Supreme court rules..prayer at public meetings not a constitutional violation.

Randall, you are not part of Sil's and my conversation. She knows exactly where are the links. Run along.

No. You are being lazy and not posting links, or you have none. Post the links, Jake.

Go back and read the entire thread, if you are interested.

You don't have a "just once for me" card.

Or you can post links. It's not that hard to do. I have a "post links and refutatory evidence or your argument is invalid" card.
Which part of the state's duties requires an appeal to God? Which part of a state employee's job requires he take time to pray while on the clock?

Want to pray or build a monument to your God, go ahead, but it is not right to ask the taxpayers to foot the bill or provide the resources to do it.
And WHAT business is it of YOURS, MINE what that employees does?

That's right...NONE. Word? BUTT OUT.:eusa_hand:

see... there's your problem... your conclusion is fallacious and ignorant. yet you presume it's correct.

why is it my business? because the constitution protects me from the christian majority and saying we can walk out if we don't like it, is missing the point of the first amendment.

not surprising from the rightwingnut court that seems to have forgotten its purpose is not to satisfy people of any particular religion

Since when did the founders craft the constitution to hold a bias against one religious group or another? Hmm? I think you miss the point of the First Amendment when you don't like it when people pray, jillian. Don't be surprised when people carry little respect for your rights in that regard either. The Constitution also protects my right to pray, just as it does for you to walk out if you don't want to.

The Constitution is not meant to satisfy pious or the secular. It is meant to satisfy the American people. Just you remember that.

But hey, nevermind those folks in Oklahoma who want to build a statue of Satan on government property. Oh no, that's a different matter altogether!
Which part of the state's duties requires an appeal to God? Which part of a state employee's job requires he take time to pray while on the clock?

Want to pray or build a monument to your God, go ahead, but it is not right to ask the taxpayers to foot the bill or provide the resources to do it.
And WHAT business is it of YOURS, MINE what that employees does?

That's right...NONE. Word? BUTT OUT.:eusa_hand:

see... there's your problem... your conclusion is fallacious and ignorant. yet you presume it's correct.

why is it my business? because the constitution protects me from the christian majority and saying we can walk out if we don't like it, is missing the point of the first amendment.

not surprising from the rightwingnut court that seems to have forgotten its purpose is not to satisfy people of any particular religion
You're WRONG. The Constitution does NOT give government power to tell someone they cannot pray.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Call yourself a LAWYER? Really? :eusa_hand:
I wonder if we will now have an attempt to carry this decision into the classroom?
And WHAT business is it of YOURS, MINE what that employees does?

That's right...NONE. Word? BUTT OUT.:eusa_hand:

see... there's your problem... your conclusion is fallacious and ignorant. yet you presume it's correct.

why is it my business? because the constitution protects me from the christian majority and saying we can walk out if we don't like it, is missing the point of the first amendment.

not surprising from the rightwingnut court that seems to have forgotten its purpose is not to satisfy people of any particular religion
You're WRONG. The Constitution does NOT give government power to tell someone they cannot pray.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Call yourself a LAWYER? Really? :eusa_hand:

It's Jillian the faux lawyer... she doesn't know her butthole from a buttonhole. The U.S. constitution protects us from a state established religion, it doesn't in any way protect us from religion.
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If so, then do not try to deny any other individual that has their beliefs to take their allotted time to pray to their divine being.

I wonder if we will now have an attempt to carry this decision into the classroom?
I wonder if we will now have an attempt to carry this decision into the classroom?

And a moment of SILENT PRAYER is wrong because????

I have no problem with that.

As long as they have exams - there will be prayer in schools.

And no one can stop you from it. And I have no problem with schools even calling students to collectively have a moment of silence for prayer and/or reflection.
I wonder if we will now have an attempt to carry this decision into the classroom?

And a moment of SILENT PRAYER is wrong because????

Because in these Nazis minds - it takes focus off government and puts it on a much higher power. In their warped little minds - there is no higher power than the "central government".

Can't have that, now can we?
I wonder if we will now have an attempt to carry this decision into the classroom?

And a moment of SILENT PRAYER is wrong because????

I have no problem with that.

As long as they have exams - there will be prayer in schools.

And no one can stop you from it. And I have no problem with schools even calling students to collectively have a moment of silence for prayer and/or reflection.

I would suppose that that would account for that professor who told students that they could not "Thank God" in their graduation speeches?

