Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

wrong again, the right wants freedom for everyone. Opportunity for everyone, Equality for everyone--------------and, personal responsibility for everyone.

What scarres you libs is that real freedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. It scares you because deep down inside you know that if the scales are balanced you will always lose, so you need a nanny govt to wipe your sorry ass.

Are you for same sex marriage? You pro choice? How about shorter sentences for non violent crimes? Legalizing marijuana? Or any drug for that matter?

Is that your concept of individual freedom? Gay marriage, abortion on demand (with someone else paying the bill), legal drugs (with someone else paying the bill), and shorter jail sentences? Wow!

Where did I say legal drugs with someone paying the bills? And no that is just a smart part of what I think freedom is.
I think it was obvious I was making a point, sorry you are too partisan to get that.
You know what this actually means don't you? The fact that companies can now refrain from offering this to women at the workplace, it is going to Fire Up the Democratic base in ways previously unknown to regroup and fight that much harder to keep Democrats in the White House and in Congress as they see Republicans removing much of what they previously could get! There can be no doubt that with there being more women in the workforce than men, and most being of child-bearing age, there will be a new focus on politics with a massive new effort to align more than ever with the Democrats come election time.

Actually, this gave more ammunition to Republicans to use in the election this fall. Face it, the Obama Administration had its backside handed to it by the court. This is nothing but a precursor to that inevitability, that liberals have worn out their welcome, and are going to pay a dear price for it.

And your flight of fantasy is duly noted.
You know what this actually means don't you? The fact that companies can now refrain from offering this to women at the workplace, it is going to Fire Up the Democratic base in ways previously unknown to regroup and fight that much harder to keep Democrats in the White House and in Congress as they see Republicans removing much of what they previously could get! There can be no doubt that with there being more women in the workforce than men, and most being of child-bearing age, there will be a new focus on politics with a massive new effort to align more than ever with the Democrats come election time.

Yes, because all women feel that it is their employers duty to provide them with abortion causing drugs free of charge. The left relies on the ignorance of the masses to further their agenda. They have lied, outright lied, about this issue. Hobby Lobby does provide contraceptives, you got your talking point that "Hobby Lobby denies women birth control", and run with it--facts be damned.

Cling to the loss though. Look for that silver lining. That is all you can do now with all polls showing Democrat losses come this fall, the president's ever sinking polling numbers.

If losing before the Supreme Court fires the left up, then why hasn't the other 12 loses had that result?

BTW this makes the 13th time this administration has lost before the Supreme Court. Historically the Department of Justice win 75% of cases before SCOTUS, but this administration has lost the vast majority of cases.

Ineptitude combined with extreme positions that favor the power and will of the government over the individual has caused this administration to favor so poorly.

This administration isn't "inept" in the slightest.

What we are seeing is something conservatives use to hate.

Legislation by Justices.

And Scalia, Alito and Thomas are by far the worst judges ever to sit on the court.

Scalia is especially bad since he seems to know better.

Alito and Thomas are bumps on the log.

You sure wasn't bitching when Roberts legislated from the bench when he stated obummbercare was a tax. You didn't bitch, did you?
The contraceptives at issue before the court were the emergency contraceptives Plan B and ella, and two IUDs.

My wife works for Hobby Lobby and receives contraception under the insurance they provide. They did not want to provide ABORTION causing drugs. The so-called morning after pill.

The left is obsessed with abortion. It is the holy sacrament.

The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.
Most Christian denominations do not have a problem with blood transfusions, never heard of any that are against cancer treatments...well, maybe the westboro nuts do. But those types of churches are not in the mainstream.

I know this is hard for you but think about it.

You get cancer, you expect your company's insurance plan to cover it. However, the corporation says it's against their religion to cover any cancer treatments. Well now they have legal precedent to do that. So they save money and you die. How is that okay? I am shocked how so many conservatives are excited about this. Your company now has legal precedent to let you die. Did you even think about that?

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

Doesn't matter. The corporation can believe whatever religion they want.

They can believe in a religion called "Corptopia" that believes that workers shouldn't get paid for their work and no benefits whatsoever. With this ruling, they can do that. That's the "freedom" the right is raving about. Now they have the right to believe that and can challenge federal law like minimum wage, workers compensation, and others and say they don't have to follow those law because their closely held religious beliefs forbids them to do that.

Now the courts can't question the legitimacy of the ruling because everyone is allowed to believe whatever religion they want. Then other companies follow suit and believe the same thing.

That's the reality of this ruling. I hope it doesn't get that bad but this ruling opened that door.

The funny thing is that SCALIA ruled against an individual when he got fired for practicing his religion. He basically said that religious practices cannot circumvent the law.

