Supreme Court Blocks Republican-Drawn Alabama Voting Map

Morons with advanced degrees they can't pay for doesn't make me bitter.

Why do you feel it's progress?
Anti-intellectual prejudice is antithetical to America's pride in scholarship and culture.

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"I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.
Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain."
[John Adams Quote, I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy]
Yes, and when have I said, otherwise?

But, since we are in a Q/A session... - Do you think the SC is legit? And as a follow-up - how about the 2016 election and the 2020 election?

Which are ones do you think are legit and which ones - not?

Have a feeling, since you are a retard, you won't answer my questions but hey, surprise me. Go.
I see the SC as being politically biased, and I'm saying that as a right leaning Conservative. It has nothing to do with cases over the last couple of years, it has to do with reality. ALL justices have a left/right bias. Democrats want to add seats to the Supreme Court but even that is because they would like to see a 6/6 bias with six leaning one way and six leaning the opposite way.

I would actually be in favor of eliminating all current 9 and instituting a different system that would keep 9 seats but that all nine would be filled by middle of the road, unbiased judges who don't let their political ideologies determine how they vote and don't owe any allegiances to either side or maybe to someone who nominated them.

I will say this about the current lefties on the court: just like lefties in general, they want to decide cases by public opinion and how they feel or what is best for the country vs what the legal arguments of their cases actually are and that's not how it is supposed to work. They are there to interpret laws and the Constitution, not to make the best decision for the country. It is up to the other branches of government to make the best decisions for the country.
Anti-intellectual prejudice is antithetical to America's pride in scholarship and culture.

View attachment 793326
"I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.
Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain."
[John Adams Quote, I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy]

Morons with gender-studies degrees they can't pay for are not intellectuals.
I see the SC as being politically biased, and I'm saying that as a right leaning Conservative. It has nothing to do with cases over the last couple of years, it has to do with reality. ALL justices have a left/right bias. Democrats want to add seats to the Supreme Court but even that is because they would like to see a 6/6 bias with six leaning one way and six leaning the opposite way.

I would actually be in favor of eliminating all current 9 and instituting a different system that would keep 9 seats but that all nine would be filled by middle of the road, unbiased judges who don't let their political ideologies determine how they vote and don't owe any allegiances to either side or maybe to someone who nominated them.

I will say this about the current lefties on the court: just like lefties in general, they want to decide cases by public opinion and how they feel or what is best for the country vs what the legal arguments of their cases actually are and that's not how it is supposed to work. They are there to interpret laws and the Constitution, not to make the best decision for the country. It is up to the other branches of government to make the best decisions for the country.
Good for you. But you didn't answer the rest of my questions. Go.
Morons with gender-studies degrees they can't pay for are not intellectuals.
I'm not sure why you're so pissy about one area of academic concentration that is pursued by so few, but it's appropriate for the American Medical Association and other medical societies to encompass all such specialties, regardless of whether you personally approve of them. E.g.,

The Sex and Gender Clinic is a specialty clinic within The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Established in 1971, the Clinic is committed to excellence in patient and family-centered care, medical education, and research.
We provide a nonjudgmental environment in which individuals and their families are safe to explore the choices that they feel will be best for them. Our goal is to assist patients as they seek self-acceptance and sometimes clarification of their gender identity. We strive to ensure that all of our patients are well-informed about the nature of gender identity (and gender dysphoria), and about potential risks and benefits related to various treatment options. We provide education, guidance and support to patients and their loved ones.
I'm not sure why you're so pissy about one area of academic concentration that is pursued by so few, but it's appropriate for the American Medical Association and other medical societies to encompass all such specialties, regardless of whether you personally approve of them. E.g.,

The Sex and Gender Clinic is a specialty clinic within The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Established in 1971, the Clinic is committed to excellence in patient and family-centered care, medical education, and research.

We provide a nonjudgmental environment in which individuals and their families are safe to explore the choices that they feel will be best for them. Our goal is to assist patients as they seek self-acceptance and sometimes clarification of their gender identity. We strive to ensure that all of our patients are well-informed about the nature of gender identity (and gender dysphoria), and about potential risks and benefits related to various treatment options. We provide education, guidance and support to patients and their loved ones.

I'm not sure why you're so pissy about one area of academic concentration that is pursued by so few, but it's appropriate for the American Medical Association and other medical societies to encompass all such specialties, regardless of whether you personally approve of them. E.g.,

Feel free to list the rest of the areas of study that are turning out graduates who can't repay their loans.

Ruling upholds a lower-court finding that dispersed Black voters into districts dominated by white citizens​

The Supreme Court ordered Alabama on Thursday to create a second Black-majority congressional district, upholding a lower-court finding that the Republican-controlled state legislature likely violated the Voting Rights Act by dispersing Black voters into districts dominated by white citizens.

Added by meister-link, not a pay wall site.
wow…the dems told me the Court destroyed the voting rights act…guess that was a lie
Won't matter Alabama is a deep red state.....
The impact of the decision, which required the Legislature to draw a second district in which Black voters have the opportunity to elect representatives of their choice, will not be limited to Alabama. Other states in the South, notably Louisiana and Georgia, may also have to redraw their maps to bolster Black voting power, which could, among other things, help Democrats in their efforts to retake the House.
Supreme Court’s Alabama Decision Already Affecting Case That Could Shift Congressional Makeup

Ramifications from the Supreme Court’s surprise Thursday decision to preserve the Voting Rights Act’s protection against racial gerrymanders are already developing in a related case out of Georgia.

In the hours after the ruling, U.S. District Judge Steve Jones requested “that the parties provide supplemental briefing to address the June 8, 2023 opinion issued by the United States Supreme Court.”

As legal experts digested the Supreme Court’s ruling yesterday, it quickly became clear it could have significant ripple effects. Georgia, along with Louisiana, Texas and, of course, Alabama, are the states experts pointed to as most likely to yield majority minority seats after the Supreme Court’s decision.

In this particular Georgia case, the Georgia state conference of the NAACP is challenging the state’s congressional and legislative maps as racial gerrymanders under both the 14th Amendment and Section 2 of the VRA.

Supreme Court’s Alabama Decision Already Affecting Case That Could Shift Congressional Makeup

It doesn't end with AL.
The impact of the decision, which required the Legislature to draw a second district in which Black voters have the opportunity to elect representatives of their choice, will not be limited to Alabama. Other states in the South, notably Louisiana and Georgia, may also have to redraw their maps to bolster Black voting power, which could, among other things, help Democrats in their efforts to retake the House.

required the Legislature to draw a second district in which Black voters have the opportunity to elect representatives of their choice,

Why didn't black voters have the opportunity to elect the rep of their choice before?
Yeah. Like in Florida where they are teaching the kids that Slavery was a great thing because the Blacks learned a trade.

Do you have an actual quote of what the curriculum says, or are you just relying on biased articles about it?
Do you have an actual quote of what the curriculum says, or are you just relying on biased articles about it?

Ok. How exactly can you claim that there is any way to present the argument that Slavery was a benefit to Blacks because it taught them a skill?
Ok. How exactly can you claim that there is any way to present the argument that Slavery was a benefit to Blacks because it taught them a skill?

What that the claim?

What was the exact claim? So far all the articles I read bitch about it but didn't go into details.

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