Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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So, by your logic, state and local governments are allowed to snuff out the freedom of the press and stop people from assembling, because the 1A only talks about "congress".

That should clue you in that you're wrong.
Not at all, that is your faulty interpretation being projected. Try again.
Moron, you claimed the coach was an agent of the state establishing a religion. The Constitution only prohibits Congress from establishing religions. Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, so then it would be cool for the POTUS to establish a national relgion.

Wow, who knew.
Right after I get around to proving the round earth theory.

A coach runs the team with an iron fist. If he says pray, you pray. No high schooler is going to want to become the team pariah by refusing.

An honest person would agree with that. A christofascist hack would lie about it.
So, the sum total of the proof of your claims is "I HATE XTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!"

Gotta be honest here, Slappy. Not very compelling. You gonna try again, or you gonna double down like usual?
He'd never get it past Congress or Scotus.

Why not, according to our resident legal expert only Congress is not allowed to establish a religion.

Using our resident legal expert's logic a state could establish state religion and it would be 100% legal.

I am sure you agree with that, right?
A win for religious freedom. For you Constitutional remedial learners: there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment says ONLY that Congress cannot establish a state religion, as in the Church of England. That's it.

Muslim and Pagan coaches take note.
All the guys sporting swastikas, the actual Nazis and white supremacists, they're all on your side.

And you suck their asses with gusto. You just love you some of that sweet Nazi assjelly. Those are your mostest favorite of people. After all, you won't demand that TheParty remove them. They're all very, very welcome the TheParty. They make up a third of your party, so you can't win elections without them.

I'm just making it clear where we both stand, little licker of Nazi rectums. We oppose fascists, while you put them in leadership positions.
I can hear you crying from here. Good Gaea, is there a leftist "man" who isn't indistinguishable from a 14-year-old premenstrual little girl?
Well, that's stupid and wrong, as the court has, in fact, increased in size in the past. More than once .

When did Biden try to pack the court? You're also wrong about that.

What color is the sky, in your fantasyland?
Well, that's stupid and wrong, as the court has, in fact, increased in size in the past. More than once .

doubling down on stupid?

or proving you're illiterate?
It's a difficult question. A woman seeking abortion is in a tough spot. Not sure prosecuting her would be very productive.

So "is it productive" is your standard for prosecuting supposed premedidated killers of human beings who are definitely not murderers.

Yeah, that really makes you look so much better.

However, I have said abortion kills a human being. I don't believe I've used the word murder to describe it. A search of my posts for the keywords "murder" and "abortion" shows I have not.
So you say abortion kills a human being, yet it's not murder. Huh.

What is your definition of murder? I ask because it seems very different from everyone else's.
Why not, according to our resident legal expert only Congress is not allowed to establish a religion.

Using our resident legal expert's logic a state could establish state religion and it would be 100% legal.

I am sure you agree with that, right?
That's according to the Constitution. The question as to if a state could has never been challenged.
The Supreme Court is going all in for right wing policies right now.
The SCOTUS is just reaffirming the very clear language of the constitution. The constitution is neither right wing nor left wing. The SCOTUS exists to prevent the perversion of that founding document. I'm sorry that you don't agree with the founding principles of the US----strike that, I don't GAF, GTFO.
Is the Left throwing another childish temper tantrum because a coach gets to pray on the sideline of a game following his own faith hurting no one?

Oh my:
  1. Letting people follow their faith.
  2. Making New York realize that the 2nd Am. isn't some special right needing their permission to have!
  3. Getting the fed out of the abortion matter and putting the power of decision back into the hands of the people and their own respective states.
Where will this madness end?

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