Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

That's a profoundly terrible ruling.

Right. The government overthrowing the inherently natural, divinely endowed and constitutionally guaranteed prerogatives of ideological liberty and free-association of private concerns is "a profoundly terrible ruling" because . . . uh . . . um . . . duh . . . that is to say . . . uh . . . um . . . duh . . . lefty, the self-anointed one, says so.

Translation: lefty, the fascist thug, doesn't get to arbitrarily impose his ideology on others after all.

Now onto the fascist idiocy of lefty insisting that bakers and photographers, for example, participate in his pagan rituals . . . that is to say, onto the obvious insanity of the government declaring that only pagans, atheists, humanists, relativists, secularists and the like may own and operate small businesses and be secure in their fundamental rights. Orthodox Jews and Christians, for example, need not bother with the American dream. They're second-class citizens, not covered by the imperatives of natural and constitutional law . . . because . . . once again . . . uh . . . um . . . duh . . . that is to say . . . well . . . apparently . . . just because.
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Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.

omg.. EPIC meltdown starting.. :badgrin::badgrin:

I know this is hard for you but think about it.

You get cancer, you expect your company's insurance plan to cover it. However, the corporation says it's against their religion to cover any cancer treatments. Well now they have legal precedent to do that. So they save money and you die. How is that okay? I am shocked how so many conservatives are excited about this. Your company now has legal precedent to let you die. Did you even think about that?

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

You are so wrong, that you are not even in the ballpark. This ruling only applies to closely held corporations, partnerships and private companies. It does not apply to publicly held corporations. A person, family, or close associates do not have to abandon their religious beliefs, just because they are in business.

What part of the "prohibiting the free exercise thereof" do you left wingers have so much trouble understanding?

This ruling should stop the next step, in the left wing agenda, of forcing employers to pay for elective abortions. And, that is why your leaders are so distressed over it. Forcing people to do what their religion objects to, seems to provide a thrill to left wing loons.
You have the right to your opinion, we have the right to call you a bigot. See how that works? Your bigoted views however should not decide the rights have another. See how that works?

No, I see you acting like a dumbass.

If ever there was a better example of IRONY on this board, you just laid it out, Luie. What a moron.

You ARE what you profess to HATE.

Move along... you really are too stupid to speak.

So you have the right to your opinion? But I don't have the right to my opinion?
And I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you. You have no clue how stupid and bigoted you are.
You still don't get it... poor little homo.

You spout off about me being a bigot simply because I don't accept your deviant sexual perversion, yet there are no bigger, louder, more outspoken, arrogant, militant bigots on the planet than you freakin' homo mafia sorts. You're actually WORSE than what you say you hate.


Can't spell it out anymore clearly than that to you. If you're still too dense to get it, then I was right the first time, you're too stupid to talk here.
Monday's opinion was written narrowly so as only to apply to the contraception mandate, not to religious employers who object to other medical services, like blood transfusions or vaccines.
Supreme Court Rules In Hobby Lobby Case, Dealing Blow To Birth Control Coverage

like i told someone on facebook. This wont stop people from using it anyways.
When the courts start saying you can't reference it, ill stop thinking this opened up a can of worms. Till then....
Now businesses can force their female employees to wear burkas, dance with snakes, take communion--oh wait none of that is true...
The contraceptives at issue before the court were the emergency contraceptives Plan B and ella, and two IUDs.

My wife works for Hobby Lobby and receives contraception under the insurance they provide. They did not want to provide ABORTION causing drugs. The so-called morning after pill.

The left is obsessed with abortion. It is the holy sacrament.

The pill does prevent the fertilized egg from implanting, thus I see a valid religious objection from those who believe life is sacred from conception. IUDs also destroy a fertilized egg.
This decision says companies can impose their 'religious' dogma on their employees thus walling them off from medical coverage. It says the employer's 'religious' rights are protected, yet the employee's religious rights can take a back seat so long as they draw a paycheck.

Surely there are aspects of Obamacare that badly need adjusting. But this decision makes a claim of 'religion' strong enough to harm or kill an employee and call it regrettable, but "God's" will.
Not a single one of the drugs HL is not covering is life saving or disease controlling drug so your argument is worthless beyond words....
In this particular case. But when a Jehovah Witness employer refuses to provide health coverage for blood transfusions because that procedure is against his religion, what will you say? When a Southern Baptist employer refuses to provide health coverage that covers stem cell therapy because that procedure runs counter to his 'religious' belief, where will you turn?

This decision puts the religious rights of employers above the religious rights of employees. Corporate Sharia Law is upheld by SCOTUS.

And Conservatives think this is a victory for freedom? How?

As I stated earlier...Your argument is worthless. I'll agree with you all day long when ANYONE is denied lifesaving treatments or disease controlling medications. That's not what this is about :cuckoo:
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i like the old hobby lobby where they covered BC via their health insurance anyways and didnt have an issue till Obama was in office.

Those were they days...let me tell ya.

They still don't have a problem with birth's the morning after pill that is the issue.

Seems you're trying to move the goal posts when they don't need to be moved....but no surprise.
So, let me get this straight. Religious business owners can't "enforce their dogma" on their employees, but the government can force it's own on them? Why?

And just a burning question, how does not having an abortion kill the woman if she is fully capable of giving birth to the child? This only proves liberals want abortive rights for those women who would like to be afforded the convenience, not the necessity of having an abortion.
An employer has no place, let alone 'right' imposing his [articular religious dogma on employees. You sign on for a paycheck in exchange for labor or services, not religious indoctrination. And if that religious dogma says one cannot have particular lifesaving medical treatment, let the employer die from ignorance. Don't take out the innocent employees there just to do a job.

I agree. Did you know Hobby Lobby is going to take the employee's children to church and baptize them? Yep. The kids also have to attend 2 months of Jesus Boot Camp during summer vacation. Yep.

Please list the statute that says this is illegal?
I'd love to read the actual ruling, but it was a no brainer for anyone familiar with the First amendment. The idea that the Federal Government can force people to act contrary to their religious beliefs is absurd.
People or corporations? Suddenly, through this ruling, we find that corporations have religious rights. Have you ever seen a corporation in your church sanctuary?

Do you know the difference between a publically held corporation, and a closely held private corporation? And yes, you have probably seen many corporations in your church sanctuary. Many individual businessmen and businesswomen are corporations, and many of them attend church. All of them have the same rights as you do.
A national corporate chain doesn't have to pay their employees a decent wage or health benefits.

Great ruling, Supreme Court! You've made morons happy.

What't this ruling have to do with wages?
Another lib frothing at the mouth because something did not go their way
i like the old hobby lobby where they covered BC via their health insurance anyways and didnt have an issue till Obama was in office.

Those were they days...let me tell ya.

They still don't have a problem with birth's the morning after pill that is the issue.

Seems you're trying to move the goal posts when they don't need to be moved....but no surprise.

You can explain it a million times to them, and they still won't understand it. The left has an altered reality, it is a form of delusion. Willful denial of reality. There is no way to get them to understand that Hobby Lobby DOES provide contraceptives.
Monday's opinion was written narrowly so as only to apply to the contraception mandate, not to religious employers who object to other medical services, like blood transfusions or vaccines.
Supreme Court Rules In Hobby Lobby Case, Dealing Blow To Birth Control Coverage

like i told someone on facebook. This wont stop people from using it anyways.
When the courts start saying you can't reference it, ill stop thinking this opened up a can of worms. Till then....

Of course you will think this's what left wingnuts do....worry about something that isn't there.

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