Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

The funny thing is that SCALIA ruled against an individual when he got fired for practicing his religion. He basically said that religious practices cannot circumvent the law.

This ruling is a complete reversal of that decision.

Unless, of course, this makes a business a "super citizen".


The liberal template has just surfaced........"smear the opponent".

Well played, sallow :lol:

I'm sorry but what?

You don't think there is an issue with Scalia effectively reversing a previous decision?



That law if I remember correctly was when the religious time was on company time.
This isn't dealing with the same thing.
The contraceptives at issue before the court were the emergency contraceptives Plan B and ella, and two IUDs.

My wife works for Hobby Lobby and receives contraception under the insurance they provide. They did not want to provide ABORTION causing drugs. The so-called morning after pill.

The left is obsessed with abortion. It is the holy sacrament.

The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.

Semantics asshole. I consider it an abortion-inducing drug, and guess what ASSHOLE so does Planned Parenthood.

[ame=]The Abortion Pill - Planned Parenthood - YouTube[/ame]

"is it really about the man obama, or was it really their objection to the new legislation which mandated it? (a rhetorical question)"

When it comes to this admin, it is both.
Well, now that we know that corporations have authority to make decisions regarding their employees, based on their religious beliefs, I guess that Mormon corporations can start firing people who have had their Temple Card withdrawn by the church, because they are no longer in good standing with the church...for failure to tithe 10% of their income, for instance.

Way to go, supporting liberty, conservatives!
You sure wasn't bitching when Roberts legislated from the bench when he stated obummbercare was a tax. You didn't bitch, did you?

But the right did, called him a trader/rhino, claimed he had a medical condition etc.. Where is all that now?

Well, yeaaaaaah, His job is to interpret the law, not legislate from the bench.....which is exactly what he did.

No one was calling it a tax, until Roberts legislated it, Luissa.

But he isn't legislating now?
He didn't legislate into it being a tax, he pretty much just called it what it is.
So you have the right to your opinion? But I don't have the right to my opinion?

And I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you. You have no clue how stupid and bigoted you are.

You still don't get it... poor little homo.

You spout off about me being a bigot simply because I don't accept your deviant sexual perversion, yet there are no bigger, louder, more outspoken, arrogant, militant bigots on the planet than you freakin' homo mafia sorts. You're actually WORSE than what you say you hate.


Can't spell it out anymore clearly than that to you. If you're still too dense to get it, then I was right the first time, you're too stupid to talk here.

I am gay now? Lol homo mafia? You should seek help.
And no I will never be tolerant of your hate, doesn't mean I hate you. You will never get it 007. You are too filled with hate and bigotry.
But why do you hate gays so much L?

You must hate them if you're so offended by being called one.
No, the terrible ruling was the one that said the federal government could fine us for NOT buying a product.

Well no. And the government does that all the time.

This is an extremely bad ruling because now it opens the floodgates for religious discrimination.

This is just as bad as the "Citizen's United" decision.

Conservatives have shown what they want is a Theocracy with this decision and a government that is ruled by the very rich.. :mad:

I probably missed it, but what other product does the Federal government require me to buy or be fined?

I guess you've never owned a business, have you?

When I owned a bar I was forced to purchase "Commercial" quality appliances or be fined. I couldn't even have a personal microwave on the premises.
Well, now that we know that corporations have authority to make decisions regarding their employees, based on their religious beliefs, I guess that Mormon corporations can start firing people who have had their Temple Card withdrawn by the church, because they are no longer in good standing with the church...for failure to tithe 10% of their income, for instance.

Way to go, supporting liberty, conservatives!

Go back to the ruling and show all of us where the ruling is as broad as you claim, Okay....I'll be waiting.
Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

It makes me wonder. Suppose they have a religious objection to homsexuality. Can they refuse to cover drugs to treat aids?

That's a strawman. Aids doesn't always afflict homosexuals. Thus such reasoning is preposterous. To say that anyone would use their religion to deny anyone with aids the treatment they need is nothing but argumentum ad baculum. Plenty of heterosexual people who have aids need treatment too. Such a view is naturally counterproductive.
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Well no. And the government does that all the time.

This is an extremely bad ruling because now it opens the floodgates for religious discrimination.

This is just as bad as the "Citizen's United" decision.

Conservatives have shown what they want is a Theocracy with this decision and a government that is ruled by the very rich.. :mad:

I probably missed it, but what other product does the Federal government require me to buy or be fined?

I guess you've never owned a business, have you?

When I owned a bar I was forced to purchase "Commercial" quality appliances or be fined. I couldn't even have a personal microwave on the premises.

I think the point of this issue escapes you.
The contraceptives at issue before the court were the emergency contraceptives Plan B and ella, and two IUDs.

My wife works for Hobby Lobby and receives contraception under the insurance they provide. They did not want to provide ABORTION causing drugs. The so-called morning after pill.

The left is obsessed with abortion. It is the holy sacrament.

The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.

Semantics asshole. I consider it an abortion-inducing drug, and guess what ASSHOLE so does Planned Parenthood.

[ame=]The Abortion Pill - Planned Parenthood - YouTube[/ame]


Wow! You are a special kind of stupid. Learn the difference between the abortion pill and plan b.
But the right did, called him a trader/rhino, claimed he had a medical condition etc.. Where is all that now?

Well, yeaaaaaah, His job is to interpret the law, not legislate from the bench.....which is exactly what he did.

No one was calling it a tax, until Roberts legislated it, Luissa.

But he isn't legislating now?
He didn't legislate into it being a tax, he pretty much just called it what it is.

That was his interpretation, not obama's, or the republicans, just Roberts.
Well, now that we know that corporations have authority to make decisions regarding their employees, based on their religious beliefs, I guess that Mormon corporations can start firing people who have had their Temple Card withdrawn by the church, because they are no longer in good standing with the church...for failure to tithe 10% of their income, for instance.

Way to go, supporting liberty, conservatives!

I can't help but notice how upset liberals are. Plus, I don't think you have any place lecturing folks on liberty. I mean, you want to deny the religious liberty of a business owner and you want to rob someone of the right to purchase the healthcare they want.
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I will give you a hint one prevents pregnancy, the other terminates it. That Video is for the abortion not Plan B.
Oh! Wow! That was awesome. Lol

BTW this makes the 13th time this administration has lost before the Supreme Court. Historically the Department of Justice win 75% of cases before SCOTUS, but this administration has lost the vast majority of cases.

Ineptitude combined with extreme positions that favor the power and will of the government over the individual has caused this administration to favor so poorly.

This administration isn't "inept" in the slightest.

What we are seeing is something conservatives use to hate.

Legislation by Justices.

And Scalia, Alito and Thomas are by far the worst judges ever to sit on the court.

Scalia is especially bad since he seems to know better.

Alito and Thomas are bumps on the log.

Ruling on Constitutional rights is not re-writing the law.
Justice Roberts re-wrote the Affordable Health Care Act. That's Legislation by a Justice.

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