Supreme court rules..prayer at public meetings not a constitutional violation.

Don't you just love it when the radical left are all upset about a 30 second "SOUND CLIP" before a public meeting simply because it usually asks for GOD'S blessing, even unto the heathens, immoral, and fascists! GOD knows these scum need all the help they can get...and why worry about someone that the scum believe is fictional?
US Supreme Court ruling supports Christian invocation; all three Jewish judges dissented

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel

Hopefully Jews who welcomed the rightwing goyims support will now rethink what these "people"are all about.

"During the long legal battle, Galloway and Stephens received threatening letters — some signed “666″ — and Stephens’s house was vandalized.

A town employee each month selected clerics or lay people by using a local published guide of churches. The guide did not include non-Christian denominations,

Read more: Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel
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Don't you just love it when the radical left are all upset about a 30 second "SOUND CLIP" before a public meeting simply because it usually asks for GOD'S blessing, even unto the heathens, immoral, and fascists! GOD knows these scum need all the help they can get...and why worry about someone that the scum believe is fictional?

Don't worry about the Left, worry about God. According to him prayers are supposed to matter. I guess not in this case eh?
How does praying (whether it be in public or in private) cause any concern among the taxpayers? Would the 15 seconds it takes to say the Lords Prayer REALLY do THAT much damage? Just curious.....

Which part of the state's duties requires an appeal to God? Which part of a state employee's job requires he take time to pray while on the clock?

Want to pray or build a monument to your God, go ahead, but it is not right to ask the taxpayers to foot the bill or provide the resources to do it.
And WHAT business is it of YOURS, MINE what that employees does?

That's right...NONE. Word? BUTT OUT.:eusa_hand:

What business is it of mine? Well, I'm a taxpayer and I don't want public employees using taxpayer money and taxpayer provided resources for non-governmentally mandated activates. If there is no government activity that requires God (before we even get to the argument about which god(s)), then why spend the time, money, and resources on the God-related thing?
US Supreme Court ruling supports Christian invocation; all three Jewish judges dissented

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel

Hopefully Jews who welcomed the rightwing goyims support will now rethink what these "people"are all about.

Those SCOTUS judges are Jewish in name only...their REAL RELIGION is Liberalism as is a good portion of American's Jews today...Just have to look at the demographics of the elections for the past 20 years!

Now a vast majority of Israeli Jews, believe in their religion, seeing what will happen to them from the dogs of the Earth that surround them, and threaten them everyday, does have a sobering effect!
US Supreme Court ruling supports Christian invocation; all three Jewish judges dissented

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel

Hopefully Jews who welcomed the rightwing goyims support will now rethink what these "people"are all about.

Those SCOTUS judges are Jewish in name only...their REAL RELIGION is Liberalism as is a good portion of American's Jews today...Just have to look at the demographics of the elections for the past 20 years!

Now a vast majority of Israeli Jews, believe in their religion, seeing what will happen to them from the dogs of the Earth that surround them, and threaten them everyday, does have a sobering effect!
The Jews have to stay there until Jesus returns, at which point he damns them all to Hell. It's Christian Zionism. Interesting eh?
US Supreme Court ruling supports Christian invocation; all three Jewish judges dissented

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel

Hopefully Jews who welcomed the rightwing goyims support will now rethink what these "people"are all about.

Those SCOTUS judges are Jewish in name only...their REAL RELIGION is Liberalism as is a good portion of American's Jews today...Just have to look at the demographics of the elections for the past 20 years!

Now a vast majority of Israeli Jews, believe in their religion, seeing what will happen to them from the dogs of the Earth that surround them, and threaten them everyday, does have a sobering effect!
The Jews have to stay there until Jesus returns, at which point he damns them all to Hell. It's Christian Zionism. Interesting eh?

Being I haven't read the Bible in over 60 years, and remember little of it, I'm surprised a GOD HATER would be familiar with it! Or is that simply your take on some story long forgotten?
Those SCOTUS judges are Jewish in name only...their REAL RELIGION is Liberalism as is a good portion of American's Jews today...Just have to look at the demographics of the elections for the past 20 years!

Now a vast majority of Israeli Jews, believe in their religion, seeing what will happen to them from the dogs of the Earth that surround them, and threaten them everyday, does have a sobering effect!
The Jews have to stay there until Jesus returns, at which point he damns them all to Hell. It's Christian Zionism. Interesting eh?

Being I haven't read the Bible in over 60 years, and remember little of it, I'm surprised a GOD HATER would be familiar with it! Or is that simply your take on some story long forgotten?
I don't hate what doesn't exist. I hate the Christians, they exist. I hate the Zionists, they also exist. And I know the Bible and Christianity well, it's why I rejected them both.
The Jews have to stay there until Jesus returns, at which point he damns them all to Hell. It's Christian Zionism. Interesting eh?

