Supreme Court rejects Utah brothers’ lawsuit seeking to return Donald Trump to the White House

If Patriots cannot win with reason and integrity they do not deserve to win at all. Engaging in terrorist tactics of the left is wrong, even evil. I can't condone us doing that. It might gain us an immediate short term concession or two, but it will only encourage more of the same until we are a people engaged in total anarchy instead of a constitutional republic. Little or nothing good can come from it.
MAGAs discarded reason and integrity quite a while back.

That's probably the truest statement I've heard on this board in over a year.

They simply can't.

The look of dull surprise in their animal eyes when their government starts eating them alive is going to be wonderful.


It will be fine.
Other cultists will tell them that they are not being eaten and they will believe that until the last bite.
MAGAs discarded reason and integrity quite a while back.
Really? Seems to me we have some pretty strong arguments that so far you guys haven't been able to rebut with anything other than ugly characterizations, vulgarities, insults, and trash talk. So who isn't exercising reason and integrity?
Really? Seems to me we have some pretty strong arguments that so far you guys haven't been able to rebut with anything other than ugly characterizations, vulgarities, insults, and trash talk. So who isn't exercising reason and integrity?
Strong arguments? That the coup didn't happen, or that silly mule movie? You're kidding, right?
Really? Seems to me we have some pretty strong arguments that so far you guys haven't been able to rebut with anything other than ugly characterizations, vulgarities, insults, and trash talk. So who isn't exercising reason and integrity?

Orange man bad.

That is the level of unintelligent garbage that you think that can be won over to reality with elegant prose and facts.
Granted, that particular one is the worst of the worst but still...
So Billiejeens , you think Patriots should behave like ANTIFA and BLM? Should terrorize Supreme Court justices in their homes? Should assault, murder, commit arson and vandalism, break and enter, steal people blind? Should threaten the opposition with violence on the steps of government buildings? Should hold thoroughly dishonest, one sided hearings and investigations that deny people due process they are entitled to under the Constitution and law?

If we do that, what makes us better than them?
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The coup was well planned.
Once the unverifiable mail in ballot started being counted there was no legal means to stop it.
However this lawsuit was not intended to return President Trump to his rightful position it was intended to illustrate and hold congress somewhat accountable for its dereliction of Constitutional authority.

Accountability is a thing of the past though.
True Accountability is dead.
We buried Accountability.
Really? Ask Trump if he believes that. He's in the process of being held accountable on numerous fronts

you people cheered him on. Look what you've done
Strong arguments? That the coup didn't happen, or that silly mule movie? You're kidding, right?

Was that the coup where they hung Pence and killed AOC?


Orange man bad.

That is the level of unintelligent garbage that you think that can be won over to reality with elegant prose and facts.
Granted, that particular one is worst of the worst bt still...
Sad that "orange man bad" is the only phrase you MAGAs seem to be able to remember and repeat. I guess bigger words just confuse you. Fortunately, the phrase is still accurate.
So Billiejeens , you think Patriots should behave like ANTIFA and BLM? Should terrorize Supreme Court justices in their homes? Should threaten the opposition with violence on the steps of government buildings? Should hold thoroughly dishonest, one sided hearings and investigations that deny people due process they are entitled to under the Constitution and law?

If we do that, what makes us better than them?

The fact that once we vanquish enough to win we will improve society for everyone.
I can understand the anger and strong desire to right perceived wrongs. But this lawsuit really was ridiculous in its over reach even if the three brothers were judged to have the standing to bring the suit.

Too often we Patriots let our passion and zeal override common sense in these things.

That Patriots petitioned their government for redress of grievances was their constitutional right to do and it does not make them insurrectionists. The relative few who committed assault, vandalism, breaking and entering were stupid idiots but their intent was not to overthrow the government.

Millions of Patriots believe the election was neither fair, honest, or defensible. Right or wrong, that does not make them 'existential threats to democracy' nor does it make Trump a 'liar' as the Democrat surrogate MSM likes to call him every time they mention his efforts to have the results investigated.

Pence disagreed with millions of Patriots in that his understanding of the Constitution was that he did not have authority to not certify an election that Congress had certified. That does not make him evil or a traitor or even necessarily wrong.

The Supreme Court is given no authority to dictate that anybody be removed from or not be eligible for public office except in matters spelled out in the Constitution, i.e. place of birth, age, etc. That constitutional authority is given solely to Congress who must impeach and convict/remove from office the one they judge to have committed treason, bribery and/or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

So of course that lawsuit, however well intended and justified in the minds of the brothers, was dead on arrival at the Supreme Court.

None of my opinion is intended to absolve the Democrats from questionable motives and practices or outright cheating in the 2020 or even the 2022 election. The fact that they are so vocal and angry re investigations into that election suggests far more guilt than innocence.

But we Patriots need to be realistic, clear-eyed, and utilize common sense and critical thinking in these things instead of just expressing raw emotion and using knee jerk reactions in protest. Otherwise we will never achieve worthy goals.
You only see yourselves as 'Patriots'

that's what's so amusing and yet despicable
If you support failure to use due process, railroading, coercion of guilty pleas, thoroughly dishonest testimony and refusing to investigate charges of malfeasance, process, management in an election, you are far closer to being a traitor than those who believe they had a constitutional right to peacefully assemble and petition their government for redress of grievances.
coercion of guilty pleas

Really? Ask Trump if he believes that. He's in the process of being held accountable on numerous fronts

you people cheered him on. Look what you've done

Make sure and tell us when he's hanged on that gallows a few posts up.

My God, You're so much fun. Keep it up.

I'm snowed in and bored.

Yes you are a traitor. Asking for an investigation and supporting a coup to overthrow an election aren't the same thing.
Brunson based suit stems from Pence certifying the 2020 election. You and everyone sane knows the suit is baseless, and it didn't have an affect on their constitutional rights.
AFAIK, there is an identical case held up in Utah. With the USSC saying go home, I bet it will smack the Brunson boys down as well.

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