Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage bans

I just find it impossible to believe a self-avowed fiscal conservative would say they need government gifts for doing something they would do anyway. So they clearly need government gifts to get it up. Apparently government gifts are like Viagra.
And this justifies the treatment Christian businesses are receiving, how? The gays should stop playing the victims here, they do more of the victimizing. Sorry.

I noticed with the lawsuits against businesses, yes, Christians are getting harassed and targeted for punishment.
But this unfair backlash seems to be coming from unfair harassment, rejection and demonization of gays by Christians.

Two wrongs don't make either one right.

My concern about both the rhetoric pushed to rally sympathy for either gay marriage or traditional marriage
is they project blame and try to exploit that politically,
when in fact the conflict between them is mutual.

The more the Christians defend their beliefs, the more the gay rights
try to DEMONIZE that as bigotry to defend theirs, ARGUING that this why they need govt protection!

I don't think it is fair for either side to do that,
but it looks like the gay marriage rights are using that to get political support and sympathy.

I think that is rewarding bullying, victimizing and demonizing behavior.

Beliefs should be recognized by mutual respect,
not bullying people into declaring "uncle" for fear of being bashed as a bigot!

And this means of abusing govt to establish beliefs by bullying is triply conflicting:
1. it is bad enough to abuse govt to endorse one belief over another and impose a bias, established by law
2. but to do so by demonizing the other side as bigots, that is as bad as demonizing gays and gay right supporters
3. and, on top of it, to CLAIM to defend 'separation of church and state' while imposing one's own beliefs and removing the beliefs of others on the same grounds; how is that not a form of bigotry equally offensive and harmful as the anti-gay bias?
all legal marriages are legally secular

"legal marriage"

Last time I checked, marriage isn't reliant on the law to be consummate. Check yourself.
Last time I checked, you could not collect all the government cash and prizes except by lawful marriage.

So, why should you be dependent on government to be married? If "love is love" who is the government to define what form of "love" is superior to the other? Perhaps that is why marriage was not defined in the Constitution, don't you think?
Marriage is contract law written by the state and enforced by state courts.

If one wishes the benefits of a marriage contract, that contract needs to conform to state law in order to be enforced by the courts – which most often occurs when the marriage contract is dissolved (divorce).

If you enter into a 'marriage contact' that doesn't conform to state contract law, you'll have no recourse in the courts to have the provisions of the marriage contract enforced by the state.

Consequently, one is not 'dependent' upon government to be married; rather, one depends on government to enforce the terms of his marriage contract.

And marriage is in fact defined by the Constitution, the definition can be found here:

Griswold v. Connecticut

Loving v. Virginia

Zablocki v. Redhail

Turner v. Safle
Conservative Christians set the standard a long time ago. If anything they should be flattered that homosexuals learned so well from them

Oh brother.

Like I said earlier, how does one bad act justify the other? This eye for an eye thing is getting pretty old.

Eye for an Eye is a very Christian thing.

Oh really? Prove it.
You just don't like your hypocrisy being pointed out ... You labeled all 'homosexuals'

You labeled all Christians. And now that you have taken the bait, now you know how wrong it is to label people, as such:

No- I labeled all Conservative Christians- and frankly that was as wrong as you labeling all homosexuals as you did.

Yes- I am sorry that I acted like you did when you attempted to denigrate all homosexuals.

More accurately some Conservative Christians promoted bigotry towards homosexuals, including actions to harm business's that they perceived as being too 'gay friendly'.

I truly hope someday you will realize how wrong it is to label all people like you label all homosexuals.
I have seen many Conservatives argue that homosexuality should be illegal- and who like yourself think that marriage = sex.

See there you go again, "many Conservatives"

Don't lecture me about labeling people. You're doing it right now, with no shame, and no awareness of your own hypocrisy.

'many Conservatives' is accurate.

You bizarrely go around labelling people as homosexuals and liberals and whining about them, and then whine when anyone dares point out that there are Conservatives who do exactly what you tell us that all homosexuals are guilty of.
Lets just face reality, OK? There is a very strong disagreement on this issue in the USA. Maybe the SC will settle it, but I seriously doubt that it will be over no matter how they rule.
Just as Loving v. Virginia did not stop the disagreement, within 3 decades the issue essentially disappeared.

I suspect it will take even less time for same gender marriage.
I doubt it. Straight people don't see gender as ambiguous. A while man with a black/asian/hispanic wife doesn't change the birds and bees thing that floats 97% of the population. It will never be seen the same.

We all have our personal opinions and you have yours.

But I am old enough to remember when seeing a black man with a white woman was every bit as shocking as it was to see a man with a man.

And the polls show the same thing.
Which poll says that?
You hve seen the polls, so, no, you don't get "just once more."
No- I labeled all Conservative Christians- and frankly that was as wrong as you labeling all homosexuals as you did.

Then where did you have room lecturing me in the first place? Physician heal thyself.

Yes- I am sorry that I acted like you did when you attempted to denigrate all homosexuals.

Where did I say "all homosexuals?"

More accurately some Conservative Christians promoted bigotry towards homosexuals, including actions to harm business's that they perceived as being too 'gay friendly'.

That's more like it. Some gays react with bigotry towards Christians, including those whose businesses are too Christian. Too few of them speak out against it. See the pattern?

I truly hope someday you will realize how wrong it is to label all people like you label all homosexuals.