Being I haven't read the Bible in over 60 years, and remember little of it, I'm surprised a GOD HATER would be familiar with it! Or is that simply your take on some story long forgotten?
I don't hate what doesn't exist. I hate the Christians, they exist. I hate the Zionists, they also exist. And I know the Bible and Christianity well, it's why I rejected them both.

But you LOVE the muslims, Communists, and far left fascists.... good choice in friends!
Here come the Christians: Roanoke County supervisor ready to strike prayer policy after Supreme Court ruling - Roanoke County News - Mobile

For the rest of you, you'll get nothing, and like it, since you don't matter but you paid for it. It's Mob Rule for the Christian god. Y'all have fun now.

The key words are "for now"

Supreme Court misguided if it thinks public prayer isn’t coercive

"There was no question that this constituted an endorsement of religion in a taxpayer-supported institution. There were a few Jews in my high school, including teachers, and I’ve often wondered how they felt at being coerced by groupthink and tacit school authority to acquiesce to this observance — an observance that they did not consent to and did not agree with religiously".

So, American society has backed off, a little. Schools typically reserve a moment of quiet contemplation or some other observance to allow believers to conduct their prayer business in private. Some towns, like Greece, New York, insist on continuing a prayer session before they open their city council sessions. It was Greece’s prayer observance that led to today’s court decision.

Writing for the 5-4 majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, ”The town of Greece does not violate the First Amendment by opening its meetings with prayer that comports with our tradition and does not coerce participation by nonadherents.”

Justice Antonin Scalia suggested that there’s no harm in a little “subtle” pressure on those who don’t choose to pray in public places at taxpayer expense.

That’s tantamount to the administrators at my old high school reasoning that there was nothing coercive in having a daily prayer that ended with an invocation to Jesus. It was absolutely coercive. It was a way for Christians to impose their religion on non-Christians. And now the court’s affirmation of public prayer in government spaces is a way of imposing the notion of prayer on those who might not believe that a government meeting is the appropriate place for such an observance to be held. Just because the majority of people at a public meeting might believe it’s appropriate doesn’t mean that everyone accepts it as such.

Justice Elena Kagan (who is Jewish, even though that doesn’t matter) said in her dissent, “When the citizens of this country approach their government, they do so only as Americans, not as members of one faith or another. And that means that even in a partly legislative body, they should not confront government-sponsored worship that divides them along religious lines.”

note that the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty reacted similarly to Rabbi Saperstein: “While the Court ruled for the town under the historic tradition of ceremonial prayer for lawmakers, local governments can – and should – take steps to ensure that citizens are not forced into religious acts at a government meeting,” said K. Hollyn Hollman, the group’s general counsel. “It is hard to square a government-led religious practice in a local municipal meeting with the Constitution’s guarantee of equal rights of citizenship without regard to religion.”

Supreme Court misguided if it thinks public prayer isn?t coercive | Dallas Morning News

So we see the curtain has come off when the rightwing Christians cheer as it can now be for all to see they hate democracy an diversity .
Last edited:
Being I haven't read the Bible in over 60 years, and remember little of it, I'm surprised a GOD HATER would be familiar with it! Or is that simply your take on some story long forgotten?
I don't hate what doesn't exist. I hate the Christians, they exist. I hate the Zionists, they also exist. And I know the Bible and Christianity well, it's why I rejected them both.

But you LOVE the muslims, Communists, and far left fascists.... good choice in friends!
I hate all people, remember?
Here come the Christians: Roanoke County supervisor ready to strike prayer policy after Supreme Court ruling - Roanoke County News - Mobile

For the rest of you, you'll get nothing, and like it, since you don't matter but you paid for it. It's Mob Rule for the Christian god. Y'all have fun now.

The key words are "for now"

Supreme Court misguided if it thinks public prayer isn’t coercive

"There was no question that this constituted an endorsement of religion in a taxpayer-supported institution. There were a few Jews in my high school, including teachers, and I’ve often wondered how they felt at being coerced by groupthink and tacit school authority to acquiesce to this observance — an observance that they did not consent to and did not agree with religiously".

So, American society has backed off, a little. Schools typically reserve a moment of quiet contemplation or some other observance to allow believers to conduct their prayer business in private. Some towns, like Greece, New York, insist on continuing a prayer session before they open their city council sessions. It was Greece’s prayer observance that led to today’s court decision.

Writing for the 5-4 majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, ”The town of Greece does not violate the First Amendment by opening its meetings with prayer that comports with our tradition and does not coerce participation by nonadherents.”

Justice Antonin Scalia suggested that there’s no harm in a little “subtle” pressure on those who don’t choose to pray in public places at taxpayer expense.

That’s tantamount to the administrators at my old high school reasoning that there was nothing coercive in having a daily prayer that ended with an invocation to Jesus. It was absolutely coercive. It was a way for Christians to impose their religion on non-Christians. And now the court’s affirmation of public prayer in government spaces is a way of imposing the notion of prayer on those who might not believe that a government meeting is the appropriate place for such an observance to be held. Just because the majority of people at a public meeting might believe it’s appropriate doesn’t mean that everyone accepts it as such.

