Supreme Court Justice Says: "‘Liberal’ Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Supreme Court Has been Reduced From the Top Constitution / Law Defending Court in the Country to the Top Agenda-Defending / Enforcing Court in the Land.

Of course it has. An Objective look at Obama's appointee, for example, shows the extremely Liberal / Socialist Obama nominated a judge that shares his ideology and agenda and who has helped legislate form the Bench.

The potential for biased agendas and ideology is exactly why there should be term limits for SCOTUS Justices.


"The San Francisco Chronicle noted that Scalia also blasted the notion of a “living Constitution,” one whose meaning changes over time for different circumstances–as interpreted by judges with their own personal biases.

“For Pete’s sake, [the Constitution] is a legal document…It means what it says and it doesn’t mean what it doesn’t say….People don’t say anymore, ‘It’s unconstitutional.” Instead, anything you hate should be prohibited and anything you love should be supported by the Constitution. I don’t know where this comes from,” he said, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

It comes from the Liberal Left, Justice Scalia, who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law. The man in the highest position in our Federal Government (Obama) has repeatedly, for example, violated his oath of office by refusing to enforce existing law and by violating the US Constitution on numerous occasions.

Though the Court is regarded by liberal critics as “conservative,” Scalia said it is not, given its willingness to invent new rules and liberties according to the majority whim. “It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” he warned.

Welcome to Liberal / Obama 'Hope and Change', Justice Scalia!


Scalia: ‘Liberal’ Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy
LINK: Scalia: 'Liberal' Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy - Breitbart
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The Supreme Court Has been Reduced From the Top Constitution / Law Defending Court in the Country to the Top Agenda-Defending / Enforcing Court in the Land.

Of course it has. An Objective look at the Obama appointee, for example, shows the extremely Liberal / Socialist Obama nominated a judge that shares his ideology and agenda and who has helped legislate form the Bench.

The potential for biased agendas and ideology is exactly why there should be term limits for SCOTUS Justices.


"The San Francisco Chronicle noted that Scalia also blasted the notion of a “living Constitution,” one whose meaning changes over time for different circumstances–as interpreted by judges with their own personal biases.

“For Pete’s sake, [the Constitution] is a legal document…It means what it says and it doesn’t mean what it doesn’t say….People don’t say anymore, ‘It’s unconstitutional.” Instead, anything you hate should be prohibited and anything you love should be supported by the Constitution. I don’t know where this comes from,” he said, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

It comes from the Liberal Left, Justice Scalia, who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law. The man in the highest position in our Federal Government has repeatedly, for example, violated his oath of office by refusing to enforce existing law and by violating the US Constitution on numerous occasions.

Though the Court is regarded by liberal critics as “conservative,” Scalia said it is not, given its willingness to invent new rules and liberties according to the majority whim. “It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” he warned.

Welcome to Liberal / Obama 'Hope and Change', Justice Scalia!


Scalia: ‘Liberal’ Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy
LINK: Scalia: 'Liberal' Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy - Breitbart

Scalia is 'liberal left'?

I don't think any of those terms mean what you think they mean. Including 'scalia'. Or 'is'.
Justice Scalia is NOT 'Liberal Left' but is warning that the agenda-driven / biased Justices on the court are willing to invent new rules and liberties, thus endangering our democracy.
Then this sentence is just spectacular in its poor construction:

"It comes from the Liberal Left, Justice Scalia, who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law."

Then this sentence is just spectacular in its poor construction:

I am sorry for your poor reading Comprehension level, which is evidently so poor that you can not understand the meaning of the sentence without someone explaining it to you. Here:

"It comes from the left - those who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law, Justice Scalia. are willing to invent new liberties."
The Supreme Court Has been Reduced From the Top Constitution / Law Defending Court in the Country to the Top Agenda-Defending / Enforcing Court in the Land.

Of course it has. An Objective look at Obama's appointee, for example, shows the extremely Liberal / Socialist Obama nominated a judge that shares his ideology and agenda and who has helped legislate form the Bench.

The potential for biased agendas and ideology is exactly why there should be term limits for SCOTUS Justices.


"The San Francisco Chronicle noted that Scalia also blasted the notion of a “living Constitution,” one whose meaning changes over time for different circumstances–as interpreted by judges with their own personal biases.

