Supreme Court: 2nd amendment applies to states as well

There is nothing you could offer me to get me to tongue-punch Lindsay Lohan. :eek:

That's because she's a woman and by your own admission you fantasize about dudes.
You're going to have to provide a link for that. NOTE: There is no URL for the ass, your usual source. :rofl:

Once again, a member of the oh-so-tolerant left uses homosexuality as an insult. Why are you a homophobe, Curve? :lol:

A bit slow on the uptake eh? I didn't make any homophobic comments. When dudes fantasize about other dudes then say they wouldnt touch makes sense.

Your hypocrisy is just classic. You've seen conhog make numerous attempts to insult with homophobic remarks and you never said a fucking word then accuse me of what he has actually done. Let me know when your retirement part is so I can mail a Congrats card.
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A bit slow on the uptake eh? I didn't make any homophobic comments. When dudes fantasize about other dudes then say they wouldnt touch makes sense.
Once again...where did I post I fantasized about dudes? You really need to back this up.
Your hypocrisy is just classic. You've seen conhog make numerous attempts to insult with homophobic remarks and you never said a fucking word then accuse me of what he has actually done. Let me know when your retirement part is so I can mail a Congrats card.
Where did he do that? If he did...IF (because I can't take your word for it; you've proven yourself unreliable) was wrong.
Amen to that. :lol:

You would say amen to something so fucking dumb. Holy shit this board sucks because of dumbass crybaby cocksucking bitches like you.

If that be the case? Then why are YOU still here? Shame the truth hurts you. You know where the exit is if it bothers you.

My being here or not doesn't change how the board is infested with ignorant Nationaistic fucks like you.
A bit slow on the uptake eh? I didn't make any homophobic comments. When dudes fantasize about other dudes then say they wouldnt touch makes sense.
Once again...where did I post I fantasized about dudes? You really need to back this up.
Your hypocrisy is just classic. You've seen conhog make numerous attempts to insult with homophobic remarks and you never said a fucking word then accuse me of what he has actually done. Let me know when your retirement part is so I can mail a Congrats card.
Where did he do that? If he did...IF (because I can't take your word for it; you've proven yourself unreliable) was wrong.

Proven myself unreliable? Is that what you call it when your fat ass gets bitch slapped? Lifers like you are a joke and the sad part is you hardly ever realize it until it's too late.
You would say amen to something so fucking dumb. Holy shit this board sucks because of dumbass crybaby cocksucking bitches like you.

If that be the case? Then why are YOU still here? Shame the truth hurts you. You know where the exit is if it bothers you.

My being here or not doesn't change how the board is infested with ignorant Nationaistic fucks like you.

*YOU* know where the exit is.

Well, most places aren't as gun friendly as Arkansas and other southern states.

Sucks to be you :lol:

And that is the wrong attitude. When peoples right are taken and/or challenged then EVERYONE loses. That thinking spreads and infects. If I can violate the constitution in CA then why can I not do so in AK. I have no issue with states' rights and having the states decide things for themselves, after all I can move. Violating the COTUS is an entirely different matter. That is an issue ALL Americans should care about.

I was kidding bro. As I have often said on this board, the very rights we should most defend are those of people who we disagree with.. You can't be okay with one person losing their rights and then cry when you lose yours. I fully support CircleJerk's right to have his fudge packed nightly.
That's because she's a woman and by your own admission you fantasize about dudes.
You're going to have to provide a link for that. NOTE: There is no URL for the ass, your usual source. :rofl:

Once again, a member of the oh-so-tolerant left uses homosexuality as an insult. Why are you a homophobe, Curve? :lol:

A bit slow on the uptake eh? I didn't make any homophobic comments. When dudes fantasize about other dudes then say they wouldnt touch makes sense.

Your hypocrisy is just classic. You've seen conhog make numerous attempts to insult with homophobic remarks and you never said a fucking word then accuse me of what he has actually done. Let me know when your retirement part is so I can mail a Congrats card.

