Support The Fight For Civil Rights For Mexicans In Mexico

It Mexico were a safe, economically viable nation it would be the United States.
Heck, we are not even willing to fight corruption in Washington DC. What on earth makes this person think we are willing to fight it in Mexico City?

A full court military/police/swat press along with a military model roving summary courts martial judicial process. With immediate execution of sentence, solitary or the noose.

At 6000 drug casualties (KIA)a year, its time they got serious, its not getting any better.
A full court military/police/swat press along with a military model roving summary courts martial judicial process. With immediate execution of sentence, solitary or the noose.

At 6000 drug casualties (KIA)a year, its time they got serious, its not getting any better.

Yeah, the difference between the US and Mexico is not legal drugs.
It Mexico were a safe, economically viable nation it would be the United States.

Mexico should try becoming like the diverse United States and open it's borders to the rest of the world. Getting rid of that stupid Aztec culture would do wonders.
If you want to fix Mexico, you would have to get rid of the Mexicans first.
'Angelhair, I do not deny the problems facing Mexico are complex, and I do not think they are the US's fault -- I just think that if Mexico were a safe, economically viable nation in which to live that would be best for Mexicans and for the US. I have not asked for you do a single solitary thing except object to the corruption in Mexico's government. If it feels to you as if showing even that little concern for Mexico is too much, I guess I have difficulty understanding why.'

Yes, of course, it would be best for BOTH countries - but - you can't help a country if they do NOT want to be helped! They detest for the USA to interfere in their internal affairs. They have detested that forever. Your heart is in the right place, but Mexico does not want the help of the USA - except of course, for its dollars. I have been very, very vocal about the corruption in Mexico - but - they seem to feel we have no room to talk because as they love to say - 'the USA has its own corruption, so shut up about ours'. Madeline, I would love for Mexico to get its act together! It scares me to death that the violence is already in our country and will get worse especially since our politicians do not do ONE thing about it other than give lip service. Look at how Az is being punished for their attempt. Mexico is a very proud country even if their pride is misplaced. There is a saying that goes like this: 'Their pride causes them to fall; and that same pride gets them back up'. And I would venture to say that it keeps them cemented to the same failures.
This is an NPR story about a sudden and dramatic rise in crime in one Mexican town, and how it spills over into the US.....

In Just One Year, A Mexican City Turns Violent : NPR

Angelhair.....I believe you, I believe Mexicans are proud and resist our help and I believe you would change things if you could. I don't have the answers, but each one of us who asks questions adds in some small measure to the pressure on the US and Mexican governments to attempt change.

We cannot do more....but we should not do less.
Nuke Mexico and put Americans out of their misery!

I'm not a scientist, Bullfighter, but I fail to see how nuking Mexico could do anything other than render the US border states (at a minimum) uninhabitable. Though even if it could be done, I'd refuse -- it is genocide.

But hey, don't let me stop you from calling for the deaths of 80 Million people. I'm sure it is more gratifying to do that than to discuss any real life solutions. Many people seem to be using hate as a pacifier....when you grow up, please feel free to re-enter this convo.
Heck, we are not even willing to fight corruption in Washington DC. What on earth makes this person think we are willing to fight it in Mexico City?


Immie! It is so good to see you again. Have you been well?

I do what I can to fight corruption, Immie. If you have any ideas on what else we could be doing, please share them.
God bless your heart Madeline, but you can't change what a mexican is
God bless your heart Madeline, but you can't change what a mexican is

Thankies, Tank. I am sure there are cultural barriers to positive change, Tank....but what is our excuse for not demanding it nonetheless, as Americans? I'm not asking for much. I don't even want that you should write your congressman. I just want that we should voice our need/hope for Mexico to rid itself of the corruption.

I cannot accept that the situation is hopeless, in part because I think the 11 - 20 Million illegals living in the US must be deported. I'd like to think I am not calling for their execution, yanno?
Mexico could ALSO stop producing drugs! Geez! What a concept. Mexico is doomed.....doubt it can be changed - or maybe if a miracle were to happen!

Mexico produces drugs to sell in the US. The US produces guns to sell in Mexico. Seems to me that "miracle" ain't hard to envision, Angelhair. You can admit defeat if you wish...but how comfy is life in a border state ever going to be if Mexico continues to be The Seventh Circle Of Hell?

Then lets ship all of their countrymen back to fight the good fight for a better life. IN MEXICO.
Drugs are illegal in both Mexico and the US. Why is the savagery only occuring in Mexico? Doesn't seem like an American problem.
Angelhair, I do not deny the problems facing Mexico are complex, and I do not think they are the US's fault -- I just think that if Mexico were a safe, economically viable nation in which to live that would be best for Mexicans and for the US.

I have not asked for you do a single solitary thing except object to the corruption in Mexico's government. If it feels to you as if showing even that little concern for Mexico is too much, I guess I have difficulty understanding why.

Then its up to MEXICO AND MEXICANS to make it safe. No us.

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