“For Pete’s sake, [the Constitution] is a legal document…It means what it says and it doesn’t mean what it doesn’t say….People don’t say anymore, ‘It’s unconstitutional.” Instead, anything you hate should be prohibited and anything you love should be supported by the Constitution. I don’t know where this comes from,” he said, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

It comes from the Liberal Left, Justice Scalia, who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law. The man in the highest position in our Federal Government (Obama) has repeatedly, for example, violated his oath of office by refusing to enforce existing law and by violating the US Constitution on numerous occasions.

Though the Court is regarded by liberal critics as “conservative,” Scalia said it is not, given its willingness to invent new rules and liberties according to the majority whim. “It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” he warned.

Welcome to Liberal / Obama 'Hope and Change', Justice Scalia!


Scalia: ‘Liberal’ Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy
LINK: Scalia: 'Liberal' Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy - Breitbart
You are confused again.

Then this sentence is just spectacular in its poor construction:

I am sorry for your poor reading Comprehension level, which is evidently so poor that you can not understand the meaning of the sentence without someone explaining it to you. Here:

"It comes from the left - those who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law, Justice Scalia. are willing to invent new liberties."

My reading comprehension is fine. You're just awful at constructing sentences. As what you wrote so didn't communicate what you claim you intended.
'Though the Court is regarded by liberal critics as “conservative,” Scalia said it is not, given its willingness to invent new rules and liberties according to the majority whim. “It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” he warned'

The Court is in fact conservative, Scalia is wrong and ridiculous as usual.
SCOTUS is fairly conservative.

America should sacrifice to its gods and idols and secular non-gods/idols that it is not the court dominated by the ilk of Scalia, Alito, and Thomas.
SCOTUS is fairly conservative.

America should sacrifice to its gods and idols and secular non-gods/idols that it is not the court dominated by the ilk of Scalia, Alito, and Thomas.
Anyone to the right of Marx, Stalin, and Mao, is conservative in your small mind.
SCOTUS is fairly conservative.

America should sacrifice to its gods and idols and secular non-gods/idols that it is not the court dominated by the ilk of Scalia, Alito, and Thomas.
Anyone to the right of Marx, Stalin, and Mao, is conservative in your small mind.

Seriously Gipper, why not look at their votes objectively instead of defensively.
It's that simple.
The Supreme Court Has been Reduced From the Top Constitution / Law Defending Court in the Country to the Top Agenda-Defending / Enforcing Court in the Land.

Of course it has. An Objective look at Obama's appointee, for example, shows the extremely Liberal / Socialist Obama nominated a judge that shares his ideology and agenda and who has helped legislate form the Bench.

The potential for biased agendas and ideology is exactly why there should be term limits for SCOTUS Justices.


"The San Francisco Chronicle noted that Scalia also blasted the notion of a “living Constitution,” one whose meaning changes over time for different circumstances–as interpreted by judges with their own personal biases.

“For Pete’s sake, [the Constitution] is a legal document…It means what it says and it doesn’t mean what it doesn’t say….People don’t say anymore, ‘It’s unconstitutional.” Instead, anything you hate should be prohibited and anything you love should be supported by the Constitution. I don’t know where this comes from,” he said, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

It comes from the Liberal Left, Justice Scalia, who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law. The man in the highest position in our Federal Government (Obama) has repeatedly, for example, violated his oath of office by refusing to enforce existing law and by violating the US Constitution on numerous occasions.

Though the Court is regarded by liberal critics as “conservative,” Scalia said it is not, given its willingness to invent new rules and liberties according to the majority whim. “It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” he warned.

Welcome to Liberal / Obama 'Hope and Change', Justice Scalia!


Scalia: ‘Liberal’ Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy
LINK: Scalia: 'Liberal' Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy - Breitbart
The court has shifted right in the last decade, not left dumb ass.

Posted on May 20, 2007

In an apparent rebuke to the Supreme Court’s recent abortion decision, retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor told Fox News that the law “shouldn’t change just because the faces on the court have changed.” O’Connor, who time and again swung the court in favor of a woman’s right to choose, also criticized lawmakers who try to put political pressure on the judicial process.

