Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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Moron, you claimed the coach was an agent of the state establishing a religion.
Which was accurate.

The Constitution only prohibits Congress from establishing religions. Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.
No. Other amendments extend that to all branches of government.

This is basic stuff, and you fail at it. You shouldn't be bothering the adults.
We need people wearing brown shirts, flying red and white flags with a nice black symbol in the middle.

We need to ban divorce, we need to ban women having any rights at all, they should belong to their man, or their father, or brothers. We could make them wear a thing over their face so men don't start getting hard ons when they see a woman's face.

And we should change the name of the country to Ameristan.
Sounds freaking good considering what they're doing to our rights and our country.
Which was accurate.

No. Other amendments extend that to all branches of government.

This is basic stuff, and you fail at it. You shouldn't be bothering the adults.
Which amendments confer the power of Congress to other branches of government. Be specific.
They scream and cry about losing their democracy, but they don't understand that in a democracy sometimes your team wins and sometimes the other team wins. They aren't Liberals. They're ignorant spoiled brats.
We all have all seen the Supreme Court give a ruling that we didn't like or agree with that is life but we all didn't start screaming about impeaching justices or packing the court.
We all have all seen the Supreme Court give a ruling that we didn't like or agree with that is life but we all didn't start screaming about impeaching justices or packing the court.
Come on. You spent decades screaming about packing the court, and you did it successfully. We're just talking about unpacking it.
Come on. You spent decades screaming about packing the court, and you did it successfully. We're just talking about unpacking it.
Just add 4 justices. Have them lie about gun control in their hearings.we should be able to get 4 of them seated by the end of September.

Then ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, while ruling every American can own one.

All well within the rules.
So, by your logic, state and local governments are allowed to snuff out the freedom of the press and stop people from assembling, because the 1A only talks about "congress".

That should clue you in that you're wrong.
Are you ever going to get around to proving the coach forced people to worship God? Check with your handlers.
Just add 4 justices. Have them lie about gun control in their hearings.we should be able to get 4 of them seated by the end of September.

Then ban all guns except single shot musket loaders, while ruling every American can own one.

All well within the rules.
Sure thing, fascist.

Whoever told you you'd get a seat on the Politburo was lying.
I see we have the support of the ignorant crybaby set.

Not that we need it.
Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

Works for me. How 'bout you, Indy?
Are you ever going to get around to proving the coach forced people to worship God?
Right after I get around to proving the round earth theory.

A coach runs the team with an iron fist. If he says pray, you pray. No high schooler is going to want to become the team pariah by refusing.

An honest person would agree with that. A christofascist hack would lie about it.
Come on. You spent decades screaming about packing the court, and you did it successfully. We're just talking about unpacking it.
The President nominating someone for the court and having them confirmed by the Senate is not court packing never has been never will be. It was not court packing under Trump the confirmation of Jackson was not court packing nor will it be court packing when any President after Biden does unless they try and increase the number of justices up from the current nine.
Right after I get around to proving the round earth theory.

A coach runs the team with an iron fist. If he says pray, you pray. No high schooler is going to want to become the team pariah by refusing.

An honest person would agree with that. A christofascist hack would lie about it.
An honest person would agree with that

an honest person would read the case, and presented the facts.
you haven't
Come on. You spent decades screaming about packing the court, and you did it successfully. We're just talking about unpacking it.

FDR tried packing the court, and failed.

no one else has tried it til BIden.
Already got those. They're on your side.
All the guys sporting swastikas, the actual Nazis and white supremacists, they're all on your side.

And you suck their asses with gusto. You just love you some of that sweet Nazi assjelly. Those are your mostest favorite of people. After all, you won't demand that TheParty remove them. They're all very, very welcome the TheParty. They make up a third of your party, so you can't win elections without them.

I'm just making it clear where we both stand, little licker of Nazi rectums. We oppose fascists, while you put them in leadership positions.
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