Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

I think you hit it right on the head here. Leftists are pissed because they cannot force everyone to kowtow to their ideological tyranny.
That's a profoundly terrible ruling.

Right. The government overthrowing the inherently natural, divinely endowed and constitutionally guaranteed prerogatives of ideological liberty and free-association of private concerns is "a profoundly terrible ruling" because . . . uh . . . um . . . duh . . . that is to say . . . uh . . . um . . . duh . . . lefty, the self-anointed one, says so.

Translation: lefty, the fascist thug, doesn't get to arbitrarily impose his ideology on others after all.

Now onto the fascist idiocy of lefty insisting that bakers and photographers, for example, participate in his pagan rituals . . . that is to say, onto the obvious insanity of the government declaring that only pagans, atheists, humanists, relativists, secularists and the like may own and operate small businesses and be secure in their fundamental rights. Orthodox Jews and Christians, for example, need not bother with the American dream. They're second-class citizens, not covered by the imperatives of natural and constitutional law . . . because . . . once again . . . uh . . . um . . . duh . . . that is to say . . . well . . . apparently . . . just because.
Monday's opinion was written narrowly so as only to apply to the contraception mandate, not to religious employers who object to other medical services, like blood transfusions or vaccines.
Supreme Court Rules In Hobby Lobby Case, Dealing Blow To Birth Control Coverage

like i told someone on facebook. This wont stop people from using it anyways.
When the courts start saying you can't reference it, ill stop thinking this opened up a can of worms. Till then....

Of course you will think this's what left wingnuts do....worry about something that isn't there.

"Something that isn't there"? The High Court affirms the 1st Amendment right to religious freedom and the low information union educated left considers it "something that isn't there". I rest my case.
BTW this makes the 13th time this administration has lost before the Supreme Court. Historically the Department of Justice win 75% of cases before SCOTUS, but this administration has lost the vast majority of cases.

Ineptitude combined with extreme positions that favor the power and will of the government over the individual has caused this administration to favor so poorly.
No, I see you acting like a dumbass.

If ever there was a better example of IRONY on this board, you just laid it out, Luie. What a moron.

You ARE what you profess to HATE.

Move along... you really are too stupid to speak.

So you have the right to your opinion? But I don't have the right to my opinion?

And I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you. You have no clue how stupid and bigoted you are.

You still don't get it... poor little homo.

You spout off about me being a bigot simply because I don't accept your deviant sexual perversion, yet there are no bigger, louder, more outspoken, arrogant, militant bigots on the planet than you freakin' homo mafia sorts. You're actually WORSE than what you say you hate.


Can't spell it out anymore clearly than that to you. If you're still too dense to get it, then I was right the first time, you're too stupid to talk here.

I am gay now? Lol homo mafia? You should seek help.
And no I will never be tolerant of your hate, doesn't mean I hate you. You will never get it 007. You are too filled with hate and bigotry.
Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.

Yer kidding, right?
For being a narrow decision, the worst thing that one can do to Big Gov't control freaks has occurred; some of their control has been taken away from them.
And that is a wider win for Liberty!
You know what this actually means don't you? The fact that companies can now refrain from offering this to women at the workplace, it is going to Fire Up the Democratic base in ways previously unknown to regroup and fight that much harder to keep Democrats in the White House and in Congress as they see Republicans removing much of what they previously could get! There can be no doubt that with there being more women in the workforce than men, and most being of child-bearing age, there will be a new focus on politics with a massive new effort to align more than ever with the Democrats come election time.
That's a profoundly terrible ruling.

Yeah, then so was the Obamacare ruling and what did your side say???? let me think??? I believe you said tough shit.

So people can't have an opinion on whether or not they agree with a ruling?

What is wrong with you?

Precisely the opposite.
Which is why you don't get to ask that question based on your reaction to a SCOTUS ruling that did not go your way.
You know what this actually means don't you? The fact that companies can now refrain from offering this to women at the workplace, it is going to Fire Up the Democratic base in ways previously unknown to regroup and fight that much harder to keep Democrats in the White House and in Congress as they see Republicans removing much of what they previously could get! There can be no doubt that with there being more women in the workforce than men, and most being of child-bearing age, there will be a new focus on politics with a massive new effort to align more than ever with the Democrats come election time.

Your base is seriously messed up if not being able to force people to act contrary to their religious views fires you up.
You know what this actually means don't you? The fact that companies can now refrain from offering this to women at the workplace, it is going to Fire Up the Democratic base in ways previously unknown to regroup and fight that much harder to keep Democrats in the White House and in Congress as they see Republicans removing much of what they previously could get! There can be no doubt that with there being more women in the workforce than men, and most being of child-bearing age, there will be a new focus on politics with a massive new effort to align more than ever with the Democrats come election time.