Justice Elena Kagan (who is Jewish, even though that doesn’t matter) said in her dissent, “When the citizens of this country approach their government, they do so only as Americans, not as members of one faith or another. And that means that even in a partly legislative body, they should not confront government-sponsored worship that divides them along religious lines.”

note that the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty reacted similarly to Rabbi Saperstein: “While the Court ruled for the town under the historic tradition of ceremonial prayer for lawmakers, local governments can – and should – take steps to ensure that citizens are not forced into religious acts at a government meeting,” said K. Hollyn Hollman, the group’s general counsel. “It is hard to square a government-led religious practice in a local municipal meeting with the Constitution’s guarantee of equal rights of citizenship without regard to religion.”

Supreme Court misguided if it thinks public prayer isn?t coercive | Dallas Morning News

So we see the curtain has come off when the rightwing Christians cheer as it can now be for all to see they hate democracy an diversity .

Guano, have you been coerced?
US Supreme Court ruling supports Christian invocation; all three Jewish judges dissented

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel

Hopefully Jews who welcomed the rightwing goyims support will now rethink what these "people"are all about.

Those SCOTUS judges are Jewish in name only...their REAL RELIGION is Liberalism as is a good portion of American's Jews today...Just have to look at the demographics of the elections for the past 20 years!

Now a vast majority of Israeli Jews, believe in their religion, seeing what will happen to them from the dogs of the Earth that surround them, and threaten them everyday, does have a sobering effect!

You are totally ignorant, no surprise goyim boy , A lot of Israelis are non religious and Jew here, the majority are liberal an want nothing to o other then superficially with the right wing goyim.

The rightwing goyim view of Israel is very simple mine an cartoonish

Basically, the majority may be characterized as secular Jews who manifest modern lifestyles, with varied degrees of respect for and practice of religious precepts. Within this majority are many who follow a modified traditional way of life, with some choosing to affiliate with one of the liberal religious streams.

Jewish Society in Israel
US Supreme Court ruling supports Christian invocation; all three Jewish judges dissented

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel

Hopefully Jews who welcomed the rightwing goyims support will now rethink what these "people"are all about.

Those SCOTUS judges are Jewish in name only...their REAL RELIGION is Liberalism as is a good portion of American's Jews today...Just have to look at the demographics of the elections for the past 20 years!

Now a vast majority of Israeli Jews, believe in their religion, seeing what will happen to them from the dogs of the Earth that surround them, and threaten them everyday, does have a sobering effect!

I love it when the goyim pronounce who is Jewish!!!:lol:
US Supreme Court ruling supports Christian invocation; all three Jewish judges dissented

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel

Hopefully Jews who welcomed the rightwing goyims support will now rethink what these "people"are all about.

Those SCOTUS judges are Jewish in name only...their REAL RELIGION is Liberalism as is a good portion of American's Jews today...Just have to look at the demographics of the elections for the past 20 years!

Now a vast majority of Israeli Jews, believe in their religion, seeing what will happen to them from the dogs of the Earth that surround them, and threaten them everyday, does have a sobering effect!

I love it when the goyim pronounce who is Jewish!!!:lol:

Well, you certainly aren't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
US Supreme Court ruling supports Christian invocation; all three Jewish judges dissented

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings

Jewish woman loses case on public prayer in council meetings | The Times of Israel

Hopefully Jews who welcomed the rightwing goyims support will now rethink what these "people"are all about.

Those SCOTUS judges are Jewish in name only...their REAL RELIGION is Liberalism as is a good portion of American's Jews today...Just have to look at the demographics of the elections for the past 20 years!

Now a vast majority of Israeli Jews, believe in their religion, seeing what will happen to them from the dogs of the Earth that surround them, and threaten them everyday, does have a sobering effect!

You are totally ignorant, no surprise goyim boy , A lot of Israelis are non religious and Jew here, the majority are liberal an want nothing to o other then superficially with the right wing goyim.

The rightwing goyim view of Israel is very simple mine an cartoonish

Basically, the majority may be characterized as secular Jews who manifest modern lifestyles, with varied degrees of respect for and practice of religious precepts. Within this majority are many who follow a modified traditional way of life, with some choosing to affiliate with one of the liberal religious streams.

Jewish Society in Israel

And this somehow differs from what I posted!
The Jews have to stay there until Jesus returns, at which point he damns them all to Hell. It's Christian Zionism. Interesting eh?

Being I haven't read the Bible in over 60 years, and remember little of it, I'm surprised a GOD HATER would be familiar with it! Or is that simply your take on some story long forgotten?
I don't hate what doesn't exist. I hate the Christians, they exist. I hate the Zionists, they also exist. And I know the Bible and Christianity well, it's why I rejected them both.

John 12:48

There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.

I have nothing but pity for you.

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