Truly, until the gay community develops more tolerance towards Christians, and refrains from acting in the same many you claim Christians act, then yes, the great majority of them are responsible for bigotry. You seem to think bigotry works only one way, don't you?

You bizarrely go around labelling people as homosexuals and liberals and whining about them, and then whine when anyone dares point out that there are Conservatives who do exactly what you tell us that all homosexuals are guilty of.

Well, who am I speaking to? An big eyed alien? You are liberal aren't you? You only point out what Conservatives do, always harp on what the Christians do, and you'll be damned before you acknowledge the other side of the story.

I hope one day you'll learn not to be so dishonest and more objective.
I don't seek to legally redefine marriage- I look for gay couples to have the same access to legal marriage- and divorce- as my wife and I have.

You seek to force people to recognize it. Tell me, what if I forced you and your wife to marry the same sex? What would happen then? You wouldn't be so keen on same sex marriage then would you?

Who is being forced into a same sex marriage? Your analogy is just a steaming lump.

Hi Skylar and TemplarKormac
Who is being forced into Christianity when a Bible, Cross or Prayer is displayed on public property?

So that would be no person being forced into a same sex marriage then?
No- I labeled all Conservative Christians- and frankly that was as wrong as you labeling all homosexuals as you did.

Then where did you have room lecturing me in the first place? Physician heal thyself.

Yes- I am sorry that I acted like you did when you attempted to denigrate all homosexuals.

Where did I say "all homosexuals?"


other was destroyed for religiously objecting to serve a gay couple. You know what that tells me? Homosexuals are setting the standard.

Without a qualifier- you are labeling all homosexuals, as I was labeling all Conservative Christians.

I was wrong- and admitted it. Only a large minority of Conservative Christians have actively attempted to harm business's they perceive as being to 'Gay friendly"

You are wrong - and will never admit it.
No- I labeled all Conservative Christians- and frankly that was as wrong as you labeling all homosexuals as you did.

Then where did you have room lecturing me in the first place? Physician heal thyself.

Yes- I am sorry that I acted like you did when you attempted to denigrate all homosexuals.

Where did I say "all homosexuals?"

More accurately some Conservative Christians promoted bigotry towards homosexuals, including actions to harm business's that they perceived as being too 'gay friendly'.

That's more like it. Some gays react with bigotry towards Christians, including those whose businesses are too Christian. Too few of them speak out against it. See the pattern?

No- don't see a pattern at all- some gays do not represent all gays- which is what you were saying.

Not only that you said that homosexuals were the one who 'set the standard' and I pointed out that before any homosexuals 'react with bigotry towards' Christians, a large number of Christians and Conservatives set the standard with demanding bigotry towards homosexuals, including those business's that they perceived as being to friendly to homosexuals. Very few ever spoke out against it.

Your claim that 'homosexuals set the standard' is just flat out false.

Long before a few homosexuals expressed bigotry towards Christians, large number of Christians expressed bigotry towards homosexuals- thereby- by definition- setting that standard.

The standard you complained about.

But only when it happens to a few Christians.
You are wrong - and will never admit it.

I won't until other Homosexuals publicly stand up and speak out against this behavior. Until then I must assume the great majority of them do condone the targeting of and the destruction of those Christian businesses who offer a contrary opinion or refuses to serve gay couples for religious reasons.
I don't like gay sex. It totally grosses me out, but that is not a rational reason for denying the same legal protections to homosexuals.

All gay sex or just the guys? Most heterosexual men I know don't mind it when the lesbians are doing it. (Hello obligatory lesbian scene in male porn)
I dont know one guy that wants to watch two bull dykes go at it.
You are wrong - and will never admit it.

I won't until other Homosexuals publicly stand up and speak out against this behavior. Until then I must assume the great majority of them do condone the targeting of and the destruction of those Christian businesses who offer a contrary opinion or refuses to serve gay couples for religious reasons.

What a hypocrite.

Where is your condemnation of Christians who were first to promote bigotry? Where are the 'other Christians' who publicly stood up and spoke out against such behavior?

Why shouldn't homosexuals assume- as some of them wrongly do- that the great majority of Christians condone the targeting of, and destruction of those business's that dare treat homosexual equally, or those homosexuals who dare show themselves in public?

What a hypocrite you are. You first accuse homosexuals of being the ones that established a standard of bigotry- and when I point out that long before homosexuals did any such thing Christians did that-and worse.

What a hypocrite you are.
I don't like gay sex. It totally grosses me out, but that is not a rational reason for denying the same legal protections to homosexuals.

All gay sex or just the guys? Most heterosexual men I know don't mind it when the lesbians are doing it. (Hello obligatory lesbian scene in male porn)
I dont know one guy that wants to watch two bull dykes go at it.


Yeah- I can see why you would be turned off....
I don't like gay sex. It totally grosses me out, but that is not a rational reason for denying the same legal protections to homosexuals.

All gay sex or just the guys? Most heterosexual men I know don't mind it when the lesbians are doing it. (Hello obligatory lesbian scene in male porn)
I dont know one guy that wants to watch two bull dykes go at it.


Yeah- I can see why you would be turned off....
sorry; i let my girlfriend keep their girlfriends; is that bad?
I think what kennedy said about nine people not dictating such a radical social change that affects what you would call "foreshadowing".

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