I guess you're too stupid to realize when someone is throwing it right back at you huh CircleJerk? Plus, why bring me up in your fight with Dave?
SCOTUS is attempting to turn the U.S. into Somalia. NRA arguments on the constitutional right of gun ownership are ludicrous. That SCOTUS has in essence accepted them whole hog is terrible for the country.

Eventually, some of those jackasses will actually read the second amendment and tie gun ownership to a well regulated militia as the document clearly states.
A bit slow on the uptake eh? I didn't make any homophobic comments. When dudes fantasize about other dudes then say they wouldnt touch makes sense.
Once again...where did I post I fantasized about dudes? You really need to back this up.
Your hypocrisy is just classic. You've seen conhog make numerous attempts to insult with homophobic remarks and you never said a fucking word then accuse me of what he has actually done. Let me know when your retirement part is so I can mail a Congrats card.
Where did he do that? If he did...IF (because I can't take your word for it; you've proven yourself unreliable) was wrong.

Proven myself unreliable? Is that what you call it when your fat ass gets bitch slapped? Lifers like you are a joke and the sad part is you hardly ever realize it until it's too late.
You seem to know a lot about the military (or think you do). When did you serve?
A bit slow on the uptake eh? I didn't make any homophobic comments. When dudes fantasize about other dudes then say they wouldnt touch makes sense.
Once again...where did I post I fantasized about dudes? You really need to back this up.
Your hypocrisy is just classic. You've seen conhog make numerous attempts to insult with homophobic remarks and you never said a fucking word then accuse me of what he has actually done. Let me know when your retirement part is so I can mail a Congrats card.
Where did he do that? If he did...IF (because I can't take your word for it; you've proven yourself unreliable) was wrong.

Once again...where did I post I fantasized about dudes? You really need to back this up.

Where did he do that? If he did...IF (because I can't take your word for it; you've proven yourself unreliable) was wrong.

Proven myself unreliable? Is that what you call it when your fat ass gets bitch slapped? Lifers like you are a joke and the sad part is you hardly ever realize it until it's too late.
You seem to know a lot about the military (or think you do). When did you serve?

Desert storm
You're going to have to provide a link for that. NOTE: There is no URL for the ass, your usual source. :rofl:

Once again, a member of the oh-so-tolerant left uses homosexuality as an insult. Why are you a homophobe, Curve? :lol:

A bit slow on the uptake eh? I didn't make any homophobic comments. When dudes fantasize about other dudes then say they wouldnt touch makes sense.

Your hypocrisy is just classic. You've seen conhog make numerous attempts to insult with homophobic remarks and you never said a fucking word then accuse me of what he has actually done. Let me know when your retirement part is so I can mail a Congrats card.

I guess you're too stupid to realize when someone is throwing it right back at you huh CircleJerk? Plus, why bring me up in your fight with Dave?

You ever going to even attempt to prove how the Eagle Scout/Honor student shot by the Guard at Kent was a "terrorist" you shitbag fatass crybaby? Or was that just another claim you plan on running from for the rest of your life?
Desert storm
Thank you for your service. What branch?

It doesn't make a diff right now and in case you haven't noticed.....I'm an asshole so don't waste your time with this bullshit.
*shrug* Whatever, then, dipshit. My thanks were sincere.
You lost all ground when you repeatedly falsely claimed I never supported my position on this subject after I had done so several times.
Yeah, how'd that work out for you? Did SCOTUS request a do-over based on your argument?
SCOTUS is attempting to turn the U.S. into Somalia. NRA arguments on the constitutional right of gun ownership are ludicrous. That SCOTUS has in essence accepted them whole hog is terrible for the country.

Eventually, some of those jackasses will actually read the second amendment and tie gun ownership to a well regulated militia as the document clearly states.

Somalia? You sound like those jackasses who claim there is a War on Christmas because someone suggested turning off Christmas decorations between midnight and 6am to save the town money on the electric bill.

