Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg undergoes more cancer treatment

What are Democrats willing to do if she dies?????????

That's a big question.

As was shown during the Cavanaugh hearings, the Democrats will stop at nothing to prevent another Trump appointment. On the other hand, they have forfeited any moral argument to prevent one. If Ginsberg dies (or retires) before the next election, the only avenue left to the Dems would be a coordinated series of procedural and legal obstacles to postpone a Senate confirmation vote.
I suggest taking the Democraps tact by expanding the court......

Then do exactly a 180 from what Democrats would do.......and fill the seats with rightwing justices that want to end abortion and slam shut the border.......and they'll wail like stuck pigs.

And when the majority of the states don't respect those decisions and give sanctuary to women seeking abortions in ways you haven't even thought about yet, and safety to immigrants, your next move is going to be what?
Wishing the death of someone over political differences Is disgusting and wrong. A bunch of assholes are celebrating one of the Koch brother’s death.

I find it all repulsive and a sick side of politics.
May the FORCE be with us!
Is this anyway to start a thread?? No commentary? And, no link. What is the point ? You're wishing here dead aren't you? No so fast

Ruth Bader Ginsburg completes radiation therapy for tumor on pancreas

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg completed a three-week course of radiation therapy to treat a tumor on her pancreas, according to a release sent by the Supreme Court Friday. The tumor was treated "definitively," according to the statement, and there is no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.
When a POS is on her 3rd cancer surgery, you can just bet that it has migrated to stage 4 all over her body......I give her until Trump's first year in his second term to become rigid....and yes, like many of you when Antonin passed away wishing him well, I do so wish her well but please hurry!
I still have Nov 21 as the departure date.
May the FORCE be with us!
Is this anyway to start a thread?? No commentary? And, no link. What is the point ? You're wishing here dead aren't you? No so fast

Ruth Bader Ginsburg completes radiation therapy for tumor on pancreas

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg completed a three-week course of radiation therapy to treat a tumor on her pancreas, according to a release sent by the Supreme Court Friday. The tumor was treated "definitively," according to the statement, and there is no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.
It was cover on all the National news you need to watch NBC news for up to date information fair a balanced.
She needs to retire, and concentrate on her health.

U.S. Justice Ginsburg treated for pancreatic cancer

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has completed a three-week course of radiation therapy to treat a cancerous tumor on her pancreas, a court spokeswoman said on Friday.

The 86-year old justice, who has had previous cancer scares, tolerated the therapy well and no further treatment is required, spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said in a statement.

An abnormality was first detected in July, and the tumor was identified following a biopsy performed on July 31 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

"She canceled her annual summer visit to Santa Fe, but has otherwise maintained an active schedule," Arberg said.

U.S. Justice Ginsburg treated for pancreatic cancer
Another one. Damn she must not have much of a pancreas anymore, let alone any grey material. But she is holding on, but in 2020 I bet with her dying breath, she will curse the democrat party for putting up such shitty candidates, that couldn't replace her.

She should have retired when Obama was still in office.
She's the poster girl for people who can't face reality, and let go.

She was waiting for the hildabeast
It's sad that her life is so tied to politics that she has nothing in life to enjoy beyond her job. I pity her.

I love how they always say when she comes out of the hospital that the treatment has been completed with no trace of the disease left which of course is Ludacris.

Her body has shown a predilection to regenerate cancerous growth. For all we know the stimulus might be right in the supreme Court building itself. So the race is on Trump has 16 months that no one can do anything about. At this point I don't think there's any possible way Ginsburg is going to make another 16 months.

But wait! There's another health crisis brewing in the scotus! Unbeknownst to most of the public judge Sotomayor is no better off than Ginsburg. She is severely diabetic and has had some close episodes of late. She could actually go before Ginsburg. Notice how that's been kept under wraps.

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I wish her recovery, to be immediately followed by a comfortable retirement.
They will give her a big send off on NBC.

I suspect the Democrats would stuff her ala Norman Bates and prop her up on the bench if they thought they could get away with it.

Her recent bout has got them all shook up.

She's going to hang in there in an attempt to block a Trump appointment. This isn't about the scouts anymore it's pure unmitigated politics.

