Supreme Court to Temporarily Hold Abortion Pill Ban Until Friday

In a free nation the pre-born PEOPLE have much more right to be born and have life, than pregnant women have to prevent them from being born.

Generally, for the pregnant women, it is a matter of convenience. For the pre-born people, it is a matter of life & death. Just ask those thousands of adults whose mothers considered aborting them years ago, but decided to give birth.
There is no such thing as a pre-born person. Try to grow up and use correct terminology if it's under 6 weeks it's ban embryo, if it's over 6 weeks it's a fetus. If it's born it's a baby and a person. Generally it is and always has been none of your business.
There is no such thing as a pre-born person. Try to grow up and use correct terminology if it's under 6 weeks it's ban embryo, if it's over 6 weeks it's a fetus. If it's born it's a baby and a person. Generally it is and always has been none of your business.
FALSE! It is the business of adults to speak for the pre-born people, because those people are unable to speak for themselves. The correct way to view this is to look at the people AFTER they are born and grow to adults, and become doctors, lawyers, scientists, musicians, fathers, mothers, and then think about what would have been missed, if we had allowed killing them in pre-infancy.
In 10 weeks, fetuses have heads eyes, nose, mouth, arms, hands, fingers, hips, legs, feet, and toes.


You forgot the most important features, the heart is finally a 4: chambered heart like people have unless their is some type of abnormality. The brain sits high on the head and now has synapses and a spinal cord attached to it, allowing the fetus to move it's hands and feet. The limbs have lost much of their flipper-like appearance and the ankles, wrists, knees and elbows are begining to develop, thus they are able to move their limbs now. Most of the important aspects of the eye are reasonably developed but the fetus is still blind because the eyelids are fused shut and won't open until the 27th. week of pregnancy. Also the teeth are hardening and connecting to the jaw bone. The tail is history, it disappeared in week 8. There's tons of information out there about fetuses, They've been well studied. An essential step in our development as human beings.
FALSE! It is the business of adults to speak for the pre-born people, because those people are unable to speak for themselves. The correct way to view this is to look at the people AFTER they are born and grow to adults, and become doctors, lawyers, scientists, musicians, fathers, mothers, and then think about what would have been missed, if we had allowed killing them in pre-infancy.
You do realize the Crusades were a mistake. Correct thinking, now you're going Brave New World on me. Make up your mind, Old Fascism or New Wave Fascism.


The scientific evidence, however, overwhelmingly concludes just the opposite: The preborn child in her mother's womb — she's not just a "fetus," she's a baby.

what is the scientific definition of a "baby"?
You forgot the most important features, the heart is finally a 4: chambered heart like people have unless their is some type of abnormality. The brain sits high on the head and now has synapses and a spinal cord attached to it, allowing the fetus to move it's hands and feet. The limbs have lost much of their flipper-like appearance and the ankles, wrists, knees and elbows are begining to develop, thus they are able to move their limbs now. Most of the important aspects of the eye are reasonably developed but the fetus is still blind because the eyelids are fused shut and won't open until the 27th. week of pregnancy. Also the teeth are hardening and connecting to the jaw bone. The tail is history, it disappeared in week 8. There's tons of information out there about fetuses, They've been well studied. An essential step in our development as human beings.
So what ? After 10 weeks the fetus, is generally fully formed, in its main visible parts, and close to that after only 8 weeks.
So what ? After 10 weeks the fetus, is generally fully formed, in its main visible parts, and close to that after only 8 weeks.
It's still just a fetus and it's future is very vulnerable even without the spectre of abortion being it's destiny.
You do realize the Crusades were a mistake. Correct thinking, now you're going Brave New World on me. Make up your mind, Old Fascism or New Wave Fascism.
What was such a mistake about the Crusades ? Stopping the spread of the scourge of Islam (having conquered more land than the Roman Empire at its height), is perhaps one of the most worthy ideas in world history. Too bad the Crusaders didnt have modern bombers and tanks.

If they did, the millions of miles of land that was Christian and Jewish before the 7th century, would still be that way, and over a billion people wold not be living under the oppression of Islam.
It's still just a fetus and it's future is very vulnerable even without the spectre of abortion being it's destiny.
Fetuses are perfectly healthy, with good future as long as their mothers aren't stupid. Conclusion ? Don't be stupid.
What was such a mistake about the Crusades ? Stopping the spread of the scourge of Islam (having conquered more land than the Roman Empire at its height), is perhaps one of the most worthy ideas in world history. Too bad the Crusaders didnt have modern bombers and tanks.

If they did, the millions of miles of land that was Christian and Jewish before the 7th century, would still be that way, and over a billion people wold not be living under the oppression of Islam.
LOL, the " scourge of Islam ". It didn't work. Read any historian's view of the Crusades. The Christian hordes plundered the " Holy Land " and murdered everyone including fellow Christians living there in peace with the Jews and the people you call a scourge the islamists.
In other words ... Court has no problem with ending human life. They must think of themselves above God or something.
LOL, the " scourge of Islam ". It didn't work. Read any historian's view of the Crusades. The Christian hordes plundered the " Holy Land " and murdered everyone including fellow Christians living there in peace with the Jews and the people you call a scourge the islamists.
I wasn't talking about that, Mr Deflection. I was referring to the more than a billion people in the middle east (2 billion worldwide) who are OPPRESSED by being Muslim. If you dont know what that is, then you don't know much about Islam.
Fetuses are perfectly healthy, with good future as long as their mothers aren't stupid. Conclusion ? Don't be stupid.
That's about as good advice as, " Don't get pregnant. " 45% of all pregnancies are unintended. ( This figure is from 2011 ) for some strange reason I couldn't find more recent data, but they indicated that was down from previous years; hopefully that trend continues. Better women's health care and education no doubt helped. Same with abortion numbers they keep going down.
In other words ... Court has no problem with ending human life. They must think of themselves above God or something.
Well they rolled back Roe vs Wade. I think this is just a temporary procedural action, to give the lower courts more clout to really stamp the pill out, and remove some (or all) of the legal support challenges that it could have.
In other words ... Court has no problem with ending human life. They must think of themselves above God or something.
They have no problem staying out of people's private affairs, at least that would be in the best interest of everyone.
Well they rolled back Roe vs Wade. I think this is just a temporary procedural action, to give the lower courts more clout to really stamp the pill out, and remove some (or all) of the legal support challenges that it could have.
The ideal would be to ban all abortions laws. If that isn't an overstep on women's rights there is no such animal.
Well they rolled back Roe vs Wade. I think this is just a temporary procedural action, to give the lower courts more clout to really stamp the pill out, and remove some (or all) of the legal support challenges that it could have.
But all that roll back did was put the practice (or the lack, thereof) in the hands of the States. If they were truly a moral Court ... they'd put an end to such abominations once and for all. Anyone with a conscience knows that abortion is a horrendous act.
I wasn't talking about that, Mr Deflection. I was referring to the more than a billion people in the middle east (2 billion worldwide) who are OPPRESSED by being Muslim. If you dont know what that is, then you don't know much about Islam.
The same way the Catholic and main Christian denominations oppress women and minorities. I know you're going to say they're more brutal about it. Yes they are but both religions are still guilty of these atrocities.

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