Yes, this will be the defining spark for the democrat base. :rolleyes:
You know what this actually means don't you? The fact that companies can now refrain from offering this to women at the workplace, it is going to Fire Up the Democratic base in ways previously unknown to regroup and fight that much harder to keep Democrats in the White House and in Congress as they see Republicans removing much of what they previously could get! There can be no doubt that with there being more women in the workforce than men, and most being of child-bearing age, there will be a new focus on politics with a massive new effort to align more than ever with the Democrats come election time.

Gee, the hysterical pussified left with another collective cause for the greater good. ? Who couldve guessed...
Monday's opinion was written narrowly so as only to apply to the contraception mandate, not to religious employers who object to other medical services, like blood transfusions or vaccines.
Supreme Court Rules In Hobby Lobby Case, Dealing Blow To Birth Control Coverage

like i told someone on facebook. This wont stop people from using it anyways.
When the courts start saying you can't reference it, ill stop thinking this opened up a can of worms. Till then....

Of course you will think this's what left wingnuts do....worry about something that isn't there.

yes i know, an open mind is a dangerous thing for people like you.
The right only wants freedom for themselves, no one else.

wrong again, the right wants freedom for everyone. Opportunity for everyone, Equality for everyone--------------and, personal responsibility for everyone.

What scarres you libs is that real freedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. It scares you because deep down inside you know that if the scales are balanced you will always lose, so you need a nanny govt to wipe your sorry ass.

Are you for same sex marriage? You pro choice? How about shorter sentences for non violent crimes? Legalizing marijuana? Or any drug for that matter?

Is that your concept of individual freedom? Gay marriage, abortion on demand (with someone else paying the bill), legal drugs (with someone else paying the bill), and shorter jail sentences? Wow!
No, I see you acting like a dumbass.

If ever there was a better example of IRONY on this board, you just laid it out, Luie. What a moron.

You ARE what you profess to HATE.

Move along... you really are too stupid to speak.

So you have the right to your opinion? But I don't have the right to my opinion?

And I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you. You have no clue how stupid and bigoted you are.

You still don't get it... poor little homo.

You spout off about me being a bigot simply because I don't accept your deviant sexual perversion, yet there are no bigger, louder, more outspoken, arrogant, militant bigots on the planet than you freakin' homo mafia sorts. You're actually WORSE than what you say you hate.


Can't spell it out anymore clearly than that to you. If you're still too dense to get it, then I was right the first time, you're too stupid to talk here.

And no voice is louder in this country than Christian conservatives. Please don't lie. You look stupid.
A national corporate chain doesn't have to pay their employees a decent wage or health benefits.

Great ruling, Supreme Court! You've made morons happy.

If an employee isn't being paid a decent wage and doesn't have paid for health benefits, get another job.
The SC ruling had NOTHING to do with wages and did not do away with employers paying for health care.
Most Christian denominations do not have a problem with blood transfusions, never heard of any that are against cancer treatments...well, maybe the westboro nuts do. But those types of churches are not in the mainstream.

omg.. EPIC meltdown starting.. :badgrin::badgrin:

I know this is hard for you but think about it.

You get cancer, you expect your company's insurance plan to cover it. However, the corporation says it's against their religion to cover any cancer treatments. Well now they have legal precedent to do that. So they save money and you die. How is that okay? I am shocked how so many conservatives are excited about this. Your company now has legal precedent to let you die. Did you even think about that?

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

Doesn't matter. The corporation can believe whatever religion they want.

They can believe in a religion called "Corptopia" that believes that workers shouldn't get paid for their work and no benefits whatsoever. With this ruling, they can do that. That's the "freedom" the right is raving about. Now they have the right to believe that and can challenge federal law like minimum wage, workers compensation, and others and say they don't have to follow those law because their closely held religious beliefs forbids them to do that.

Now the courts can't question the legitimacy of the ruling because everyone is allowed to believe whatever religion they want. Then other companies follow suit and believe the same thing.

That's the reality of this ruling. I hope it doesn't get that bad but this ruling opened that door.

BTW this makes the 13th time this administration has lost before the Supreme Court. Historically the Department of Justice win 75% of cases before SCOTUS, but this administration has lost the vast majority of cases.

Ineptitude combined with extreme positions that favor the power and will of the government over the individual has caused this administration to favor so poorly.

This administration isn't "inept" in the slightest.

What we are seeing is something conservatives use to hate.

Legislation by Justices.

And Scalia, Alito and Thomas are by far the worst judges ever to sit on the court.

Scalia is especially bad since he seems to know better.

Alito and Thomas are bumps on the log.

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