Supreme Court Allows Federal Agents To Cut Razor Wire Texas Installed On U.S. - Mexican Border

FFS I get it,, you dont care about rules and laws,,

I bet you would care if I was kicking you door in and gonna rape and kill your family,,

beware the woodchipper,,

You mean right before you got a bullet hole in the chest.

I would hope you didn't drive a woodchipper all the way somewhere for that.

Now, trying to put this in a SENSIBLE discussion for someone who isn't living a crazy fear a brown person might move in next door.

The people seeking asylum ARE following the letter of our laws. You show up at an entry point, you declare your asylum, you wait for your hearing.

Those are the rules that are currently in place.

The current law being considered would allow more expeditious resolution to such cases and would allow them to put a cap on how many people can enter a day

and Republicans vow to kill it because when they say it's a crisis, they don't mean to fix it or anything.
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never said that,, and if you could read you would know that,,
Sounded like a pretty clear threat to me. Not sure why you decided to use the first person in that sentence, exactly, because you are trying to express your fear of brown people.
Sounded like a pretty clear threat to me. Not sure why you decided to use the first person in that sentence, exactly, because you are trying to express your fear of brown people.
whats clear is you dont care about the people that have had an i;;ega; kick their door in rape or murder someone in their family,

the angry person in me hopes something like that happens to you and your family,, the human part hopes those people arent allowed near anyones family
whats clear is you dont care about the people that have had an i;;ega; kick their door in rape or murder someone in their family,

the angry person in me hopes something like that happens to you and your family,, the human part hopes those people arent allowed near anyones family

I don't think you have a human part.

Statistically, undocumented immigrants are LESS likely to commit crimes than people born here because the worst we can do to a person born here is put him in jail. A person not born here can be deported back to where they came from if they commit a crime, which is why most of them keep out of trouble.

Look, man, you can go on all day about supposed rapists, or terrorists, or Chinese whores, or whatever else you think is hiding in your closet.

Doesn't take away from the reality that the system as it is broken.
I don't think you have a human part.

Statistically, undocumented immigrants are LESS likely to commit crimes than people born here because the worst we can do to a person born here is put him in jail. A person not born here can be deported back to where they came from if they commit a crime, which is why most of them keep out of trouble.

Look, man, you can go on all day about supposed rapists, or terrorists, or Chinese whores, or whatever else you think is hiding in your closet.

Doesn't take away from the reality that the system as it is broken.
I dont care what you think,,
I don't think you have a human part.

Statistically, undocumented immigrants are LESS likely to commit crimes than people born here because the worst we can do to a person born here is put him in jail. A person not born here can be deported back to where they came from if they commit a crime, which is why most of them keep out of trouble.

Look, man, you can go on all day about supposed rapists, or terrorists, or Chinese whores, or whatever else you think is hiding in your closet.

Doesn't take away from the reality that the system as it is broken.
There is no such statistic that on a percentage basis illegals commit less crime. They do commit less in gross numbers because there are 10 million compared to 340 million.
Another liberal math fraud
There is no such statistic that on a percentage basis illegals commit less crime. They do commit less in gross numbers because there are 10 million compared to 340 million.
Another liberal math fraud

No, I have consistently read that illegal immigrants commit less than half the crimes citizens do since they can't take the risk of being caught and being deported.
Most illegals are here just for a season, to make some money to send back home.

The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes. In addition, the proportion of arrests involving undocumented immigrants in Texas was relatively stable or decreasing over this period. The differences between U.S.-born citizens and undocumented immigrants are robust to using alternative estimates of the broader undocumented population, alternate classifications of those counted as “undocumented” at arrest and substituting misdemeanors or convictions as measures of crime. (publisher abstract modified)

Deport the Illegals AND their political protectors, but not back to Mexico or Africa; send them ALL to Kiev where they’re badly needed

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