This ruling is a complete reversal of that decision.

Unless, of course, this makes a business a "super citizen".

Most Christian denominations do not have a problem with blood transfusions, never heard of any that are against cancer treatments...well, maybe the westboro nuts do. But those types of churches are not in the mainstream.

I know this is hard for you but think about it.

You get cancer, you expect your company's insurance plan to cover it. However, the corporation says it's against their religion to cover any cancer treatments. Well now they have legal precedent to do that. So they save money and you die. How is that okay? I am shocked how so many conservatives are excited about this. Your company now has legal precedent to let you die. Did you even think about that?

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

Doesn't matter. The corporation can believe whatever religion they want.

They can believe in a religion called "Corptopia" that believes that workers shouldn't get paid for their work and no benefits whatsoever. With this ruling, they can do that. That's the "freedom" the right is raving about. Now they have the right to believe that and can challenge federal law like minimum wage, workers compensation, and others and say they don't have to follow those law because their closely held religious beliefs forbids them to do that.

Now the courts can't question the legitimacy of the ruling because everyone is allowed to believe whatever religion they want. Then other companies follow suit and believe the same thing.

That's the reality of this ruling. I hope it doesn't get that bad but this ruling opened that door.

This is getting more rediculous by the hour.

Like I said earlier, they didn't open the door to anything. All they said was that closely knit corporations, not large ones, don't have to provide services that violate their religious rights. I don't see how minimum wage and workers compensation would be relevant in this case either.

Cue the apocalyptic visions...

BTW this makes the 13th time this administration has lost before the Supreme Court. Historically the Department of Justice win 75% of cases before SCOTUS, but this administration has lost the vast majority of cases.

Ineptitude combined with extreme positions that favor the power and will of the government over the individual has caused this administration to favor so poorly.

This administration isn't "inept" in the slightest.

What we are seeing is something conservatives use to hate.

Legislation by Justices.

And Scalia, Alito and Thomas are by far the worst judges ever to sit on the court.

Scalia is especially bad since he seems to know better.

Alito and Thomas are bumps on the log.

You sure wasn't bitching when Roberts legislated from the bench when he stated obummbercare was a tax. You didn't bitch, did you?

But the right did, called him a trader/rhino, claimed he had a medical condition etc.. Where is all that now?
Most Christian denominations do not have a problem with blood transfusions, never heard of any that are against cancer treatments...well, maybe the westboro nuts do. But those types of churches are not in the mainstream.

Doesn't matter. The corporation can believe whatever religion they want.

They can believe in a religion called "Corptopia" that believes that workers shouldn't get paid for their work and no benefits whatsoever. With this ruling, they can do that. That's the "freedom" the right is raving about. Now they have the right to believe that and can challenge federal law like minimum wage, workers compensation, and others and say they don't have to follow those law because their closely held religious beliefs forbids them to do that.

Now the courts can't question the legitimacy of the ruling because everyone is allowed to believe whatever religion they want. Then other companies follow suit and believe the same thing.

That's the reality of this ruling. I hope it doesn't get that bad but this ruling opened that door.

The funny thing is that SCALIA ruled against an individual when he got fired for practicing his religion. He basically said that religious practices cannot circumvent the law.

This ruling is a complete reversal of that decision.

Unless, of course, this makes a business a "super citizen".


The liberal template has just surfaced........"smear the opponent".

Well played, sallow :lol:

BTW this makes the 13th time this administration has lost before the Supreme Court. Historically the Department of Justice win 75% of cases before SCOTUS, but this administration has lost the vast majority of cases.

Ineptitude combined with extreme positions that favor the power and will of the government over the individual has caused this administration to favor so poorly.

This administration isn't "inept" in the slightest.

What we are seeing is something conservatives use to hate.

Legislation by Justices.

And Scalia, Alito and Thomas are by far the worst judges ever to sit on the court.

Scalia is especially bad since he seems to know better.

Alito and Thomas are bumps on the log.

You sure wasn't bitching when Roberts legislated from the bench when he stated obummbercare was a tax. You didn't bitch, did you?

I actually thought that was a bad decision.

But I don't think Roberts is a bad justice.
That's a profoundly terrible ruling.

No, the terrible ruling was the one that said the federal government could fine us for NOT buying a product.

Well no. And the government does that all the time.

This is an extremely bad ruling because now it opens the floodgates for religious discrimination.

This is just as bad as the "Citizen's United" decision.

Conservatives have shown what they want is a Theocracy with this decision and a government that is ruled by the very rich.. :mad:

I probably missed it, but what other product does the Federal government require me to buy or be fined?
Are you for same sex marriage? You pro choice? How about shorter sentences for non violent crimes? Legalizing marijuana? Or any drug for that matter?

