Supreme Court to Temporarily Hold Abortion Pill Ban Until Friday

They have no problem staying out of people's private affairs, at least that would be in the best interest of everyone.
So if I murder someone during a "private" matter ... the government should stay out of my affairs and just let me do my thing?
But all that roll back did was put the practice (or the lack, thereof) in the hands of the States. If they were truly a moral Court ... they'd put an end to such abominations once and for all. Anyone with a conscience knows that abortion is a horrendous act.
You just classified most Americans as existing without consciences. Exactly how does a person who believe they have a conscience do that ?
That's about as good advice as, " Don't get pregnant. " 45% of all pregnancies are unintended. ( This figure is from 2011 ) for some strange reason I couldn't find more recent data, but they indicated that was down from previous years; hopefully that trend continues. Better women's health care and education no doubt helped. Same with abortion numbers they keep going down.
Might be even better if pro-abortion lunatics would stop attacking women's health care and education centers.

So if I murder someone during a "private" matter ... the government should stay out of my affairs and just let me do my thing?
If you murder a person that actually exists then you are a murderer. And I have no sympathy for you unless it was in self-defense with no other options and or during time of war. But we're not talking about a person, it may not even be a fetus, it may simply be an embryo or just a unfertilized microscopic blob of flesh; totally possible with the morning after pill. Never knew if that was included in the abortion numbers or not.
Might be even better if pro-abortion lunatics would stop attacking women's health care and education centers.

Never heard that one, usually it's the pro- life extremists that attack women's health centers. It doesn't make sense.
If you murder a person that actually exists then you are a murderer. And I have no sympathy for you unless it was in self-defense with no other options and or during time of war. But we're not talking about a person, it may not even be a fetus, it may simply be an embryo or just a unfertilized microscopic blob of flesh; totally possible with the morning after pill. Never knew if that was included in the abortion numbers or not.
Part of YOUR existence started out as a fetus. Did you not exist during that stage in your "life?"
Might be even better if pro-abortion lunatics would stop attacking women's health care and education centers.

Wait are you talking about those fake women's health centers that are trying to stop women from having abortions. That would make sense. But again it's extremist ideology and I can't support that either.
Part of YOUR existence started out as a fetus. Did you not exist during that stage in your "life?"
I was in the development stage. I am a believer in the natural GOD. The physical life of an individual begins when they are born, it coincides with real government and social constructs. Individuals have birth dates and death dates. To believe otherwise would just invite chaos. Metaphysics is a completely different matter. We cannot access that existence while we're here except for very rare occurrences. Life has no begining or ending.
It is not a "baby" at that point (in the womb).
It is an organism.
There is never a time that organism is not alive. Personifying it as a baby is to allow the State to define what will become a birthed human less than a baby. Patently absurd.

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