Pancreatic cancer once it's been treated has a nasty 50-50 chance of metastasizing in hundreds of separate sites throughout the body. It happens about half the time.
If she's one of those unlucky ones in a few months she'll have cancer everywhere and it won't be treatable. She probably knows this already.

I wish her recovery, to be immediately followed by a comfortable retirement.
They will give her a big send off on NBC.

I suspect the Democrats would stuff her ala Norman Bates and prop her up on the bench if they thought they could get away with it.

Her recent bout has got them all shook up.

She's going to hang in there in an attempt to block a Trump appointment. This isn't about the scouts anymore it's pure unmitigated politics.

Pancreatic cancer once it's been treated has a nasty 50-50 chance of metastasizing in hundreds of separate sites throughout the body. It happens about half the time.
If she's one of those unlucky ones in a few months she'll have cancer everywhere and it won't be treatable. She probably knows this already.


This situation is proof that Justices are no longer there to interpret law, and render rulings. They are there to make sure their "side" is served.
I wish her recovery, to be immediately followed by a comfortable retirement.
They will give her a big send off on NBC.

I suspect the Democrats would stuff her ala Norman Bates and prop her up on the bench if they thought they could get away with it.

Her recent bout has got them all shook up.

She's going to hang in there in an attempt to block a Trump appointment. This isn't about the scouts anymore it's pure unmitigated politics.

Pancreatic cancer once it's been treated has a nasty 50-50 chance of metastasizing in hundreds of separate sites throughout the body. It happens about half the time.
If she's one of those unlucky ones in a few months she'll have cancer everywhere and it won't be treatable. She probably knows this already.


This situation is proof that Justices are no longer there to interpret law, and render rulings. They are there to make sure their "side" is served.

It would appear to be the case....
I find however that the general difference between the right and the left is that the right seeks to ensure the preservation of traditional constitutionality whereas the left is constantly seeking the destruction of the very same.

What are Democrats willing to do if she dies?????????

That's a big question.

As was shown during the Cavanaugh hearings, the Democrats will stop at nothing to prevent another Trump appointment. On the other hand, they have forfeited any moral argument to prevent one. If Ginsberg dies (or retires) before the next election, the only avenue left to the Dems would be a coordinated series of procedural and legal obstacles to postpone a Senate confirmation vote.
I suggest taking the Democraps tact by expanding the court......

Then do exactly a 180 from what Democrats would do.......and fill the seats with rightwing justices that want to end abortion and slam shut the border.......and they'll wail like stuck pigs.

And when the majority of the states don't respect those decisions and give sanctuary to women seeking abortions in ways you haven't even thought about yet, and safety to immigrants, your next move is going to be what?

They can do whatever they want with their own money.

I wish her recovery, to be immediately followed by a comfortable retirement.

She's not going to retire...if you know anything about pancreatic cancer you also know that she'll likely be dead in six months. This is a choice she is making.

I'm excited with anticipation she'll do the right thing and step down. It's only a matter of time before she'll be forced to do it as she deteriorates.

Can't you feel the excitement? I know Trump is!

Trumps gotta be giddy ...STICK IT TO DA GLOBO homo multi culti commie conformist establishment fags DJT!

Yes a fair White southern guy who is in love with the constitution ..... as long as it aint a globo homo rino or GW shrub " compassionate conservative " ill take it
Trumps gotta be giddy ...STICK IT TO DA GLOBO homo multi culti establishment fags
Retire or Die you old commie jew hag rat bastid


OH cant wait for the meltdown! Hopefully he can get one in before the election and they pull a massive Brett K attack .A 2020 Trump Victory will almost be assured

In the scenario where she leaves office before the election, the democrats have only themselves to blame when Trump picks the most hard core conservative he can find and forces a nasty fight. We know Trump is vindictive, and they've given him absolutely zero reason to accommodate their desires or compromise with them in any way.

We also know that no matter who he picks, the fight will be nastier than ever before, so he might as well ignore what they want anyway.
Is it possible that the democrat party is putting pressure on the poor woman to hang in there through Trump's 1st term even though she is in pain? Isn't it likely that her decision making capability will be skewed while she is on heavy pain meds? Why doesn't the poor woman retire and find some comfort for her last days?

Because politics.

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