Don't pretend the court has gone lefty liberal because it hasn't.
Then this sentence is just spectacular in its poor construction:

I am sorry for your poor reading Comprehension level, which is evidently so poor that you can not understand the meaning of the sentence without someone explaining it to you. Here:

"It comes from the left - those who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law, Justice Scalia. are willing to invent new liberties."

That makes no more sense.

How about actually providing us a quote- and a link- rather than your interpretation of what Justice Scalia said?
SCOTUS is fairly conservative.

America should sacrifice to its gods and idols and secular non-gods/idols that it is not the court dominated by the ilk of Scalia, Alito, and Thomas.
Anyone to the right of Marx, Stalin, and Mao, is conservative in your small mind.

Seriously Gipper, why not look at their votes objectively instead of defensively.
It's that simple.
Gipper is programmed to voice the far right talking point agendas. Conservatives have dominated the Court since the Warren days.
Gipper is probably parroting that posted "
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia came out swinging at his own institution this week and declared during a speech at Santa Clara University that the “liberal” court is undermining American democracy.

“It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” Scalia told students at the California college when speaking about how the court reaches its decisions. “I cannot imagine the system can continue with more and more of the basic rules made by the Supreme Court.”

The fact of the matter is that Scalia was whining that no other justice holds his silly construct of textual criticism.

Read more at Scalia Warns of Liberal Supreme Court destroying America - TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles
The Supreme Court Has been Reduced From the Top Constitution / Law Defending Court in the Country to the Top Agenda-Defending / Enforcing Court in the Land.

Of course it has. An Objective look at Obama's appointee, for example, shows the extremely Liberal / Socialist Obama nominated a judge that shares his ideology and agenda and who has helped legislate form the Bench.

The potential for biased agendas and ideology is exactly why there should be term limits for SCOTUS Justices.


"The San Francisco Chronicle noted that Scalia also blasted the notion of a “living Constitution,” one whose meaning changes over time for different circumstances–as interpreted by judges with their own personal biases.

“For Pete’s sake, [the Constitution] is a legal document…It means what it says and it doesn’t mean what it doesn’t say….People don’t say anymore, ‘It’s unconstitutional.” Instead, anything you hate should be prohibited and anything you love should be supported by the Constitution. I don’t know where this comes from,” he said, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

It comes from the Liberal Left, Justice Scalia, who have no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law. The man in the highest position in our Federal Government (Obama) has repeatedly, for example, violated his oath of office by refusing to enforce existing law and by violating the US Constitution on numerous occasions.

Though the Court is regarded by liberal critics as “conservative,” Scalia said it is not, given its willingness to invent new rules and liberties according to the majority whim. “It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” he warned.

Welcome to Liberal / Obama 'Hope and Change', Justice Scalia!


Scalia: ‘Liberal’ Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy
LINK: Scalia: 'Liberal' Supreme Court Destroying our Democracy - Breitbart

The democratic system destroyed our Constitutional Republic

The US Constitution (1787-1935) was destroyed in 1935.

“this is Nero at his worst. The Constitution is gone.” Those were the trenchant words spoken extemporaneously when Justice James Clark McReynolds read his dissent from the bench.

Of course many government supremacists for some reason want to perpetrate the fraud that the Constitution (1787) is still in effect even though

fedgov control banking and credit since 1913 via the federal reserve act

fedgov can imposed a heavy graduated "income" tax

Both items were included as planks in the Communist Manifesto

the powers of the federal government are now UNLIMITED - they can do whatever the fuck they want to do WITHOUT judicial review

Gipper is probably parroting that posted "
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia came out swinging at his own institution this week and declared during a speech at Santa Clara University that the “liberal” court is undermining American democracy.

“It’s the destruction of our democratic system,” Scalia told students at the California college when speaking about how the court reaches its decisions. “I cannot imagine the system can continue with more and more of the basic rules made by the Supreme Court.”

The fact of the matter is that Scalia was whining that no other justice holds his silly construct of textual criticism.

Read more at Scalia Warns of Liberal Supreme Court destroying America - TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles
Yeah fakey the constitution is a living document right?

Unfortunately, your weak mind fails to comprehend the ramifications of this silly belief...

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