Supreme Court Once Again Shackles Commie Joe


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
Just as the Thief In Chief was about to close in on America's water resources, Trump's Supreme Court saves the day. Whew! That was a close one.

Supreme Court Hands Biden a Major Loss, Strikes Down 'Overreaching' Environmental Regulation​


The weak-assed Kavanaugh sided with the envirowhacks.....I knew he'd be another Roberts-esque coin flip.
That dipshit Kavanaugh completely ignored how hostile, punitive and threatening the EPA has been to individual property rights. Those fuckers have been going after individuals on their private lands with the full might of the Federal government and need to be bitch slapped, which the court did.

Kavanaugh if you are listening, pull your head out of your ass. The SCOTUS needed to reign in these bastards with more restrictions.
He was going from "this is congress's job, not ours" angle....And he is correct but sadly that is where we are now with overbearing regulation so he also needs to show some common sense.
It's abundantly clear if you give Dems and the EPA an inch they will take a mile and they are quick to PUNISH people into OBEYING with ridiculous fines that will bankrupt them.
It has gotten a bit beyond common sense. I have seen plats with tiny portions gridded off as protected wetland on parcels in standard cookie cutter neighborhoods.
another example as to why the democratic party has no place on earth

using government departments to prevent people from living as we want, luckily this couple was rich enough to fight the democrats.

most of us do not have the luxury of being rich enough to fight the democratic party
These assholes in the EPA need to understand, we the people are their MF'ing boss!

The thing for me is I actually do support protecting real wetlands and those type habitats. But come one. If you have a wet weather spring that makes some little spot mushy for a few months a year, that crap doesn't need to be protected and isn't habitat for anything. It is just an annoyance until it dries up enough to be able to mow over it. And don't even get me going about that idiotic Obama attempted rule that would have made storm drain ditching a federally regulated endeavor. We need more effective storm water management, not a freaking giant federal monkey wrench that would add 10 years to any building project.
The thing for me is I actually do support protecting real wetlands and those type habitats. But come one. If you have a wet weather spring that makes some little spot mushy for a few months a year, that crap doesn't need to be protected and isn't habitat for anything. It is just an annoyance until it dries up enough to be able to mow over it. And don't even get me going about that idiotic Obama attempted rule that would have made storm drain ditching a federally regulated endeavor. We need more effective storm water management, not a freaking giant federal monkey wrench that would add 10 years to any building project.
The issue is, if you give these assholes an inch they take a mile. They went after a man in my area for catching rainwater in a pond, for fire fighting purposes. Our forests catch fire every year. Government claimed to own the rain water falling from the sky, wow just wow.
Just as the Thief In Chief was about to close in on America's water resources, Trump's Supreme Court saves the day. Whew! That was a close one.

Supreme Court Hands Biden a Major Loss, Strikes Down 'Overreaching' Environmental Regulation​


this is yet another example of why we are seeing so many attacks by the demafasict on the third branch of govt. the courts get in the way of their demafasict agend a

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