Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

It makes me wonder. Suppose they have a religious objection to homsexuality. Can they refuse to cover drugs to treat aids?

That's a strawman. Aids doesn't always afflict homosexuals. Thus such reasoning is preposterous.

Doesn't matter

Why can't Hobby Lobby refuse to cover drugs that treat AIDS? They can have religious convictions against sexually transmitted disease

What if they firmly believe AIDS is gods punishment?

It does matter. AIDS can kill you. Abortion doesn't. You can't conveniently get rid of AIDS when it pleases you. You can kill a child in an instant if it suits your fancy. I can't help but notice how you and your friends are trying to deflect away from and downplay this decision.

Life is riddled with "what ifs." I suggest you take those "what ifs" and shove them. I'm sorry you can't wrap your mind around this decision, but please keep your facile attempts at philosophy away from me.

In short: deal with it.
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You're either against violent rhetoric OR you are against violent rhetoric and lies and bullshit when it isn't from your team.

Which is it?

Huh? What are you talking about?

Weren't you guys cheering when they upheld Obamacare? Now look at you. Your world has come crashing down around you. If you're against violent rhetoric, condemn this

?Fu*k you:? Left-wingers want to ?burn down? Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

then get back to me.

You're a hypocrite.

Such a witty riposte! And how am I a hypocrite now?
It is not stopping any woman from buying the morning after pill or getting it for free from a clinic.

This is about the religious family owned businesses being forced to provide the morning after pill.

Why should they be responsible for a woman who had unprotected sex the night before?

If a woman wants to be irresponsibly then she should pay for it, not her employer.

I don't they should have to cover it. Buying it once for fifty dollars is very educational. I just wish the Supreme Court and hobby lobby would be honest about what it actually is.

I actually have no problem with Hobby Lobby, they provide birth control coverage. It's the dishonesty about Plan B that gets me.

What dishonesty?

The court and hobby lobby is very clear that plan B prevents a fertilized egg from developing any further by inhibiting it's attachment to the uterus.

There are 4 contraceptions that do this and hobby lobby won their rights not to cover them.

It prevents or disrupts ovulation. After this point it is ineffective. Please stop being an idiot.

I have been trying to find what birth control they do cover. Mostly because Plan B is the same hormone in many forms of birth control. I will laugh my ass off if they are pretty much covering the same thing.
Oh, lookie what I found:

The Green family has no moral objection to the use of 16 of 20 preventive contraceptives required in the mandate, and Hobby Lobby will continue its longstanding practice of covering these preventive contraceptives for its employees. However, the Green family cannot provide or pay for four potentially life-threatening drugs and devices. These drugs include Plan B and Ella, the so-called morning-after pill and the week-after pill. Covering these drugs and devices would violate their deeply held religious belief that life begins at the moment of conception, when an egg is fertilized.
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby -
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The "abortion pill" mentioned in that video is Mifeprex, more commonly known as RU-486. It is an abortion pill in that it can terminate a pregnancy.

You are confusing that with the morning after pill, Levonorgestrel, which prevents a pregnancy from occurring. It does not terminate an abortion and is not an "abortion pill."

I wish there was a pill that prevents progressivism.
You don't need a pill for that. You are always free to move to a country where you won't find any progressives.

I have no problem with progressives, but their isms are where we differ.

Isms such as fascism amongst others.
Oh, lookie what I found:

The Green family has no moral objection to the use of 16 of 20 preventive contraceptives required in the mandate, and Hobby Lobby will continue its longstanding practice of covering these preventive contraceptives for its employees. However, the Green family cannot provide or pay for four potentially life-threatening drugs and devices. These drugs include Plan B and Ella, the so-called morning-after pill and the week-after pill. Covering these drugs and devices would violate their deeply held religious belief that life begins at the moment of conception, when an egg is fertilized.
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby -

I wonder how many of those 16 are made out of the same hormone Plan B is?
And did anyone say they didn't cover some birth controls?
I really don't have a problem with them not covering Plan B. I just find it funny at least one of the birth controls they do cover has the same hormone in it.

"Levonorgestrel (or l-norgestrel or D-norgestrel) (Plan B, Next Choice, Postinor, "the morning after pill," and others[1]) is a second generation progestin (synthetic progestogen) used as an active ingredient in some hormonal contraceptives, including combined oral contraceptive pills, progestogen only pills, emergency contraceptive pills, intrauterine systems, contraceptive implants, and hormone replacement therapy."
The GOP war on the poor has now expanded to a war on poor women....they should be proud.
Oh, lookie what I found:

The Green family has no moral objection to the use of 16 of 20 preventive contraceptives required in the mandate, and Hobby Lobby will continue its longstanding practice of covering these preventive contraceptives for its employees. However, the Green family cannot provide or pay for four potentially life-threatening drugs and devices. These drugs include Plan B and Ella, the so-called morning-after pill and the week-after pill. Covering these drugs and devices would violate their deeply held religious belief that life begins at the moment of conception, when an egg is fertilized.
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby -

There it is. The difference between what HL is refusing to do and the left wing nut bull shit about blood transfusions and HIV.

Not that any of the sheeple will accept these facts.
Actually many do. Trust me, I order it for a few male married residents and unmarried. :eek:

Which I have no problem with. Life is too short to not have sex when you are 90 if you can.

Many more don't, Luissa. True story

I spend all day ordering meds, most do, including the VA. ;)

Many Insurers Are Deciding Not to Cover Cost of Viagra -

I'm wondering if it's medicare that pays for the oldtimers?

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