Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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OK so "gov employee" is the differentiater.

Whether I agree or not, that is a valid point.

Of course it is. When a Govt employee does something they are giving a implied endorsement of it.
Freedom OF religion is protected by the Constitution.

Freedom FROM religion is not.

Kudos for the Justices for getting it right.

Piss on the two dumbass ding bats appointed by The Worthless Negro and the aging Hippy appointed by Slick Willy for not uphold the First Amendment.

A win for religious freedom. For you Constitutional remedial learners: there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment says ONLY that Congress cannot establish a state religion, as in the Church of England. That's it.

What does the Constitution say?

Please submit a link with exact article and section.

First amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Opinion addresses that too. He didn't have immediate duties at the time; it would be like a teacher between classes saying a prayer in their classroom, etc.

Seems that the govt can't dictate people not pray, even if those people work for the govt. Too bad, so sad

The coach has duties until such time as all his players have left the field.
Expressing that something is distasteful or that you don't like it is different from demanding people stop. Maybe learn that difference.
Well, there were reasons you couldn't pray on the sidelines. Coach can pray all he the privacy of his own space.
Not visually forcing it on others who may not believe as he does.

I guarantee, you wouldn't extend this courtesy to a group of Muslims doing the same thing out on the 50 yard line. :)
A win for religious freedom. For you Constitutional remedial learners: there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment says ONLY that Congress cannot establish a state religion, as in the Church of England. That's it.

As long as no players are required or intimidated to pray with him it's not an issue
Bad decision by the Court.

The Coach is a paid employee, by choosing to pray to his chosen god he is endorsing that god as part of his official duties as head coach. Endorsing one religion over all others is the first step to establishing it.

I cannot wait till the Satanist get ahold of this and start to hold their version of "prayers" after a football game.
Yeah... no... what a leap!
Freedom OF religion is protected by the Constitution.

Freedom FROM religion is not.

Kudos for the Justices for getting it right.

Piss on the two dumbass ding bats appointed by The Worthless Negro and the aging Hippy appointed by Slick Willy for not upholding the First Amendment.
Actually, freedom from religion is very much protected.
Well, there were reasons you couldn't pray on the sidelines. Coach can pray all he the privacy of his own space.
Not visually forcing it on others who may not believe as he does.

I guarantee, you wouldn't extend this courtesy to a group of Muslims doing the same thing out on the 50 yard line. :)

You don't get a heckler's veto--Gorsuch

And I don't care if Muslims pray
As the TRUMPCourt continues to erode Constitutional protections long understood.

The coach has a right to personally pray but not to coerce players to participate in public prayer

The coach was fired for ignoring instructions not to hold public prayers not for the act of praying
Allowing people more latitude in their ability to express themselves and their faith is not restrictive. Are you people really this stupid?
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