Is that your concept of individual freedom? Gay marriage, abortion on demand (with someone else paying the bill), legal drugs (with someone else paying the bill), and shorter jail sentences? Wow!

Where did I say legal drugs with someone paying the bills? And no that is just a smart part of what I think freedom is.
I think it was obvious I was making a point, sorry you are too partisan to get that.

You obviously are not familiar with this issue, but don't let that stop you from sharing your ill-informed opinions.

What you just said shows a stunning ignorance of what this issue is about. Sandra Fluke stood in front of Congress and said it is her right to force a Jesuit university to provide her, FREE OF CHARGE, contraceptive and abortion inducing drugs.

Likewise, the ACA forces employers to pay for these drugs--free of charge to the individual.
Where did the post go where some moron claimed the pill prevents the fertilized egg from implanting? Lol
I have work to do and can't find it now.
This administration isn't "inept" in the slightest.

What we are seeing is something conservatives use to hate.

Legislation by Justices.

And Scalia, Alito and Thomas are by far the worst judges ever to sit on the court.

Scalia is especially bad since he seems to know better.

Alito and Thomas are bumps on the log.

You sure wasn't bitching when Roberts legislated from the bench when he stated obummbercare was a tax. You didn't bitch, did you?

But the right did, called him a trader/rhino, claimed he had a medical condition etc.. Where is all that now?

Well, yeaaaaaah, His job is to interpret the law, not legislate from the bench.....which is exactly what he did.

No one was calling it a tax, until Roberts legislated it, Luissa.
Is that your concept of individual freedom? Gay marriage, abortion on demand (with someone else paying the bill), legal drugs (with someone else paying the bill), and shorter jail sentences? Wow!

Where did I say legal drugs with someone paying the bills? And no that is just a smart part of what I think freedom is.

I think it was obvious I was making a point, sorry you are too partisan to get that.

You obviously are not familiar with this issue, but don't let that stop you from sharing your ill-informed opinions.

What you just said shows a stunning ignorance of what this issue is about. Sandra Fluke stood in front of Congress and said it is her right to force a Jesuit university to provide her, FREE OF CHARGE, contraceptive and abortion inducing drugs.

Likewise, the ACA forces employers to pay for these drugs--free of charge to the individual.

Yes, I am familiar with that.
It had nothing to do with what I was referring to. Please keep up. ;)
Doesn't matter. The corporation can believe whatever religion they want.

They can believe in a religion called "Corptopia" that believes that workers shouldn't get paid for their work and no benefits whatsoever. With this ruling, they can do that. That's the "freedom" the right is raving about. Now they have the right to believe that and can challenge federal law like minimum wage, workers compensation, and others and say they don't have to follow those law because their closely held religious beliefs forbids them to do that.

Now the courts can't question the legitimacy of the ruling because everyone is allowed to believe whatever religion they want. Then other companies follow suit and believe the same thing.

That's the reality of this ruling. I hope it doesn't get that bad but this ruling opened that door.

The funny thing is that SCALIA ruled against an individual when he got fired for practicing his religion. He basically said that religious practices cannot circumvent the law.

This ruling is a complete reversal of that decision.

Unless, of course, this makes a business a "super citizen".


The liberal template has just surfaced........"smear the opponent".

Well played, sallow :lol:

I'm sorry but what?

You don't think there is an issue with Scalia effectively reversing a previous decision?


Now businesses can force their female employees to wear burkas, dance with snakes, take communion--oh wait none of that is true...


Yes, they can.

I honestly can't think of a single job where anyone is FORCED to do a single thing. As an employee, the employee always has the choice whether to continue to work or Quit.
It's very simple...Don't like the Job find a different job :laugh2:
Id rather we amend Obamacare out of existence.

Roberts has made clear the options above are not options.

I highly doubt Justice Roberts can or would prevent Congress from amending Obamacare out of existence.

Politically, it is not an option, Avatar, which is my fault for not being clear.

Roberts had the change to nuke ACA. He didn't, and he won't.

Technocratically, administratively, and politically, we have ACA.

Any attempt to amend it out of existence will not succeed.
The funny thing is that SCALIA ruled against an individual when he got fired for practicing his religion. He basically said that religious practices cannot circumvent the law.

This ruling is a complete reversal of that decision.

Unless, of course, this makes a business a "super citizen".


The liberal template has just surfaced........"smear the opponent".

Well played, sallow :lol:

I'm sorry but what?

You don't think there is an issue with Scalia effectively reversing a previous decision?



Gee, who would of thunk that a provision of an Obama law is ruled unConstitutional

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