable so they can earn more money with their value as a human resource instead of by holding a sign saying it ain't fair.
A lot of employers treat people that way. Hell, in right to work states they'll fire you when the quality of your work gets too good, because they know you're worth more than they're paying you and they don't want to address that.

People like that are the employer equivalent of a slumlord.

You find a lot of that in union shops where co-workers will gang up on the one hard worker who is making the rest of them look bad.

Yeah...but to be fair,that happens in none union shops as well.

It may. However unions actually have rules prohibiting exemplary work.
In fact, hard work is not only frowned upon by co-workers, it is grounds to be sent to the union hall.
Here's an example of the bullshit one puts up with in the unionized labor world...
I worked in a union painting shop. Since I was low man on the totem pole, I had to go to get coffee for the crew.
I came back, handed each guy their coffee including the foreman. Later one of the guys says to me "you can't do that"..I looked at him "do what?"...."Give the boss his coffee" he says..."the guys will think you're an ass kisser"...
I was like 'fuck you. I was offering a courtesy to another person."..
I had to deal with all other kinds of stupidity. Such as the list in the union office of all the places we were not supposed to shop. Products we were not supposed to buy. So I quit. It was from then on I despised unions and everything they stood for.
Better themselves = make themselves more marketable so they can earn more money with their value as a human resource instead of by holding a sign saying it ain't fair.

How about those who are perfectly happy living a low income lifestyle and don't ask for help or sympathy? Do they still have your contempt?
There is a lot of nepotism and cronyism in the business world. Especially so called, family businesses.

Yeah? And?
There are politics everywhere. There are people, mostly lazy sacks of shit who will do just about anything to get a leg up on others. Mainly so they can be slackers and still get paid.
One must be bigger than the slackers.
Fast food workers always work their asses off. Have you ever seen one standing idle? Not very often, unless they are on break.
So what? That isn't the point.
All kinds of manual laborers work hard. They receive pay commensurate with the skill level of their job.

Well no.

The pay is commensurate to what both parties agree too.

That's how the free market works.

Nice try.
And don't you dare lecture me on the free market. You are a lib socialist. You don't get to opine on market based economics because you oppose capitalism.
All of you libs oppose it.
Better themselves = make themselves more marketable so they can earn more money with their value as a human resource instead of by holding a sign saying it ain't fair.

How about those who are perfectly happy living a low income lifestyle and don't ask for help or sympathy? Do they still have your contempt?

You seem to be missing the point. The contempt is not very anyone and everyone earning less than what a person can live on. The contempt is for the attitude of people who insist they are entitled to more not because of the value of the skill, but simply because they need it as if it is someone elses responsibility other than your own to provide for at least you basic necessities.

If making that much works for you due to your own personal circumstances and not walking around with said entitlement mentality than I have zero contempt for you.
Thats not what I said.

No, you looked down your elitist nose at unskilled labor.

Not everyone can be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon.

Then those who cannot, will be relegated to low earnings. It is what it is.

And there are an aweful lot of skills between living wage and rocket scientist or brain surgeon. Let's not pretend only those skills are capable of earning a comfortable standard of living.
The email below is from Nancy Salgado, who makes $8.25 an hour working at a McDonald's in Chicago. Nancy started a petition on CREDO Mobilize, where activists can launch their own campaigns for progressive change. Will you help Nancy and thousands of her coworkers who are going on strike today to pressure fast food giants to pay their workers a fair wage by signing her petition and sharing it with your friends and family?
CREDO Mobilize
Tell America's fast-food giants: The time is now to raise wages for your workers!

" Sign the petition ►

Today I'm joining a national strike against low pay by thousands of fast food workers in cities across the country.

I'm on strike because I can't make ends meet on low hours and the $8.25/hour I make at McDonald's in Chicago. Because each month I have to make hard choices -- like which meal to skip, or which bill not to pay - just so that my kids and I can get by. No one who works for a living should have to make those choices. And I want more for my kids -- and their future -- than just barely "getting by."

Will you join me and add your name to my petition to demand that the nation's eight largest fast-food chains raise the wages of their workers today?

On behalf of striking fast-food workers across the country, I started my own campaign on CREDO's new site that allows activists to start their own petitions. My petition, which is to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's and Papa John's, asks the following:

Together, your restaurants employ millions of people. Millions of people, mostly adults, who can't afford rent if they want to eat. Who can't afford health care if they want to pay their bus fare. Millions of people, and more than 25% of them are parents who can't afford school supplies if they also have to buy school shoes.

Last year your combined profits were $7.35 billion. Yet you still paid most of your workers less than $11,200 a year – poverty wages. It’s shameful. And outrageous.

We call on you to raise wages for your workers.

By now, everyone knows that fast food employees like me can’t make ends meet on minimum wage or barely more. They know how incredibly profitable -- and out of touch -- the corporations we work for are. They know – and you know – that something has to change. Starting now.

We need to know you have our backs -- please help us send the fast food chains we work for a message that people are with us in this fight.

Add your name to my petition to demand that the nation's eight largest fast-food chains raise the wages of their workers today.

Thank you for your support.

Nancy Salgado

Sign the petition ►
CREDO Mobilize helps activists like you make progressive change and fight regressive policies by creating online petitions. Click here to start a petition today."

I have signed this petition. Go here to sign. National strike: Help us be loud! | CREDO Mobilize

I'm on strike because I can't make ends meet on low hours and the $8.25/hour I make at McDonald's in Chicago. Because each month I have to make hard choices -- like which meal to skip, or which bill not to pay - just so that my kids and I can get by. No one who works for a living should have to make those choices.

When pretty much anyone, with little or no training, can do your job, you're never going to make decent money.

If you want higher wages, get more skills and stop importing millions of illegal immigrants who are going to fight to take your $8.25/hour job away from you.
Unskilled labor. With zero effort to improve your lot. Yeah..I would say contempt fits.

At least they're working. And no one should hold someone else in contempt for working.

How about I hold you in contempt for either being too stupid to walk and breathe at the same time, or for being such a partisan ideologue hack that you're willing to appear to be too stupid to walk and breathe at the same time to advance your agenda? Does that work for you?

Whoops. Too late. I already do.

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