Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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Gorsuch rightly called your position a "heckler's veto". You just don't like to see it, thus demanding he stop, thus curtailing his 1st amendment rights.

Too bad, so sad.

It has nothing to do with what I like seeing or not.

Why does everything have to become personal with you people?
I find it deeply amusing that right wingers will take a case about the right to pray in public to a sky pixie all the way to the Supreme Court, screaming about liberty and freedom all the way...yet get their panties in a giant sized bunch over black players kneeling in protest over racial justice. I can't wait until the pagans want to conduct their "worship" ritual to some oddity. :)

Expressing that something is distasteful or that you don't like it is different from demanding people stop. Maybe learn that difference.
A win for religious freedom. For you Constitutional remedial learners: there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment says ONLY that Congress cannot establish a state religion, as in the Church of England. That's it.

Another big win for the good guys. I tell you, this court is single-handedly undoing decades of Satan's dictates. God often acts swiftly and irrevocably and we are seeing it now. It's a beautiful thing.
It's not just "the ruling". It's what the Constitution says. The three liberals don't care what the Constitution says. They just emote. We know this.

What does the Constitution say?

Please submit a link with exact article and section.
Freedom OF religion is protected by the Constitution.

Freedom FROM religion is not.

Kudos for the Justices for getting it right.

Piss on the two dumbass ding bats appointed by The Worthless Negro and the aging Hippy appointed by Slick Willy for not upholding the First Amendment.
are players paid member of the Govt protesting while on duty?

Opinion addresses that too. He didn't have immediate duties at the time; it would be like a teacher between classes saying a prayer in their classroom, etc.

Seems that the govt can't dictate people not pray, even if those people work for the govt. Too bad, so sad
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