Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.

Semantics asshole. I consider it an abortion-inducing drug, and guess what ASSHOLE so does Planned Parenthood.

[ame=]The Abortion Pill - Planned Parenthood - YouTube[/ame]


Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The "abortion pill" mentioned in that video is Mifeprex, more commonly known as RU-486. It is an abortion pill in that it can terminate a pregnancy.

You are confusing that with the morning after pill, Levonorgestrel, which prevents a pregnancy from occurring. It does not terminate an abortion and is not an "abortion pill."

He even negged me with the same link. Lol
You can't make that shit up. Hahahaha
I guess you've never owned a business, have you?

When I owned a bar I was forced to purchase "Commercial" quality appliances or be fined. I couldn't even have a personal microwave on the premises.

I think the point of this issue escapes you.

Well didn't.

Since I came up with a pertinent example that addressed the post.

Actually,..... you missed the point.

Go re-read the first amendment.

Key words: Freedom of Religion
Well, now that we know that corporations have authority to make decisions regarding their employees, based on their religious beliefs, I guess that Mormon corporations can start firing people who have had their Temple Card withdrawn by the church, because they are no longer in good standing with the church...for failure to tithe 10% of their income, for instance.

Way to go, supporting liberty, conservatives!

Go back to the ruling and show all of us where the ruling is as broad as you claim, Okay....I'll be waiting.

I certainly don't know why not. If a Utah corporation believes that their religions beliefs are against financial outlay to someone who is an avowed atheist, I figure that this ruling will give them the right to tell the atheist to find another job, just like telling another employee that the corporation is not going to violate their religious beliefs by encouraging and facilitating their employees use of an abortion pill. It is not a big step. Corporations have, for years, refused to hire someone who uses tobacco.

So, where in the ruling does it say what you think it says? If you bother to read once in a while, the ruling stated that GOVERNMENT may not force a closely knit corporation to violate their religious beliefs by statute. This ruling does not apply to super big corporate entities at all.

Sigh, you liberals are completely clueless.
June 30th, 2014, the day when many a liberal head exploded. Man, it's gonna take a while to get this off the walls...

You're either against violent rhetoric OR you are against violent rhetoric and lies and bullshit when it isn't from your team.

Which is it?
The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.

Semantics asshole. I consider it an abortion-inducing drug, and guess what ASSHOLE so does Planned Parenthood.

[ame=]The Abortion Pill - Planned Parenthood - YouTube[/ame]

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The "abortion pill" mentioned in that video is Mifeprex, more commonly known as RU-486. It is an abortion pill in that it can terminate a pregnancy.

You are confusing that with the morning after pill, Levonorgestrel, which prevents a pregnancy from occurring. It does not terminate an abortion and is not an "abortion pill."

I wish there was a pill that prevents progressivism.
But the right did, called him a trader/rhino, claimed he had a medical condition etc.. Where is all that now?

Well, yeaaaaaah, His job is to interpret the law, not legislate from the bench.....which is exactly what he did.

No one was calling it a tax, until Roberts legislated it, Luissa.

The problem with that ruling is that it makes Obamacare an illegal law. The Obamacare bill originated in the Senate, and tax bills have to originate in the House. That is why the Democrats were so careful not to use the word "tax" in the bill.

The government lawyers that argued the case in front of the Supreme Court used the word "tax" as their reason to pass the law.
Semantics asshole. I consider it an abortion-inducing drug, and guess what ASSHOLE so does Planned Parenthood.

The Abortion Pill - Planned Parenthood - YouTube

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The "abortion pill" mentioned in that video is Mifeprex, more commonly known as RU-486. It is an abortion pill in that it can terminate a pregnancy.

You are confusing that with the morning after pill, Levonorgestrel, which prevents a pregnancy from occurring. It does not terminate an abortion and is not an "abortion pill."

I wish there was a pill that prevents progressivism.

Sadly retardation is a common affliction.
The contraceptives at issue before the court were the emergency contraceptives Plan B and ella, and two IUDs.

My wife works for Hobby Lobby and receives contraception under the insurance they provide. They did not want to provide ABORTION causing drugs. The so-called morning after pill.

The left is obsessed with abortion. It is the holy sacrament.

The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.

For those who believe life begins at conception, the "morning after" drug IS abortion.
Semantics asshole. I consider it an abortion-inducing drug, and guess what ASSHOLE so does Planned Parenthood.

The Abortion Pill - Planned Parenthood - YouTube

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The "abortion pill" mentioned in that video is Mifeprex, more commonly known as RU-486. It is an abortion pill in that it can terminate a pregnancy.

You are confusing that with the morning after pill, Levonorgestrel, which prevents a pregnancy from occurring. It does not terminate an abortion and is not an "abortion pill."

I wish there was a pill that prevents progressivism.
You don't need a pill for that. You are always free to move to a country where you won't find any progressives.
I think the point of this issue escapes you.

Well didn't.

Since I came up with a pertinent example that addressed the post.

Actually,..... you missed the point.

Go re-read the first amendment.

Key words: Freedom of Religion

And those rights are for individuals.

They were never meant for corporate entities.

And with good reason.

Having commerce promote religion is just as bad as having government do it.
The contraceptives at issue before the court were the emergency contraceptives Plan B and ella, and two IUDs.

My wife works for Hobby Lobby and receives contraception under the insurance they provide. They did not want to provide ABORTION causing drugs. The so-called morning after pill.

The left is obsessed with abortion. It is the holy sacrament.

The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.

For those who believe life begins at conception, the "morning after" drug IS abortion.

When it works, the morning after pill prevents conception. There is no conception so there is no abortion.
Well didn't.

Since I came up with a pertinent example that addressed the post.

Actually,..... you missed the point.

Go re-read the first amendment.

Key words: Freedom of Religion

And those rights are for individuals.

They were never meant for corporate entities.

And with good reason.

Having commerce promote religion is just as bad as having government do it.

I wish I could see your blood pressure numbers right now.
I'll make it even simpler. Why should a Kentucky Pentecostal corporation...let's say, for example, the guys who built the Creationist Museum in forced to pay for treatment of a poisonous snake bite, if their religion teaches them that snake handling is a religious test from god, to be endured and overcome through faith? Why should a Muslim corporation have to employ female workers who violate their beliefs by not wearing burkas at work? Why should fundamental Jews be forced to pay for RX obtained on the Sabbath, when they believe that no one should be doing anything but prayer and devotion on that day?
This administration isn't "inept" in the slightest.

What we are seeing is something conservatives use to hate.

Legislation by Justices.

And Scalia, Alito and Thomas are by far the worst judges ever to sit on the court.

Scalia is especially bad since he seems to know better.

Alito and Thomas are bumps on the log.

Ruling on Constitutional rights is not re-writing the law.

Justice Roberts re-wrote the Affordable Health Care Act. That's Legislation by a Justice.

Kind of like confusing what Plan B is?

It is not stopping any woman from buying the morning after pill or getting it for free from a clinic.
This is about the religious family owned businesses being forced to provide the morning after pill.
Why should they be responsible for a woman who had unprotected sex the night before?
If a woman wants to be irresponsibly then she should pay for it, not her employer.
It makes me wonder. Suppose they have a religious objection to homsexuality. Can they refuse to cover drugs to treat aids?

I wonder if they will deny Viagra to single men, or men who's partner has gone through menopause?

Most insurances DON'T pay for Viagra, Cialis, etc.

Actually many do. Trust me, I order it for a few male married residents and unmarried. :eek:
Which I have no problem with. Life is too short to not have sex when you are 90 if you can.

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