Put down the hyperbole.
The wars were NOT illegal in the sense that the troops were concerned. You may argue on the international stage or any other way you like but an order to go to war issued by congress or presidential security actions. What IS a concern for the troops is what is written in the UCMJ and that covers legal and illegal orders. Outside that, there is no other authority that a soldier goes by to judge the orders given him or her.

Oh look.....the Dumbass Invitations were sent after all.

Do you have any clue how fucking ridiculous that claim is? It almost looks like a rejected Oreilly monologue. I could ask you to cite the UCMJ to support your claim but I don't need to. Know why?

In 2004 Pablo Paredes, a Petty Officer refused deployment to Iraq on the grounds it was illegal. Where do you come up with the bullshit of "not as far as the troops were concerned?" Are you really so naïve as to believe an order issued by the CINC cannot be illegal if he used the correct paperwork and rubber stamps? He refused deployment by citing the UCMJ, along with supporting authoritative documents.
SCOTUS is attempting to turn the U.S. into Somalia. NRA arguments on the constitutional right of gun ownership are ludicrous. That SCOTUS has in essence accepted them whole hog is terrible for the country.

Eventually, some of those jackasses will actually read the second amendment and tie gun ownership to a well regulated militia as the document clearly states.

Somalia? You sound like those jackasses who claim there is a War on Christmas because someone suggested turning off Christmas decorations between midnight and 6am to save the town money on the electric bill.

Put down the hyperbole.

Hyperbole? I thought the post was pretty tame for the board.
SCOTUS is attempting to turn the U.S. into Somalia. NRA arguments on the constitutional right of gun ownership are ludicrous. That SCOTUS has in essence accepted them whole hog is terrible for the country.

Eventually, some of those jackasses will actually read the second amendment and tie gun ownership to a well regulated militia as the document clearly states.

Somalia? You sound like those jackasses who claim there is a War on Christmas because someone suggested turning off Christmas decorations between midnight and 6am to save the town money on the electric bill.

Put down the hyperbole.

Hyperbole? I thought the post was pretty tame for the board.

You got a point there but was too much like the war on christmas garbage. Plus, when you're dealing with mostly intellectually dishonest people that stuff just gives em' ammo for ignoring the topic.
The wars were NOT illegal in the sense that the troops were concerned. You may argue on the international stage or any other way you like but an order to go to war issued by congress or presidential security actions. What IS a concern for the troops is what is written in the UCMJ and that covers legal and illegal orders. Outside that, there is no other authority that a soldier goes by to judge the orders given him or her.

Oh look.....the Dumbass Invitations were sent after all.

Do you have any clue how fucking ridiculous that claim is? It almost looks like a rejected Oreilly monologue. I could ask you to cite the UCMJ to support your claim but I don't need to. Know why?

In 2004 Pablo Paredes, a Petty Officer refused deployment to Iraq on the grounds it was illegal. Where do you come up with the bullshit of "not as far as the troops were concerned?" Are you really so naïve as to believe an order issued by the CINC cannot be illegal if he used the correct paperwork and rubber stamps? He refused deployment by citing the UCMJ, along with supporting authoritative documents.
So, are you purposefully lying or just am idiot?
First, he was pronounced GUILTY, busted to the lowest rank possible and sentenced to 3 months HARD LABOR and then DENIED discharge as a conscientious objector. On top of that, so far attempts to appeal have been rejected. Do you even know how often these cases are pursued? From a times article reposted on the net:
Army Is Cracking Down On Deserters
From 2002 through 2006, the average annual rate of Army prosecutions of desertion tripled compared with the five-year period from 1997 to 2001, to roughly 6 percent of deserters, from 2 percent, Army data shows.
WOW, a whole 6 percent are even prosecuted, and you think THIS guy got off easy? He was give the worst of it. These cases are rarely pursued because there is no net gain for the military if they peruse it, it just wastes resources. The only reason they do pursue 6% is to discourage others. There are rare 'make an example' cases but the vast majority are never even charged. Do not speak of military things that you nether know anything about or understand.

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