SCOTUS deals blow to Republican gerrymandering!

Sure Marty. Maybe we'll rue the day. 😄 A cuck like you can only hope.

The sad thing is if you idiots get what you want is all that happens is society collapses.

Both sides can lose, but only our side can really win. and even then you can still pretend what you are not and live your life.
Maybe the ruling had to do with the stay and not the gerrymandering case itself.
Ah, my memory fails. Fortunately that's not a sign of dementia, LOL, and is really about what I do for a living, which is to keep track of a pretty narrow area of caselaw and statutes.

What I do recall was there was an arrogance to Ala's argument, in which they simply tried to force the Court to abandon it's traditional test in Sec 2 challenges under the Voting Rights Act. The "Gingles Test" (It's easily searchable with better explanation than I could ever offer)

Essentially, Ala wanted to have the Court review "race neutral computer generated maps."

Roberts wrote:

The “exacting requirements” of Section 2, Roberts said, “limit judicial intervention to ‘those instances of intensive racial politics’ where the ‘excessive role [of race] in the electoral process … den[ies] minority voters equal opportunity to participate.”

BUT there was one particularly obviously false assertion Ala issued (aside from saying "pay no attention to our racial gerrymandering") that got Roberts really hot. Not a big deal. But, it's not a good idea to play any judge for a fool in asking him/her to ignore the obvious to reach a partisan conclusion ... even when they want to reach the obvious conclusion.

Give us a big kiss, you adorable Nazi, you!
The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected Alabama’s stay request, the first sign that it will not be blithely compliant with state officials’ attempts to undo the high Court’s June ruling knocking down its maps.

There were no public dissents, nor any additional explanation beyond the one-sentence stay denial.

In its June ruling, the 5-4 majority — with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh joining the liberals — ordered that Alabama redraw its maps with an additional Black majority district (or “something quite close to it,” Roberts wrote).

Instead, the Alabama legislators produced another map with only one Black majority district and defiantly submitted it to a panel of federal judges. The panel nixed that map too, asserting that it was “troubled” by the “extraordinary circumstance” of the legislators totally disregarding the court’s instruction.

The Repub legislators continue to refuse to draw fair maps. Following Trump's motto, "if you can't win a fair fight, cheat."

Wow....Kavanaugh does his job.

He's been pretty straight up in spite of how the douche's on the left treated him during his confirmation.
SCOTUS hasn’t ruled on the New Mexico order.

You don’t have a leg to stand on here.

Courts are Courts. And even Dems who are usually Gun Grabbers know she went too far.

Her actions are far more extra-legal than what Alabama Republicans are doing via the system.
Courts are Courts. And even Dems who are usually Gun Grabbers know she went too far.

Her actions are far more extra-legal than what Alabama Republicans are doing via the system.
Alabama was ruled against by SCOTUS and they’re ignoring it.

What could possibly be more extra legal than that?
Wow....Kavanaugh does his job.

He's been pretty straight up in spite of how the douche's on the left treated him during his confirmation.
He's going to vote like Kennedy did. He was Kennedy's secretary, and he's who rewrote the ACA

to get it passed. Kavanaugh is no right-wing justice at all. That leftists were attacking him so bad was insane.
The sad thing is if you idiots get what you want is all that happens is society collapses.

Both sides can lose, but only our side can really win. and even then you can still pretend what you are not and live your life.
Yep. If a Trans person uses the wrong gendered bathroom society collapses. Says so in the Bible. 2 Corinithians. Trump and Q know. Look it up. WWG1WGA. Except to the bathroom. Never there. Never again.
Yep. If a Trans person uses the wrong gendered bathroom society collapses. Says so in the Bible. 2 Corinithians. Trump and Q know. Look it up. WWGWGA. Except to the bathroom. Never there. Never again.
Conservatives want small government, so small that it can fit in everyone’s pants so make sure their genitals are appropriate for the bathroom they are using.
Alabama was ruled against by SCOTUS and they’re ignoring it.

What could possibly be more extra legal than that?

They aren't ignoring it, they are fighting it. There are no damages until an actual election happens, and there is more than a year until that happens.
Yep. If a Trans person uses the wrong gendered bathroom society collapses. Says so in the Bible. 2 Corinithians. Trump and Q know. Look it up. WWG1WGA. Except to the bathroom. Never there. Never again.

Derision is the only resort of someone with nothing valid to say.
Conservatives want small government, so small that it can fit in everyone’s pants so make sure their genitals are appropriate for the bathroom they are using.

Generalities are general, and using them just shows you can't actually debate.

Why does a woman have to "suck it up" and change in front of a man when they don't want to?
Drawing racial districts is still gerrymandering.
They aren't ignoring it, they are fighting it. There are no damages until an actual election happens, and there is more than a year until that happens.
It was a SCOTUS ruling. They aren’t fighting it because you can’t appeal it.

They’re ignoring it.
Generalities are general, and using them just shows you can't actually debate.

Why does a woman have to "suck it up" and change in front of a man when they don't want to?
Why does anyone have to change in front of anyone if they don’t want to?

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