NC professor tells students they ?can?t thank God? during graduation | CW39 NewsFix

This is the America we now live in. This is NOT the country that I grew up in. Shameful.
If this is the one thing that you think has changed in the USA it seems you have no real understanding of the Constitution.
Again, if the school allows this be prepared to allow all and any other diverse religions and their prayers to be brought to the school and classroom.
Are you ready?

And a moment of SILENT PRAYER is wrong because????

I have no problem with that.

As long as they have exams - there will be prayer in schools.

And no one can stop you from it. And I have no problem with schools even calling students to collectively have a moment of silence for prayer and/or reflection.

I would suppose that that would account for that professor who told students that they could not "Thank God" in their graduation speeches?

NC professor tells students they ?can?t thank God? during graduation | CW39 NewsFix

This is the America we now live in. This is NOT the country that I grew up in. Shameful.
If this is the one thing that you think has changed in the USA it seems you have no real understanding of the Constitution.
Again, if the school allows this be prepared to allow all and any other diverse religions and their prayers to be brought to the school and classroom.
Are you ready?

I have no problem with that.

As long as they have exams - there will be prayer in schools.

And no one can stop you from it. And I have no problem with schools even calling students to collectively have a moment of silence for prayer and/or reflection.

I would suppose that that would account for that professor who told students that they could not "Thank God" in their graduation speeches?

NC professor tells students they ?can?t thank God? during graduation | CW39 NewsFix

This is the America we now live in. This is NOT the country that I grew up in. Shameful.

Dumbass - I never said that this is the "one thing" that has changed in America. It is a continuation of the Nazi policies (the policies of destroying this country) that I have seen in my 69 years.

Wake the hell up, you Nazi.
Being I haven't read the Bible in over 60 years, and remember little of it, I'm surprised a GOD HATER would be familiar with it! Or is that simply your take on some story long forgotten?
I don't hate what doesn't exist. I hate the Christians, they exist. I hate the Zionists, they also exist. And I know the Bible and Christianity well, it's why I rejected them both.

John 12:48

There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.

I have nothing but pity for you.

LOL, thanks for the laugh!

Matthew 6:5-14

New International Version (NIV)

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
And a moment of SILENT PRAYER is wrong because????

I have no problem with that.

As long as they have exams - there will be prayer in schools.

And no one can stop you from it. And I have no problem with schools even calling students to collectively have a moment of silence for prayer and/or reflection.

I would suppose that that would account for that professor who told students that they could not "Thank God" in their graduation speeches?

NC professor tells students they ?can?t thank God? during graduation | CW39 NewsFix

This is the America we now live in. This is NOT the country that I grew up in. Shameful.

What I posted has nothing to do with that.
You wanna change the subject? OK, I think the professor was wrong in that.
I don't hate what doesn't exist. I hate the Christians, they exist. I hate the Zionists, they also exist. And I know the Bible and Christianity well, it's why I rejected them both.

John 12:48

There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.

I have nothing but pity for you.

LOL, thanks for the laugh!

Matthew 6:5-14

New International Version (NIV)

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Very applicable scripture.
Well done.
Just another typical right wing response. Insults and name calling.
So when someone plays the game by your rules, aka rabbit eater, its low class stuff but from your side its ok.
Thanks again for your insulting idiotic rebuttal.

If this is the one thing that you think has changed in the USA it seems you have no real understanding of the Constitution.
Again, if the school allows this be prepared to allow all and any other diverse religions and their prayers to be brought to the school and classroom.
Are you ready?

I would suppose that that would account for that professor who told students that they could not "Thank God" in their graduation speeches?

NC professor tells students they ?can?t thank God? during graduation | CW39 NewsFix

This is the America we now live in. This is NOT the country that I grew up in. Shameful.

Dumbass - I never said that this is the "one thing" that has changed in America. It is a continuation of the Nazi policies (the policies of destroying this country) that I have seen in my 69 years.

Wake the hell up, you Nazi.
Just another typical right wing response. Insults and name calling.
So when someone plays the game by your rules, aka rabbit eater, its low class stuff but from your side its ok.
Thanks again for your insulting idiotic rebuttal.

If this is the one thing that you think has changed in the USA it seems you have no real understanding of the Constitution.
Again, if the school allows this be prepared to allow all and any other diverse religions and their prayers to be brought to the school and classroom.
Are you ready?

Dumbass - I never said that this is the "one thing" that has changed in America. It is a continuation of the Nazi policies (the policies of destroying this country) that I have seen in my 69 years.

Wake the hell up, you Nazi.

Think nothing of it Nazi. That's what I do - expose you assholes for what you are, Brownshirts.

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